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Conceptual Master Plan and Special Plan Compiling International Competition of Dawang New Energy Vehicles Industry City Announcement

Competition Organizer: Zhaoqing high-tech Zone Management Committee
Competition operator: Zhaoqing high-tech zone development planning and Land Resources Bureau
Competition Consultance: Jiangxizhong-chang Engineering Consultation & Supervision Co.,Ltd.
Competition Organization Agency: Guangdong Yueneng Engineering Management Co. , Ltd.
Time: Nov.29th, 2021

一、项目名称Project Name

International Competition on conceptual master plan and special plan of Dawang New Energy Automobile Industry City

二、项目背景 Project Background

In order to thoroughly carry out the thought of Chinese national ecological civilization, implement the “14th Five-Year Plan” and Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area development plan and coordinate the allocation of various resources and factors, Zhaoqing actively responds to the new land spatial plan. Zhaoqing supplements the regional land space development protection system, coordinates the construction of important node cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and finally builds a model city for conservation construction in the new era. The masterplan of Zhaoqing’s land spatial plan clearly established a general framework of “One belt, One corridor, One district”in the city; taking the Zhaoqing New District and Duanzhou District as engines, linking the Dinghu district, the Gaoyao District district and the Sihui district. Zhaoqing vigorously develop the urban economy and the happiness industry, accelerate the construction of the happiness industry (urban economic industry) agglomeration zone, to create a high-quality new city and a Leisure and Tourism destination. Zhaoqing will optimize the spatial structure of the central urban area, focus on Zhaoqing high-tech zone, Xi River high-tech South Zone, Jinli high-tech zone, Sihui industrial park, airport economic zone, north-south construction of Xi River advanced manufacturing corridor.
Zhaoqing High-tech zone actively deploys new energy industry projects, promotes new energy automobile industry clusters which processed core competitiveness and characteristic advantages to be the vanguard, to build up a world-class new energy industry highland, supporting the “14th Five-Year Plan” and the development of emerging industries strategic of the Guangdong - Hong Kong - Macao Greater Bay Area. According to the new concept of the overall requirements of integrating high-quality development, making overall plans for Land and resources, implementing “Planning, construction and management”, and promoting common progress, production, life and ecology into the overall demands, Zhaoqing complies to the core idea of ‘no Scheming no planning, no planning no design, no Design no Practicing’, promotes the construction of Dawang New Energy Vehicles Industry City in High-tech zone. Drawing on the experience of Xiongan and the advanced regions, we will launch an international competition for the preparation of the conceptual master plan and the special plan of Dawang New Energy Vehicles Industry City, and invite design institutions with rich relevant design experience at home and abroad, we will pool our wisdom and wisdom together to create a high-level conceptual master plan and special plans for green energy, green buildings, intelligent transportation, and municipal infrastructure, helping Zhaoqing build a world-class new energy industry.
The Competition Sponsor is Zhaoqing High Technology Industry Development Zone Management Commission. The Competition Organizer is Zhaoqing High Technology Industry Development Zone Urban Planning and Land Resources Administration. The Competition Consultant is Jiangxi Zhong Chang Engineering Consultation & Supervision Co., Ltd. The Competition Organizing Agent is Guangdong Yueneng Project Management Co., Ltd.

