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Announcement of the International Consultation on the Conceptual Design of Yingbin Pedestrian Bridge in the Riverside Area

一、项目概况Project Overview

1、项目背景 Project Background

2019 年初以来,东莞市以打造“湾区都市、品质东莞”示范标杆为目标, 全面推动中心城区“一心两轴三片区”规划建设工作,围绕“山水城”战略抓手,构建“半城山色半城水,一脉三江莞邑兴”的发展蓝图。其中,三江六岸片区作为东莞中心城区“水”战略的主要承载空间,是中心城区与水乡联系的桥头堡,在全市历史文化传承、滨水生态价值挖掘、宜居生活环境塑造上均有重要地位,是东江流域中滨水资源最丰富、开发条件最成熟、存量更新潜力最大、历史特色最精华的段落,同时也是中心城区强化工作中所涉区域最广,所涉镇街最多,面临情况最为复杂的一个片区。东莞市中心城区“一心两轴三片区”建设现场指挥部坚持“串藤结瓜、市镇共建、城市经营”的工作理念,以“系统谋划、高标准建设”为工作目标,高水平、全方位推动三江六岸片区滨水岸线建设、公共文化产品建设、历史文化活化利用、交通基础设施建设、土地开发利用等工作。
Since early 2019, Dongguan Municipal Government has comprehensively promoted the planning and construction of "One Core, Two Axes, Three Areas" in the central city with an aim to build a demonstrative benchmark of "thriving Dongguan, a pearl in the Greater Bay Area", and established the development blueprint of “halving Dongguan in mountains and waters, a wonderland in the vein of three rivers” centering on the strategy of “Landscape City”. Among other things, the riverside area, as the main carrying space of the "water" strategy of central urban area in Dongguan, is the bridgehead of the connection between the central urban area and the waterside, and plays a big role in the citywide development in terms of historical and cultural inheritance, the mining of its waterfront ecological value, and the shaping of its livable living environment. It is the section with the most abundant coastal water resources, the most mature development conditions, the largest potential for stock renewal and the most essential historical characteristics in the Dongjiang River basin. It is also the area sprawling in the most extensive domain, involving most towns and streets and facing the most complex situation in the strengthening of the central city. The Construction Headquarters of Dongguan Central Area, adhering to the working concept of "clustering, city-town co-building and city operation", and taking "systematic planning and high-standard construction" as its working goal, in a high-level and all-round way, promotes the construction of waterfronts in the riverside area, as well as the construction of public cultural products, historical and cultural activation and utilization, transportation infrastructure construction, land development and utilization, and more.

With the long-term development practice, there are still some problems to be solved with the riverside area, such as transportation, which, due to large spacing between cross-river bridges and all are bridges for vehicular circulation, leads to cross-river traffic block, certain isolation of functional connection, traffic organization, cross-coast interaction of waterfronts and connection of cross-coast backlands, and poor pedestrian accessibility, all of which have major impact on functional layout, traffic connection, livable quality in the area.

The action initiative for building four cross-river pedestrian bridges is respectively proposed in the Conceptual Design of Waterfront Demonstration Section of the Waterside Area, the Comprehensive Transport Planning on the Riverside Area and the Special Research on the Control of Urban Space Forms and Urban Design of Waterfront Demonstration Section in the Riverside Area, in order to effectively enhance the seamlessness of traffic functionality and accessibility through the construction of these cross-river pedestrian bridges in waterfronts in the riverside area, improve the slow traffic system of the areas, strengthen the slow traffic accessibility on both coasts along the riverside, drive the high-quality construction of the backlands, and form a strong attraction, so as to promote the city image and comprehensive competitiveness of Dongguan.

基于以上背景,东莞市中心城区“一心两轴三片区”建设总指挥部第四次工作会议中明确提出启动首座跨江慢行桥建设的相关工作要求。由东莞市中心城区 “一心两轴三片区”建设现场指挥部和东莞市自然资源局主办,以国际咨询的方式向全球公开征集三江六岸片区首座跨江景观慢行桥梁(暂定名“迎宾慢行桥”)概念设计方案,高水平推动三江六岸片区规划建设工作,助力三江六岸片区打造高品质的历史文化休闲区城市环境与城市形象,树立魅力滨水城市品牌,参与湾区滨水城市竞合。
Based on this context, the Construction Headquarters of Dongguan Central Area clearly proposed the related work requirements of commencing the construction of the first cross-river pedestrian bridge at the 4th Work Meeting. This international consultation on the conceptual design of the first cross-river pedestrian bridge (Provisionally named “Yingbin Pedestrian Bridge”) in the riverside area is initiated by the Construction Headquarters of Dongguan Central Area, the Organizer, with a view to promote the high-level planning and construction in the riverside area, help build high-quality urban environment and city image of the historical and cultural recreational resorts there, establish the brand of charming waterfront city, and participate in the competition and cooperation in the Greater Bay Area as a waterfront city.

