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Announcement of the International Architectural Scheme Design Competition for Food Safety and Health Industrial Park in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

I. Competition name

International Architectural scheme Design Competition for Food Safety and Health Industrial Park in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

II. Competition organizer and competition agency

1.The organizer of this competition is Guangzhou Technology Finance Group Co., Ltd.
2.The competition agency of this project is Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
3.The competition is held in Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

III. The competition content

The contents of the competition is project architectural scheme design, including but not limited to: general layout planning and design, single building design, other professional design instructions, etc.Concept design and construction scheme design, winning a competition unit follow-up to guide the preliminary design and construction drawing design, full participation in the form of consulting all kinds of drawing design documents, deepen to the completion acceptance stage and is responsible for the whole design style, to ensure that the design concept, implemented and implementation effect, the design intent.

IV. Competition method

The competition will be open to the public through the announcement of the competition on the website, open to accept the registration of domestic and foreign design companies.

V. Competition entry
(I) Qualifications

1.The registered domestic design firm shall have the status of an independent legal person and provide a valid business license. The registered domestic design firm shall not be in the bad state of having its business license revoked, being ordered to close down or being revoked;An overseas design firm shall be a legally registered design firm in its locality and provide valid commercial registration certificate.Domestic and foreign units with the same person in charge or different units with holding or management relationship shall not register for the competition at the same time.(Note: Location refers to the main place where a company, enterprise or commercial company registers its business or establishes its office according to law)
2.The registered design firm shall meet the following requirements: If the registered design firm is a domestic design firm, it shall have class A qualification of professional design of construction industry (construction engineering);If the registered design firm is an overseas design institution, it shall provide the design license issued by the competent government department of the country or region where it is located or the relevant industry organization.Copy of relevant qualification certificate and company seal should be provided.
3.This competition does not accept individual registration.
4.The registered design firm shall have the performance of independently undertaking architectural design projects from January 1, 2017 to the deadline for registration (copies of contracts and other supporting documents shall be provided, and the performance calculation time shall be subject to the signing of contracts).
5.The project manager has served as the chief architect of international or domestic representative city construction projects, and won international or domestic authoritative, well-known awards or honors.
6.The design company to be sent by the registered design firm must have personnel with architectural professional background. If the design team is not equipped with personnel with architectural professional background, the architectural consultant team shall be invited (personnel with architectural professional background shall provide relevant documents of professional background, including but not limited to certificates of educational background and certificates of architectural professional title. Copy of award certificate or relevant performance certificate affixed with company seal).
7.The project manager must directly participate in the whole process of design activities, and attend the presentation in person after winning the bid (if unable to attend due to the impact of the epidemic, video presentation can be adopted).The registered design firm shall ensure that the project chief and main designers always participate in the design work and shall not be replaced in the middle of the project.
8. In order to ensure that the project designer has an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements in China, the overseas design firm shall have at least one person who is fluent in Chinese.
9.Consortiums are accepted for this competition.But only cooperation (consortium) in accordance with article 2 of the qualification conditions of this announcement and one domestic design firm will be accepted. Independent registration of overseas design firms will not be accepted for this competition.
10.The preliminary service agency of the competition shall not participate in the competition. The preliminary service agency is Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.

(II) Registration method

1.报名方式:符合资格要求的报名参赛单位必须将所有《参赛报名文件》在 7 月 20 日至2022年 7 月 29 日17:00 期间送达本项目竞赛代理机构,并将《参赛报名文件》扫描成电子版发邮件至hhm@giecc.com.cn,联系人及地址详见本公告第十三条。报名费用为人民币1000元整,逾期不接受报名。
1.Registration method: Qualified design companies shall submit registration materials from July 20, 2022 to 17:00 July 29, 2022 to Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd, And scanned into electronic version and sent to hhm@giecc.com.cn. The contact person and address are listed in Article 13 of this announcement.The registration fee is 1000 yuan,and late registrations will not be accepted.
2. The registration document shall contain at least the following contents (in duplicate) :
(1) 报名登记表;
(1) Registration form;
(2) 营业执照、资质证书;
(2) Business license and qualification certificate;
(3) 公司简介;
(3) Company profile;
(4) 项目负责人简历、代表作品及获奖证书。
(4) Resume of project leader, representative works and awards certificate..
3. The registration documents shall be arranged in A4 format and bound into a book, with one original and three copies.The original copy shall be stamped with the company seal as indicated in the format document and the cross-page seal.
4. 向报名单位发出《竞赛文件》、《设计任务书》:收到报名单位报名材料,且材料通过竞赛代理机构审核后一天内,以电子邮件的方式向报名单位发送。
4.Send "Competition Document" and "Design Specification" to the applicant: within one day after receiving the application materials of the applicant and passing the examination of the competition agency, the applicant shall be sent by email to the applicant.
5.If less than 5 design firms have submitted the registration documents by the deadline, the organizer may decide whether to extend the registration period according to the actual situation.