三、竞赛范围Scope of design competition

The scope of design competition comprises of research scope and design scope (see Annex 1 for details).
(1) 整体拓展研究范围expanding the scope of the study as a whole
研究范围包含新能源汽车产业城及其周边地区,约43.6 平方公里(65400亩),包括北部大南山森林公园、东部肇庆高新技术产业培育区、南部创新大街沿线等区域,包含片区及周边关联区域,充分考虑片区与周边已建成区域及更大的城市片区的产业、功能及空间关系。
Research Scope includes the surounding area of the New Energy Vehicle Industry, with a size of 4360ha, Dananshan Forest Park, Zhaoqing East High-Tech Zone and Innovation Dadao are all included.Task in this scope is to consider the built projects and industry closeby, and the programs, space relation, ect.
(2) 概念性总体规划设计范围 Conceptual Masterplan Scope
The conceptual master plan covers about 14.5 square kilometers (21,700 mu) of the new energy automobile industry city area within the scope of the study, and extends to Lucun section of Township Road Y465(east, north and south of the sub-area of the Alu sub-plot) and Mount Tianjing Park, west to Y260 township road (west of Longhu District Avenue) , Da Nanshan Forest Park, south to science and Technology Street, Innovation Street, north to Sanshui District Nanshan town (north of the current Longhu District Avenue) , including Science and Technology Innovation Park, intelligent production park, supporting industrial park and other areas.

四、竞赛内容(详见附件2)Competition Content(Please refer to the attachment 2 for details)

(1) 设计竞赛阶段工作内容 content of the design competition stage
In the design competition stage, the conceptual master plan design and the special plan design outline are required to be carried out according to the design task sheet. The conceptual master plan takes this area as the center to study the development strategy of the area with the core of “Intelligent production, scientific and technological innovation, production and life”, this paper puts forward the design concept and thinking of the overall planning of the area, the overall spatial structure, the overall functional layout, the comprehensive traffic layout, the slow-moving system planning, the public space scene, the development intensity guidance, the city style control, the three-dimensional shape design, the function index guidance and so on. The special planning and design outline includes the intelligent transportation special planning, the municipal infrastructure special planning, the Green Energy Special Planning and the green building special planning.
(2) 竞赛后续方案深化工作内容 the follow-up Plan of the competition will deepen the content of the work
On the basis of the results of the competition stage, the design institution (including the consortium) that has obtained the right to further integrate and deepen the project will absorb the advantages of other participating units’proposals, and modify and improve the proposal according to the opinions of experts, organizational units and relevant departments, etc. , submit the final optimization results, including the conceptual master plan of the project and four types of special planning (intelligent transportation special planning, municipal infrastructure special planning, Green Energy Special Planning and green building special planning) , deep enough to meet the approval requirements.


The competition is divided into three stages: The first stage-pre-qualification; the second stage-scheme design; and the third stage-deepening design and integration.
1.第一阶段—资格预审The first stage—pre-qualification
The open competition mode is adopted for this competition, in which the competition openly accepts applications from eligible domestic and international design units (including consortium, the same below) that meet the qualification requirements for participation.
The pre-qualification Committee established by the competition organizers and the competition organizers according to law shall examine the application documents (including the concept proposal) submitted by the applicant for the competition, by secret ballot, 5 domestic and foreign design units with excellent experience in similar projects and strong design team were selected.
The five official competition units shortlisted will receive invitation letters from the competition organizer and competition operator. Confirmed participation of the official participating units due to non-force majeure factors to withdraw or eventually give up the competition, the competition organizer and competition operator have the right to refuse the participating units to participate in the competition organizer and competition operator of any other construction projects competition.
If the official participating unit withdraws from the competition, the competition organizer and competition operator will replace the quota in the order of ranking of alternative units.
2.第二阶段—方案设计The second stage—design competition
The 5 participating units shall design the scheme according to the requirements of the following technical documents of the competition, and submit a complete set of competition outcome documents on time. Each participating unit is limited to submit 1 group design proposal. The design proposal submitted by a design unit other than the formal participating unit will not be accepted.
the scheme judging committee established by the competition organizers and the competition organizers according to law shall evaluate the submitted schemes and select three winning schemes by secret ballot. The competition organizer will form a strategy committee to select one from the winning scheme and get the integration and optimization of the follow-up scheme.
3.第三阶段—深化设计及整合 The third stage—deepening the design and integration
On the basis of the results of the competition stage, the design unit that has obtained the right of integration and deepening absorbs the advantages of other participating schemes, and modifies and improves the schemes according to the opinions of experts, organizational units and relevant departments, etc. , submit the final optimization results.
If the design unit that has won the right to deepen integration can not fulfill the contract or give up the integration and optimization work of the follow-up program, the Strategy Committee may choose another unit of the winning program to replace it or the vacancy of the integration and deepening unit.

