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Announcement of the Design Solicitation for
Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park

一、项目名称 Project Name
Design Solicitation for Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park

二、组织机构 Organizers
Host: Laoshan District People’s Government of Qingdao Municipality
Organizer: Bureau of Natural Resources of Laoshan District, Qingdao Municipality
Service Unit: Benecus Consultancy Limited

三、项目概况 Project Overview
Shilaoren Seaside Park has significant location value, ecological value, cultural value and social value:

Location value: Shilaoren Seaside Park has outstanding geological advantage. It is located in the southeast of Qingdao Jinjialing CBD, and only 2km away from Laoshan District Government, Qingdao Municipal Museum, Qingdao International Convention Center, Qingdao Grand Theater and other municipal cultural and commercial facilities.

Ecological value: The area is close to mountains and faces the sea, with Shilaoren Bathing Beach, the longest natural beach in Qingdao in the west, and Laoshan Mountain, the highest peak in China’s coastline and ‘the first famous mountain on the sea’ in the east. In addition, Shilaoren (‘Stone Old Man’), a typical sea erosion pillar landscape of China’s bedrock coast, is only 100 meters away from the site. Thus, with incomparable world-class coastal ecological landscape resources, it has a whole-domain landscape vision integrated with mountains, sea and city, which endows it with unique natural coastal charm.

Cultural value: Shilaoren Seaside Park, as an important connecting point between Qingdao central area and Laoshan scenic spot, is not only the intersection of urban coastline and eco-tourism coastline, but also the transition area from rich culture to immersive natural experience. Laoshan District, where the site is located, has rich Taoist culture, marine culture, folk culture and other resources, and the historical legend of Shilaoren (‘Stone Old Man’) enriches the cultural and spiritual connotation of the site. Meanwhile, the prominent fashion culture and international culture of Laoshan District and Qingdao City, highlight the cultural value of the times.

Social value: As a valuable coastal resource in the central urban area of the city, Shilaoren Seaside Park should embody the principle of "public welfare, openness and inclusiveness", provide citizens with more high-quality coastal public space, enable people to ‘experience nature, close to mountains and sea’ in the downtown, and fully embody Qingdao’s city-operating concept of respecting nature and being people-oriented.

In this context, Laoshan District People’s Government of Qingdao Municipality is organizing the Design Solicitation for Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park to collect world-class seaside park design schemes with international vision, rich in space creativity and oriented to implementation and construction. Adhering to the concept of ‘global vision, international standards’, and based on coastal ecological restoration, the goal of the Solicitation is to create a world-class seaside park, make it an icon showing the mountain-and-sea quality and urban charm of Laoshan District, and build a new dynamic coastal landmark in Qingdao.

四、征集内容 Solicitation Contents
This Solicitation includes three levels: research scope, design scope and node design scope.
Research scope: with an area of about 207 ha., including Shilaoren Bathing Beach, the original golf course and its surrounding areas;
Design scope: with an area of about 97 ha., reaching Laoshan Road in the north, Shilaoren Bathing Beach in the west, Shilaoren Seafood Street in the east, and the coastline in the south;
Node design scope: design teams shall select a key node of no less than 5 ha. to carry out detailed design. The key node shall include but not limited to corresponding environmental landscape and key architectures (with a total building area of no less than 5000m2).

五、组织流程 Organizational Process
In order to highlight the open, scientific and practical nature of this project, design solicitation will be applied for its organization with three stages, namely, ‘Stage of Prequalification, Stage of Design Competition, and stage of integration and detailing’, which is scheduled to be completed by June, 2022.

Stage 1: Prequalification (December, 2021-January, 2022)
Release the announcement, working rules and design brief of this Solicitation, globally welcome design firms (including design consortium, similarly hereinafter) to participate, set up the prequalification committee to review the registration documents submitted (including commercial documents and concept proposal, similarly hereinafter), and select five invited design teams and two alternatives (in case any invited design team quits, they can take its place in order). To these invited design teams, the Host will issue the Invitation to Draft the Design Scheme, and the invited design teams shall send the Confirmation of Participation to the Host within a week.

Stage 2: Design Competition (January-April, 2022)
Site visit: The Host will select a date afterwards to organize the site visit and Q&A session. After the site visit and Q&A session, the invited design teams shall carry out design for this Solicitation.
Experts’ review: After the invited design teams submit their deliverables as required, invite well-known experts in the design area to constitute the jury panel, who will review the submittals and select the top three candidates (without ranking).
Final ranking: The Host will comprehensively determine the ranking of the three candidates in combination with the area’s actual development situation and experts’ review comments. The final result will be publicized in relevant websites after the final ranking is completed.

Stage 3: Integration and Detailing (May-June, 2022)
The first-prize winner will have priority to get the follow-up integration and detailing task. If the first-prize winner gives up this task, the other design teams will take over the task in order of ranking, and the task will be given through the government’s single-source procurement procedure. The deliverables of integration and detailing shall reach the depth of schematic design, and meet the requirements of guiding the next-stage preliminary design and construction design.

