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□ 刊发于《中外建筑》

□ 阅读次数:5750
□ 现有评论:1

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discussion话题 依然摩登--上海建筑师话城市建筑与城市生活
Still Modren——Architects in Shanghai Talk About City Life and City Architecture
何莹、陆黍  把建筑交给女性
Vivi Ying He Bring Architecture in the Female’hands
Vivi Ying HE Vinyl Group: 一人有一个梦想
Vinyl Group: A design Dream in Shanghai

Vivi HE Ying Sigma NING 智造局PARK 2 SPACE
宁中意    1933老场坊
Ning Zhongyi 1933 old millfun
翻译 刘丛  上海雕塑艺术中心
The Shanghai Sculpture Space
谢振昌 孙刚  铭大创意园 
Xie Zhenchang Sun Gang Minda Creative Park
Vivi HE Ying   尚街LOFT 时尚生活园
Vivi HE Ying HIGHSTREET LOFT Fashion Center
翻译 Tony FU  苏州X2街区
Tony FU Suzhou X2 Creative Zone
历史老街 古韵犹存----长沙太平街历史文化街区保护规划及实施
historical Streets: Changsha Tai Ping Area
洪湖 一个没有高层,没有立交的国度
Hong Hu A Country without High-rises and Highways
(随笔)裘晓萍 当雪花飘落的时候
(Essay) QIU Xiao Ping When it Shows
(随笔)何龙江、梁芳洁 赫尔辛基的建筑艺术
(Essay) HE Long Jiang LIANG Fang Jie Architecture in Helsinki
(手记)宋盈 山西:我的建筑宝贝
(Notes) SONG Ying Shan Xi: My Architectural Treasure
王祖远 12位现代建筑家设计的茶杯和茶碟
12 Contemporary Architects Designed 12 Cups & Saucers
王雅涵 大学校园外部空间的叙事性建构——以美国宾夕法尼亚大学校园空间为例
The Narrative Construction of Campus Outdoor Space: A Case Study of University of Pennsylvania
邹威 付瑶 杨宁 自然主义与理性主义的完美交织---解读贝尼奇-贝尼奇及合伙人建筑师事务所的作品北德意志银行办公大楼
Perfect Combination of Naturalism and Rationalism--- the analysis of Norddeutsche Landesbank, the project of Behnisch, Behnisch&Partnership
靳志强 城市工业遗产的社区化改造
Transforming city industrial heritage into public activity places of community
姜利勇 缪剑锋 交流的场所、交往的空间── 重庆三峡职业学院新教学楼设计
The Region for Communicate、The Space for Contact
── The Design of the New Teaching House of Chongqing Three Gorges Vacational College
胡玮 陈准 新城市主义设计思想的实践—-以大连开发区南部滨海新区规划设计方案为例
Practice of the New Urbanism——With the Planning Design of South Seashore Districts as an Example
李红 li hong 中外乳品工业建筑的异同
Study on the Similarities and Differences of Milk Industrial Architecture in China and Foreign Countries
快递 Express
SPACE空间:Pure Color SPACE纯色空间
  丹麦卡尔福办公室Carl F Shanghai Office
奥美(荷兰)办公室Carl F Shanghai Office
现有评论:1 [查看/发表]

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