六、竞赛费用 Competition fees

1.设计竞赛成本补偿费Design Competition Cost Compensation Fee
When the design result is verified by the experts as effective, each participating institution(the consortium will be regarded as one participating institution) will get a cost compensation fee of RMB 800,000.00 (Including tax) if they couldn’t obtain the right to deepen the integration of the scheme.
2.优胜方案奖金Bonus for winning proposal.
The winning scheme assessed by experts will receive a bonus of RMB 300,000.00 on top of the cost compensation. That is, the participating organization will receive a total of RMB 1,100,000.00 (including tax) .
3.方案整合深化费用Proposal integration and expansion fee
On the basis of the results of the competition stage of the participating organization, the participating organization that has obtained the right to consolidate and deepen the competition plan shall, in accordance with the requirements of the organizing unit, consolidate and deepen the competition plan. After the submission of the final proposal, winner will get RMB 3,800,000.00 (tax included) working fee in total(compensation in competition stage included).
4.支付方式Mode of Payment
The design competition cost compensation, bonus and proposal integration and expansion fees are all paid in RMB and shall be settled by the organizer of the design competition with the participating design companies, and any taxes incurred shall be borne by the participating design companies. The cost compensation, bonus and proposal integration and expansion fees will be paid in RMB to domestic participating design companies in China.
Participating design companies whose design competition proposal outcomes are deemed unfeasible by the review committee will not be eligible for any design competition cost compensation, bonuses and fees.
The cost compensation fee of this design competition includes all the costs incurred by the participating design companies during the design competition (including but not limited to design fees, results production costs, design research costs, travel costs incurred for holding relevant project communication meetings, design copyright fees, relevant taxes, etc.),no further charges will be paid.

七、申请参赛人资格 Applicant’s qualification

Design institutions within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, that is, domestic design institutions, shall have the grade a qualification for urban and rural planning, experience in urban and rural planning and urban design similar to this project (must provide urban and rural planning performance of the same project from 1 January 2010 to date) .
(Note: Due to the reform of the state organs, the original urban and rural planning qualification certificate Issuing Department Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China no longer accept the extension and application of the planning qualification. The original planning qualification can be used as a reference, the validity period is not mandatory.)
Design institutions outside the People’s Republic of China, that is, design institutions outside the People’s Republic of China, or those in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, must have a high international profile, experience in urban and rural planning and urban design similar to this project (must provide urban and rural planning performance of the same project from 1 January 2010 to date).
This competition accepts the participation of domestic design institutions alone or in a consortium, and foreign design institutions in a consortium. No natural person or a combination of natural persons is accepted. Where overseas design institutions must form a consortium with domestic design institutions to participate. Domestic and foreign design institutions shall complete the legal and effective registration in their locality, and foreign design institutions shall provide proof of their relationship with their foreign parent companies when submitting applications for participation in the competition using the identity of enterprises as legal persons in China. The number of institutions forming a competition consortium shall not exceed three, and each institution within the consortium shall no longer participate in the competition in its own name alone, or in a new consortium with other design institutes. When participating in the competition, the consortium shall submit the consortium agreement, in which the principal unit of the consortium, the division of responsibilities and the respective workload of each design institution shall be specified (see Annex III for details) .
Different design companies with the same person in charge or with controlling or management relationship shall not register separately or join different consortium at the same time.
The designers participating in the competition should be in-service employees of the design organization, the leading designers should participate in the competition all the way, and the leading designers should be in-service employees of the main units of the consortium, who have presided over the planning and design of many projects of the same type.
The participating team should comprise of personnel from multi-professional disciplines including but not limited to urban planning and design, architectural design, garden landscaping, transportation, and municipal government administration.
The team can respond to the requirements of the competition design task, put forward a conceptual proposal.