2、项目区位 Project Location

三江六岸片区位于东莞市中心城区西北部,是以东江南支流及其三条分支,中堂水道、汾溪河、东莞水道三条水系为依托的主城区城市滨水空间,顺延三水,东起广九铁路,西至环城西路,涵盖沿岸重点的城市功能节点、滨水开敞空间和近期可建设区域,总规划面积 48.7 平方公里,涉及五大镇街(莞城、东城、万江、高埗、石碣),三条水系总长约 35 公里,岸线长约 70 公里。
The riverside area is located in the northwest of the central area of Dongguan City, where it is a main urban waterfront space relying on the southern tributary of Dongjiang River and its three branches and three water systems of Zhongtang Waterway, Fenxi River, and Dongguan Waterway. Along these three water channels it starts from Guangzhou-Kowloon Railway in the east, and ends on the west ring road, covering the key urban functional nodes, waterfront open spaces and the areas to be constructed in short term along the waterfront. The total planning area is 48.7 square kilometers, involving five towns and sub-districts (Guancheng, Dongcheng, Wanjiang, Gaobu and Shijie), including a total length of about 35 kilometers with the three water systems, and the shoreline of about 70 kilometers.

Planning Scope of the Riverside Area

三江六岸滨水岸线示范段是指东莞水道的梨川大桥至东莞水道特大桥段,岸线全长约 17 公里,是三江六岸片区中区位条件最好、发展基础最为成熟、历史文化资源最集中的地区,具备先行先试、近期引爆,打造示范段与精华段的潜力和条件。目前,滨水岸线示范段一期工程已于 2021 年 5 月 1 日正式对外开放,群众反馈良好,认可度极高。
The demonstration section in the waterside area refers to the section between Lichuan Bridge and Oversize Bridge over the Dongguan Waterway, with the span of about 17km, where it is bestowed with the best geographical condition, most mature development foundation, and the most concentrated historical and cultural resources in the waterside area, having potentials and conditions for early pilot, recent boom and construction of a demonstration and essence section. So far, the first phase of the waterfront demonstration section has been officially opened on May 1, 2021, with good feedback and high recognition from the public.

Yingbin Pedestrian Bridge is intended to be located in the scope of the second phase construction of the waterfront demonstration section. It is a sightseeing pedestrian bridge connecting both waterfronts across Dongguan Waterway, and also the first cross-river sightseeing pedestrian bridge launched in the riverside area.

Selected Site of Yingbin Pedestrian Bridge

3、工作目的 Purpose

This international consultation aims to invite well-known design teams at home and abroad to carry out the international brainstorming for the conceptual design of Yingbin Pedestrian Bridge in the waterside area with an international vision, forward-looking thinking and innovative outcome. The design scheme should not only respect the local culture and the spirit of place, but also integrate the international concepts and modern design techniques to the extent reflecting the concept of ecological civilization in the new era, giving full consideration to nature, landscape and art, to show the cityscape of high-quality historical and cultural recreational resort and charming waterfront space of Dongguan in the Greater Bay Area. The results of this international consultation will serve as the main basis for the follow-up bridge construction.

二、设计范围 Scope of Design

The scope of this international solicitation includes two levels: Scope of Planning Research and Scope of Conceptual Design.
1)规划研究范围 Scope of Planning Research

The scope of planning research should include the shoreline (total length of 7km) of the section between Quhai Bridge and Wanjiang Bridge over Dongguan Waterway and waterfront backland space on both waterfronts. The key projects in the research scope include Phase II of Waterfront Demonstration Section, Riverfront Sports Park, Chow Cultural and Creative Industrial Park, Gongnong No. 8, Xia Ba Fang, Keyuan, Jin’aozhou Tower, Jinao Square, Jintai Industrial Park, San Jie Fang, Granary, Arcade Street, etc.

Scope of Planning Research of Yingbin Pedestrian Bridge

2)概念设计范围 Scope of Conceptual Design
The design should include schematic design of the bridge and space design of the nodes in bridge approaching area. The position and the range of approaching area of the bridge shown in the above figure are all schematic range (not within the range of the red lines). The specific position, plane lines and position of approaching points should be considered and proposed based on the requirements on surrounding land conditions, watercourse navigation and flood control. There is no limitation on the plane lines of the bridge.

The bridge design should properly deal with the coordination and connection in the near- and long-term. One is to put forward a detailed plan for the approaching area that is implementable in the near term, and the other is to put forward a technical solution for the long-term connection with the surrounding backland. Among other things, the implementable approaching areas in the near term are the south Riverside Sports Park section, the north waterfront and Wanjiang Dragon Boat Race Theme Park; the long-term connection areas are the parking lot of the south Riverside Sports Park and Quhai Community plot in the north waterfront.

