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评审成果揭晓 | 东莞滨海湾新区威远岛重点地段城市设计国际竞赛

Result Announcement | International Competition for The Urban Design of Key Areas of Weiyuan Island, Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan

Since the pre-announcement of the International Competition for The Urban Design of Key Areas of Weiyuan Island, Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan on August 19, 2023, followed by the official announcement on September 9, 2023, there has been extensive coverage through renowned professional media channels both in China and internationally. Consequently, the project has garnered considerable attention and engagement from numerous design companies, both domestically and internationally. In total, 22 teams (inclusive of consortia), representing 54 design companies, have registered for the competition. A pre-qualification meeting for the project was held on October 20, where 6 well-known experts and 1 representative of the sponsor were invited to select 5 shortlisted teams (without ranking) and 2 alternate teams (with ranking).

On January 16, 2024, the outcome review meeting for the International Competition for The Urban Design of Key Areas of Weiyuan Island, Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan, sponsored by the Management Committee of Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan, was successfully held at Yingbin Hotel Dongguan.

本次方案评审委员由来自国内外城市规划与城市设计、建筑设计、景观设计、交通规划等领域的8位知名专家和1位主办方代表组成,包括Colin Ward先生、蔡明先生、李宝章先生、马小毅先生、唐凯先生、袁昕先生、朱荣远先生、章明先生和周中望先生(按姓氏拼音排序)。专家们一致推选唐凯先生担任此次评审委员会组长。
The Outcome Review Jury of this event is composed of 8 renowned experts from various fields such as urban planning and urban design, architectural design, landscape design, and mobility planning from both China and abroad, and 1 representative from the sponsor. The members include Mr. Colin Ward, Mr. Cai Ming, Mr. Bo Li, Mr. Ma Xiaoyi,Mr. Tang Kai,Mr. Yuan Xin,Mr. Zhu Rongyuan,Mr. Zhang Ming and Mr. Zhou Zhongwang(in alphabetical order according to surnames). The experts unanimously elected Mr. Tang Kai as the jury chair.

The Outcome Review Jury, after considering presentations on the project overview, the design brief, and the review rules, meticulously evaluated the proposals from the 5 shortlisted design teams. This comprehensive process included a thorough examination and detailed discussion of each team’s project documents. Following several rounds of voting, the jury ultimately selected the top 3 recommended candidate design teams without ranking, as well as the other 2 shortlisted teams with excellent proposals. The selected teams are as follows:

The review jury provided detailed comments on each shortlisted proposal, offering opinions and suggestions for further refinement and improvement of the recommended candidate proposals. At the same time, they proposed guiding ideas for transforming Weiyuan Island into a high-quality, distinctive example of urban development.The review jury unanimously agreed that the proposals submitted by the shortlisted teams were impressive and diverse, each with its unique characteristics. They also proposed a variety of development ideas and implementation strategies, actively responding to the issues raised by the design brief.

Next, the sponsor will respect the Outcome Review Jury’s opinions and decide the ranking of the top three teams. Following this, they will undertake the integration and further development of the selected designs to ensure their feasibility and implementability. This will establish a solid foundation for the area’s development.

Management Committee of Binhaiwan Bay Area, Dongguan
RJRX Urban Planning & Design Consultants Co. Ltd., Shenzhen

后续将邀请5家设计团队分享与展示本次城市设计方案,敬请关注。Subsequently, the 5 design teams will be invited to share and showcase their urban design plans. Please stay tuned for updates.
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