八、时间安排 Schedule

2021.11.29-2021.12.13:Publish announcement, accept the design unit to submit the application document of the competition.
2021.12 Mid-month:To assess the application documents for the competition, and determine the shortlisted design units.
2021.12.27:Press conference cum on-site inspection.
2021.12.27-2022.2.16:Shortlisted design units to carry out the scheme design work, design cycle of about 52 calendar days.
2022.02.17:The expert evaluation meeting.
The consultation organizer reserves the right to adjust the consultation schedule. As affected by the epidemic, the organizer may duly adjust the dates and the ways to the specific meeting time as may be necessary, at that time, the notice issued by the organizer shall prevail.

九、竞赛登记方式及要求(详见附件3)Registration methods and requirements for the competition (see Annex 3 for details)

十、公告发布媒体 Publish Media

2.资格预审结果公告发布媒体Announcement of prequalification results

十一、其他说明 Other instructions

Conceptual Masterplan & Special Planning (Summary) International Competition adopts Chinese or chinese-english comparison format; in case of inconsistency between Chinese and English content, Chinese shall prevail.
The schedule of this competition is based on the China Standard Time. Affected by the epidemic, the organizers can make timely adjustments to the specific time node and the format of the meeting, and inform the participating units in a timely manner.
The leading designers and key design personnel of the entry units who are shortlisted and have received the formal invitation letter should personally participate in the on-site reconnaissance, evaluation of the scheme and the communication and report of the main meetings in the deepening stage. Design institutions are requested to make corresponding preparations in advance according to the requirements of epidemic prevention and control in various regions.
The shortlisted teams are defaultly agree to and accept the rules of the event and all the contents and terms of the documents and supplementary (amendment) documents and clarification documents in the whole stage.
All effective design results received in the international competition for the preparation of the conceptual master plan and the special plan will not be returned. The outcome document of the conceptual master plan and design plan submitted by the finalists shall be owned by the undertaking unit. Each participating unit shall have the right of signature on the proposal submitted by it.
If there are not more than five design organizations selected for this international competition, the competition will fail and the organizers will organize a second open competition.
Activity right of interpretation: Because of the different understanding of the rules of this activity, the organizers and the organizers of this activity jointly enjoy the right of interpretation.

十二、联系方式 Contact information

承办单位Contractor:肇庆高新区发展规划和国土资源局Zhaoqing high-tech zone development planning and Land Resources Bureau
联 系 人Contact Person:邹先生
联系地址Address:广东省肇庆市四会市高新技术产业开发区北江大道18号富民大厦10楼 10/f, Fumin building, 18 Beijiang Avenue, Sihui high-tech Industrial Development Zone, Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province
电  话Tel:0758-3639277

顾问单位Consultant unit:江西中昌工程咨询监理有限公司iangxizhong-chang Engineering Consultation & Supervision Co.,Ltd.
联 系 人Contact Person:何小姐
电  话Tel: 15907583399

代理单位Agency unit:广东粤能工程管理有限公司Guangdong Yueneng Engineering Management Co. , Ltd.
联 系 人Contact Person:朱小姐
电  话Tel: 0758-3641078、13426962354

文件递交地址Submission address:肇庆市高新区景安街旺民楼7栋201房(广东粤能工程管理有限公司肇庆分公司)Room 201, building 7, Wangmin building, Jingan Street, Zhaoqing high-tech zone (Zhaoqing branch of Guangdong Yueneng Engineering Management Co. , Ltd..)
电子邮箱Email address:2187320981@qq.com


1.竞赛设计范围图Competition Design Scope Diagram
2.设计任务书Design assignment
3.参赛申请文件要求及格式Application requirements and format
4.参赛单位遴选细则Rules for selection of entries
Note: In case of any discrepancy between the Design Specifications in Appendix Ⅱ and the officially released "Design Brief " after the pre-qualification, the latter shall prevail.

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