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Preliminary Announcement on Collection of Architectural Conceptual Design for China (Keqiao) Textile Museum

The Collection of Architectural Conceptual Design for China (Keqiao) Textile Museum will soon be launched, and it is now open to global design teams for pre-registration and registration of intentions!

01 项目背景
Project background

自古以来,绍兴柯桥就是全国知名的纺织之乡。以打造现代化“国际纺都 杭绍星城”为目标,依托良好的纺织文化积淀和强大的纺织产业基础,柯桥形成了全国纺织产业链最完整、纺织产能最大、专业市场最大的纺织产业集群,以“一块布”推动着区域经济发展,编织出伟大的产业梦、创意梦、国际梦。历经四十年的发展,中国轻纺城已成为全球最大的纺织品集散中心,每年全球约四分之一的纺织品在此交易,柯桥实现了从“河边布街”到“国际纺都”的蝶变。
Since ancient times, Keqiao in Shaoxing has been a renowned textile town in China. With the goal of building a modern “Hangzhou-Shaoxing Star City as an International Textile Capital”, and relying on a good textile culture heritage and a strong textile industry foundation, Keqiao has formed the textile industry cluster with the most complete textile industry chain, the largest textile production capacity and the largest professional market in China. Keqiao promotes regional economic development with “one piece of cloth” and weaves great industrial dreams, creative dreams, and international dreams. After forty years of development, China Textile City has become the largest textile distribution center in the world, and about one quarter of the world’s textiles are traded here every year. Keqiao has realized the dramatic change from a “Riverside Street” to an “International Textile Capital”.
In order to highlight the textile culture rooted in urban genes, create a unique cultural landmark, play the leading role of major projects in urban construction and market development, strengthen the internationalization function of the textile market, and promote the better development of the textile industry, the district committee and the district government has actively planned and pushed forward the construction of the Textile Museum.

02 项目概况
Project overview

The project is located in the east of the core area of Keqiao urban area, south of Yunji Road and west of Hudong Road. The plot is adjacent to the Zhedong Canal in the south and Guazhu Lake in the north, with variegated rivers and rich landscape resources. The south side of the Zhedong Canal is the elevated road of Textile City Avenue, which connects to Shaoxing city in the east and Hangzhou Central Ring Road in the west, providing convenient external transportation. On both sides of the Zhedong Canal, the traditional trading area of the textile market is gathered, and the industrial foundation is deep.
The construction land area of this project is 3.45 hectares (subject to the land grant conditions), the plot ratio is no greater than 2.0, the building density is no greater than 45%, the green area ratio is no less than 10%, and the building height limit is implemented according to the requirements of the grand canal control.

03 项目定位
Project positioning

纺织博物院项目是以中国轻纺城为主题,充分展示纺织文化与纺织产业的特色文化综合体项目,定位为创新型、复合型文化综合体,功能为国家级综合博物馆兼容文化会展、文化创意、纺织品综合服务、旅游休闲功能等多种文化功能。The Textile Museum project is a cultural complex project with the theme of China Textile City, fully showcasing the characteristics of textile culture and the textile industry. It is positioned as an innovative and composite cultural complex, with the function as a national comprehensive museum compatible with cultural exhibitions, cultural creativity, textile comprehensive services, tourism and leisure functions, and other cultural functions.

04 预报名登记

本次竞赛正式公告将于近期发布,欢迎国内外具有类似成功案例的设计团队进行预报名及投标意向登记。有意参与竞赛的单位,请点击下方二维码填写预报名信息,预报名截止时间为北京时间2024年3 月12日16时。正式竞赛公告发布后,我们亦会邮件通知预报名团队。The official announcement of this competition will be released soon. Design teams with similar successful cases at home and abroad are welcome to pre-register and register their bidding intentions. If you are interested in participating in this competition, please click on the QR code below to fill in the pre-registration information, the deadline for pre-registration is Beijing Time 4:00 PM, March 12, 2024. After the official announcement of this competition is released, we will also notify the pre-registered teams by email.

05 特别提示

The pre-registration form does not serve as an official registration submission for this competition.

06 组织机构

Organizer: Zhejiang China Light & Textile Industrial City Group Co., Ltd.
Contact: Wu Chuyang
电 话:0575-84118861Tel.: 0575-84118861
Agency: Zhejiang Chengtao Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.
联 系 人:谢海宁
Contact: Xie Haining
电 话:0571-87316201、13588039506
Tel: 0571-87316201, 13588039506
Address: Room 1706, F17, West Building, Xiandai Zhiye Buiding, No. 42, Wenhui Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou
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