VI Competition Period

设计单位竞赛周期为2022年7月20日至2022年8月30日,竞赛单位递交设计方案时间为2022年 8 月 31 日,逾期不再接受设计方案,具体时间安排详见本公告附表。
The competition period of the design unit is from July 20, 2022 to August 30, 2022. The competition unit submits the design proposal on August 31, 2022, the design scheme will not be accepted after the deadline, and the specific time schedule is shown in the attached table of this announcement.

VII. Project funding

The project investment is about 1.30134 billion yuan, all of which will be invested by the organizers of the competition and the project funds have been settled.
On the premise of ensuring the design quality, the design unit should follow the principles of functional application, reasonable standard and reasonable economy to carry out the design work, implement the design quota, to ensure that the project estimate budget does not break through the quota target of the proposed project cost.

VIII.Reviewing method

1. 竞赛主办方委托竞赛代理机构组织评标委员会对报名竞赛单位,按《竞赛文件》中规定提交的设计成果等内容进行资格性审查。资格性审查通过后,评标委员会进行方案评审,对通过资格性审查的设计单位进行记名投票,最终选出5个设计方案作为优胜方案并形成《评标报告》。
1.The organizer entrusts the competition agency to organize the bid evaluation committee to examine the qualification of the applicants according to the design deliverables submitted in the “Competition Documents”.After passing the qualification examination, the bid evaluation committee will conduct scheme evaluation, and the design firms that pass the qualification examination will be voted by secret ballot. Finally, 5 design schemes will be selected as the winning schemes and the Bid Evaluation Report will be formed.
2. 由竞赛主办方组建定标委员会并召开定标会,评标委员会推荐的5个优胜方案作为中选候选方案推荐给定标委员会。
2. The competition organizer will set up a bidding committee and hold a bidding meeting, and the bidding evaluation committee will recommend 5 winning schemes as candidates to the bidding committee.
3. 定标委员会按《竞赛文件》规定,对所有中选候选方案进行评审,按评审投票推荐中选方案并出具《定标报告》,提请竞赛主办方审核确认中选结果。中选方案的设计单位将参与设计深化。
3. The bidding deciding committee shall evaluate all the bidding candidates according to the provisions of the “Competition Documents”, recommend the winning bidder and issue the Bidding Report according to the evaluation vote, and request the competition organizers to check and confirm the winning result.The winning design firm will participate in the deepening of the design.
4. 中选方案的设计单位获概念设计权、方案设计权、指导初步设计,以咨询的方式全程参与各类设计文件的绘制、深化至竣工验收阶段并负责整体设计方案风格把关,确保设计理念、效果,设计意图得到落实和实现。
5. The design unit of the winning project is entitled to the concept design right, the scheme design right, the guidance of the preliminary design, in the way of consultation to participate in the drawing of all kinds of design documents, deepening to the completion acceptance stage and responsible for the overall design scheme style check, to ensure that the design concept, effect, design intention is implemented and realized.

