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□ 刊发于《中外建筑》

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主编语Chief editor's words 001 “面”谈
About Faces
   蒋涤非 JIANG Difei
008 多面城市,重庆
Multidimensional City,Chongqing
黄 耘等HUANG Yun etc.
024 让市民大众近距离认识城市建构
——香港·深圳城市 \ 建筑双城双年展(上)
Let Citizen to Know the City's Structure in a Near Distance
——Hongkong·Shenzhen“Two Years Two Citys' City & Architecture Exhibition”(I)
何莹Vivi He Ying
027 从容做建筑
Taking the Architecture Easy
——An Interview with Li Xiaodong,an Outstanding Young Architect
罗 劲 屈湘玲LUO Jing QU Xiangling
004 多面城市——重庆
Multidimensional City,Chongqing
黄 耘等HUANG Yun etc.
024 让市民大众近距离认识城市建构
——香港·深圳城市 \ 建筑双城双年展(上)
Let Citizen to Know the City's Structure in a Near Distance
——Hongkong·Shenzhen“Two Years Two Citys' City & Architecture Exhibition”(I)
何莹Vivi He Ying
063 行者匆匆,不是为了梦
Walking,Not for Dream
065 人类建筑的摇篮
The Cradle of Human Architecture
谭建华TAN Jianhua
066 中国陕北原生态窑洞建筑聚落
Aboriginal Cave-house Gatherings,North Shanxi,China
房海峰FANG Haifeng
084 (随笔) 罗德岛——回到中世纪
(Essay) Rhodes,Back to the Middle Ages
姜明明Mingming Visser
088 (手记)欧风随笔(一)
(Notes) Memory of Europe Landscape (part one)
袁海贝贝YUAN Haibeibei
092 “竹子的森林”——2007“德中同行”联合设计教学实践与体会
Bamboo Forest,the Teaching Practice and Experience of 2007“Walk Together Germany & China”
刘佳佳 等LIU Jiajia etc.
096 中西合璧的民居建筑——宋氏小洋楼
Song's Family House:a Civilian Buiding Integrating the Chinese and Western Styles
蔡昱CAI Yu
100 苏北传统民居木雕艺术研究
Research of the Traditional House Wood Carving Art in Northern Jiangsu
蒋露瑶 等JIANG Luyao etc.
103 谈中国现代园林景观雕塑的民族化意识
Nationalized Consciousness of the Modern Garden Sight Sculpture in China
肖小裘 等XIAO Xiaoqiu etc.
106 校园文化空间的延伸——复旦南区步行街的场景调查
The Extension of the Cultural Space in the Campus
——The Investigation of the Pedestrian Mall in the South District of Fudan University
谭若霜TAN Ruoshuang
110 现代精美主义建筑风格的冷静表达——益阳市益秀园小区建筑设计谈
Calm Expression of the Modern Aestheticism Architecture Style
——Discuss the Yixiu Garden Residence District's Buildings in Yiyang City
林灿球LIN Canqiu
114 休闲式酒店园林景观设计探析 ——以张家界湘电国际酒店园林设计为例
Discuss the Landscape Design of the Recreational Hotel's Garden
——With the Planning and Design of Xiangdian International Hotel in Zhangjiajie City As an Example
杨铁夫YANG Tiefu
117 办公环境生态设计策略的应用——郑煤集团办公楼方案设计
The Application of Eco-design Strategies on Office Environment
——Zheng Mei Group Office Building Design
陈红 等CHEN Hong etc.
121 激光遥感技术——古建筑与历史街区保护的新契机
The Laser Remote Sensing Technology
——A Great Chance for Protecting Ancient Architectures and Historic Districts
庞前聪 等PANG Qiancong etc.
125 高速老龄化社会背景下的老年人社区开发模式探讨
Discuss the Elderly' Community Development Mode in the Background of High Speed Aged Society
贺璟寰HE Jinghuan
128 大跨度有粘结预应力楼盖框架主梁结构设计探讨
Discuss the Design of the Large Span Felted Fore-stress Floor-cover Framework Girder Structure
胡卫民HU Weimin
130 顶部自由、底部嵌固桩计入自重的屈曲分析
Flexuosity Analysis of the Peg with Itself Weight Which's Top Free But Bottom Fixed
王继翔 WANG Jixiang
132 地基承载力的模糊可靠度分析研究
Analysis and Research of the Inkling Credibility of the Groundwork's Carrying Capacity
欧景谊 等OU Jingyi etc.
134 浅谈在建筑设计中综合考虑建筑节能与建筑噪声控制——以湖南(夏热冬冷)地区为例
Discuss Architecture Energy-saving and Yawp-control among the Architecture Design
——With Hunan Province as an Example(Hot in the Summer,Cold in the Winter)
137 高层建筑电气设计中低压供配电系统安全性分析探讨
Discuss the Safety of Low-pressure Power-supply and Distribution System among High Layer Architecture Electric Design
金建中JIN Jianzhong

快递 Express
140 资讯:News

146 荷兰Dupon办公室:明朗色彩,明媚心情
Holand Dupon Office: Bright Color,Bright Mood
何莹Vivi He Ying
现有评论:0 [查看/发表]

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