Scope of Conceptual Design

Fig. 1: Current Status of the Conceptual Design Scope

Fig. 2: Current Status of the Conceptual Design Scope

三、工作规则Working Rules

1、组织形式 Organization

公开发布国际咨询公告、工作规则和技术任务书(公告版),在全球范围内公开征集设计机构(含联合体),组织资格预审委员会对各设计机构提交的报名资料进行评审,从中择优选取4家设计机构发出《编制概念方案邀请函》(同时选出 2 家备选机构,如受邀机构退出则备选机构依序替补)。
Prequalification: The registration announcement, working rules and design brief (announced version) of the International Consultation will be published to solicit design teams (including consortiums) globally. A prequalification committee will be set up to review the registration documents submitted by applicants, and 4 teams will be shortlisted to issue the Invitation to Draft the Concept Scheme (at the same time, 2 alternatives will be selected; in case any invited team quits, they can take its place in order).
Site visit & Q&A: A site visit will be organized for the invited firms and a Q&A session will be held, which will be subject to the epidemic situation.
Design review: Experts in areas of landscape, architecture, structure and urban planning, etc., will be invited to constitute the review committee. With full discussion, the review committee will select 2 recommended schemes to the Organizer for final selection, after reading the design brochures, watching multi-media demonstration and listening to presentation and clarification by principal designers.
Bid finalization: A bid finalization committee will be set up to determine the final ranking of 2 recommended schemes based on the experts' review comments, and the first prize will be the winning bid.

2、时间计划(暂定)Schedule (Provisional)

Note: The timetable above is applied in Beijing Time. The Organizer reserve the right to amend the agenda.

四、奖金及有关费用 Awards & Related Fees

Design fees of this International Consultation include design compensation, bonus and fee of design integration, with a total sum of RMB Two Million One Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥2,100,000.00). The details are as follows:

1、设计成本费 Design Compensation

The design team with the Invitation to Draft the Concept Scheme, can receive the design compensation of RMB Two Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥200,000.00) (tax included), provided the submittals meet requirements set in the Design Brief and is evaluated by the review committee as qualified.

2、奖金 Bonus

After the experts' review and final selection on the submittals, the first-prize winner can receive fees of RMB Eight Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥800,000.00) (tax included) (including the bonus of RMB Three Hundred Thousand Yuan [¥300,000.00] and fee of design integration of RMB Five Hundred Thousand Yuan [¥500,000.00]). The second-prize winner can receive a bonus of RMB Three Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥300,000.00) (tax included). And for the third and forth place, each of them can receive a bonus of RMB One Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥100,000.00) (tax included).
If the first-prize winner gives up the design integration task, it can't get the fee of design integration of RMB Five Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥500,000.00), and the other invited teams will replace it in order, that is, the substitute will take over the design integration task and get the fee of design integration.
*When applying for relevant fees, design teams shall provide equivalent valid VAT special invoice of PRC with the tax rate not lower than 6%; if the tax rate is lower than 6%, it will be paid after deducting the tax difference.

五、 报名要求 Registration Requirements

This is an internationally open consultation and consortiums are accepted. Meanwhile, qualification is not required.
Registration submitted by an individual or a team of individuals is not accepted.
Domestic design firms within the Chinese territory shall be independent legal entities with valid business license or other organizational qualifications of PRC. Overseas design firms shall be independent legal entities, which are legally registered in the country where they operate. Legal entities (two or more) with the same legal representative, the parent company, sole subsidiary and holding company are not allowed to participate in the competition separately.
The designer-in-chief shall be a senior designer at the level of director or partner of the company, who must be responsible for key design works of this project, as well as important briefing meetings required by the Organizer, which will include the site visit & Q&A session and final design review presentation, and the designer-in-chief shall attend the latter presentation in person.
The design team shall include designers with professional background in bridge structure, landscape, architecture and urban planning, etc., or with corresponding project experience.

六、报名方式 Registration

Design teams that are interested in applying for this International Consultation please visit the website: https://jinshuju.net/f/laKBz5 or scan the following QR code to fill in the registration information for online registration before 15:00, Oct. 18, 2021,and submit the printed registration documents and their electronic version before 18:00, Oct. 19, 2021.

报名文件包含纸质文件(含正本2份,副本8份)及相应电子文件(含正、副本盖章后的扫描件和可复制的word或pdf文件的光盘或U盘,2份),需于2021年10月19日18:00前邮寄至组织服务单位(地址:深圳市宝安区新安街道罗田路幸福海岸10栋B座6层D房,收件人:张工,电话:+86 136 3160 0111)。
Registration Documents include the printed registration documents(incl. 2 original copies and 8 duplicate copies) and their electronic version (with scanned copies of the original and duplicate bearing company seal, and in duplicable Word or PDF format; two copies in CD or USB flash drive). They shall be mailed to the Service Provider before 18:00, Oct. 19, 2021 (Add: Room D, Floor 6, Block B, Building 10, XingfuHai'an Complex, Luotian Road, Bao’an District, Shenzhen Municipality, Guangdong Province, PRC; addressee: Mr. Zhang; Tel: +86 136 3160 0111).

七、组织机构 Organizational Structure

Organizer: The Construction Headquarters of Dongguan Central Area
Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources

八、报名咨询 Enquiry

联系人:张工 电话:+86 136 3160 0111 +86 755-8290 9299
周工 电话:+86 132 6557 2115 +86 755-8290 7866
Contact: Mr. Zhang Tel: +86 136 3160 0111 +86 755-8290 9299
Ms. Zhou Tel: +86 132 6557 2115 +86 755-8290 7866
Enquiry Email: DGYBQ@qq.com

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