六、时间计划(暂定)Schedule (Provisional)

阶段 Stage

时间 Time

事项 Event


December 6, 2021

Release of the official announcement

Before 15:00, December 27, 2021

Submission of the electronic commercial documents

Before 17:00, January 6, 2022

Submission of the printed registration documents, as well as their electronic files

January 11, 2022

Review of the registration documents, and selecting 5 invited design teams and 2 alternatives

January 12, 2022

Announcement of the prequalification result and issuance of the Invitation to Draft the Design Scheme

Design Competition

January 20, 2022

Organization of the site visit and Q&;A

Before 17:00, March 31, 2022

Submission of design deliverables

April 1, 2022

Design review meeting

Early April, 2022

Final ranking result by the Host

Integration &; Detailing

May-June, 2022

Follow-up integration and detailing of deliverables

Note: All the time and date above are applied in Beijing Time. The Host reserves the right to amend the schedule.

七、相关费用 Related Fees
7.1奖金 Awards
After the final solicitation result is announced, the five invited design teams, who have passed prequalification and whose submittals have been evaluated as qualified, can win corresponding fees according to their ranking as follows:

First prize: can win the award of RMB Two Million Six Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥2,600,000) ;
Second prize: can win the award of RMB One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥1,800,000);
Third prize: can win the award of RMB One Million Two Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥1,200,000).
For the other two invited design teams that are not ranked top three, each can receive an award of RMB Eight Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥800,000).

7.2后续方案整合深化费用 Follow-up Integration & Detailing Fee
The follow-up integration and detailing fee of this Solicitation will be RMB Two Million Yuan (¥2,000,000), and the first-prize winner of the Solicitation will have priority to get the fee. If the first-prize winner gives up this integration and detailing task, the other invited design teams will take over the task in order of ranking, and the task will be given through the government’s single-source procurement procedure. The deliverables of integration and detailing shall reach the depth of schematic design, and meet the requirements of guiding the next-stage preliminary design and construction design.

八、报名要求Registration Requirements
The Solicitation will be open for registration by design firms or consortiums at home or abroad, but no member of the consortium is allowed to register twice for the Solicitation itself or in the name of another consortium. Personal registration is not accepted.

Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative, parent company, sole subsidiary and its holding company are not allowed to participate in the Solicitation separately.

Designers involved in the Solicitation should be the current staff of the registered design firm. The chief designer must have experience of directing a number of similar design projects, and must directly participate in the whole process of the Solicitation (basically, he/she shall attend the Q&A session, interim communication, and design review presentation in person; in case of special circumstances such as being affected by the epidemic, attendance or briefing through online video meeting is accepted). Moreover, the project team should include at least one member who is proficient in Chinese to ensure the accurate understanding of the project background and relevant requirements of the Solicitation.

The design team shall include professional staff and consultants in landscape, urban planning and architecture, etc. And priority will be given to design teams with following similar project experience in recent five years:
Landscape design experience in large-scale coastal or waterfront parks, especially the design experience of projects that are built or under construction (the project status shall be marked);
Design experience of important public architectures, especially the design experience of projects that are built or under construction (the project status shall be marked).

Design teams shall apply for this Solicitation by submitting both the commercial documents and concept proposal.

九、报名方式 Registration
Before 15:00, December 27, 2021 (Beijing Time), the applicants shall send the electronic version of commercial documents (scanned copy of signed and sealed application form as well as its document in Word format) and consortium agreement (if having, scanned copy with signature and company seal) to the Host, and visit the website: https://jinshuju.net/f/tDugRz or scan the following QR code to fill in the registration information for online registration.

此外,报名的机构须于北京时间2022年1月6日17:00前,将完整的报名材料提交(现场递交或邮寄)至主办单位处【地址:青岛市崂山区市民文化中心A座;收件人:陈工(电话:+86 18661652798)】,并在封面上标注“青岛石老人滨海公园设计方案征集报名材料”,内容应包含纸质商务文件、纸质概念提案及商务文件和概念提案的电子文件(光盘或U盘)
Moreover, the applicants shall deliver the complete registration documents to the Host (Both on-site submission and mailing are accepted; Add: Block A, Laoshan District Civic Culture Center, Laoshan District, Qingdao Municipality, Shandong Province, PRC; Addressee: Ms. Chen [Tel: +86 18661652798] ) before 17:00, January 6, 2022, whose cover shall be marked as ‘Registration Documents of the Design Solicitation for Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park’ and whose contents include the printed commercial documents and concept proposal as well as their electronic files (in CD or USB flash drive).

十、资料索取 Inquiry of Information

方案征集信息查询网站Please visit the following websites for more information on the Solicitation:

十一、报名咨询 Registration Enquiry
张工 电话:+86 755 8290 7866 手机:+86 13631600111
周工 电话:+86 755 8290 9299 手机:+86 13265572115
Mr. Zhang Tel: +86 755-8290 7866 Mob: +86 13631600111
Ms. Zhou Tel: +86 755 8290 9299 Mob: +86 13265572115
Email: shilaorenpark@qq.com

Appendix 1: Working Rules of the Design Solicitation for Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park
Appendix 2: Design Brief of the Design Solicitation for Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park
Appendix 3: Relevant Registration Formats of the Design Solicitation for Qingdao Shilaoren Seaside Park
Appendix 4: Diagrams of the Design Brief and Current Situations

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