IX. Rewards and Economic Compensation

1.中选单位奖励人民币 30 万元,中选单位与竞赛主办方签订设计合同;须按主办方要求对竞赛方案进行整合深化,提交符合要求的整合深化成果后,可在此费用的基础上,另获得方案整合深化费用人民币 25 万元。即该中选单位共获得奖励人民币 55 万元。
1. The winning project will be awarded RMB 300,000, and the winning organization will sign a design contract with the competition organizer;Integration and deepening of the competition plan shall be carried out according to the requirements of the organizer. After submitting the integration and deepening results that meet the requirements, an additional integration and deepening fee of RMB 250,000 can be obtained on the basis of this fee.That is, the selected organization will be awarded 550,000 yuan in total.
2. The competition organizer or organizer designated unit with the following is not the winning project compensation contracts respectively pay economic compensation amount after (including taxes, design results using cost, design cost, intellectual property, cooperate with relevant project communication conference organizers all expenses such as travel expenses) :
(1) 中选候选单位第2-5名,每家参赛单位(联合体视为一家参赛单位)可获得经济补偿费人民币10 万元;
(1) For the 2nd to 5th winning candidates, each participating an comapny (consortium regarded as one participating company) will be entitled to a economic compensation of RMB 100,000;
(2) 中选单位及中选候选单位第2-5名的所有文件,包括但不限于各种图纸和文件数据,均专供本项目使用,所涉文件的知识产权(包括但不限于版权)归属于竞赛主办方。
(2) All the documents of the winner and the runners-up 2-5, including but not limited to all kinds of drawings and document data, are exclusively for the use of this project, and the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright) of the documents involved belong to the organizer of the competition.
(3) 竞赛主办方或竞赛主办方指定单位和中选单位有权在实施方案中参考使用获得经济补偿的所有设计方案成果的部分内容。
(3) The competition sponsor or the organization designated by the competition sponsor and the winning bidder have the right to refer to and use part of all the design results that have obtained economic compensation in the implementation plan.
(4) 如果竞赛失败,则当次不向任何单位支付经济补偿。
(4) If the competition fails, no economic compensation will be paid to any unit.
3.The cost compensation of the design competition shall be paid in RMB, which shall be settled by the competition organizer or the organization designated by the competition organizer and the participating organizations.
(1) The participant whose design results are deemed invalid by the evaluation committee and whose design results are ranked no. 5 (excluding no. 5) will not be compensated for any competition costs.
(2) 本次设计竞赛活动的经济补偿费包含参赛单位在本次设计竞赛期间所发生的全部费用(包括但不限于设计费用、成果制作费用、设计调研费用、配合召开相关项目沟通会议所产生的差旅费用、设计版权费用、相关税费等),不再支付任何其他费用。
(2) The cost of this design competition economic compensation includes what happened during the period of participating companies in the design competition all expenses (including but not limited to design cost, production cost, design research cost, cooperate with related project communication conference design copyright fees, travel expenses, relevant taxes, etc.), no longer pay any other fees.

X. Design competition deposit

No design competition deposit is required for this project.

XI. Other matters

1. The Competition shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and the competition work and all documents shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, any dispute shall be submitted to Guangzhou Arbitration Commission for arbitration.The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon all parties.
2. In case of any discrepancy between this announcement and the official Competition Document, the official Competition Document shall prevail.
3. In case of any discrepancy between the Announcement in English and Chinese, the Announcement in Chinese shall prevail.
4. All registration materials will not be returned.All registration documents and deliverables must be in Chinese.
5. Overseas and domestic companies must be authorized by the Headquarters to participate in this competition.
6.The competition agency service fee shall be paid by the selected design company,
the selected design firm shall pay the competition agency service fee of RMB 50,000 only in one lump sum before receiving the Notice of selection.

XII. File submission method

设计单位竞赛周期为2022年7月20日至2022年8月30日,竞赛单位递交设计方案时间为2022年 8 月 31 日,逾期不再接受设计方案,具体时间安排详见本公告附表。设计方案的内容要求参照《竞赛文件》和《设计任务书》。
The competition period is from July 20, 2022 to August 30, 2022, and the participants will submit the design proposal on August 31, 2022. The design proposal will not be accepted after the deadline. Please refer to the attached schedule of this announcement for details.

XIII.Contact Person and Address.

竞赛代理机构: 广州市国际工程咨询有限公司
The competition agency: Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
地 址: 广州市寺右新马路111号五羊新城广场九楼903
Address: RM 903,9/F,Wuyang Xincheng Plaza,111 Siyou New Rd,Guangzhou
联 系 人: 洪工
Contact person: Ms Hong
电 话: 020-87376439
Contact number: 020-87376439
传 真: 020-87376380
FAX: 020-87376380
电 邮: hhm@giecc.com.cn
Email: hhm@giecc.com.cn

XI. Publication websites

1.Chinese Website
Guangzhou Sunshine Purchasing Platform website (website: http://cg.gemas.com.cn/)
Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting Co., LTD. Official website (website: http://www.giecc.com.cn/)
China tendering and bidding of public service platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com/)
ABBS Architecture Forum(website: http://www.abbs.com.cn)
2.English Website

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2022年 7 月 20 日
July 20, 2022

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