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Announcement for International Competition of Guangzhou Airport New Town Underground Space Planning and Design

1. 项目概况
I. Project Overview

1.1 Competition Name: International Competition of Guangzhou Airport New Town Underground Space Planning and Design

1.2 Competition Number: JCZB-J-20210901

1.3 Project Location
The project is around Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, about 30km away from the central area of Guangzhou. A number of railways and high-speed expressways are planned to reach the central area of Guangzhou and surrounding cities in the Pearl River Delta.

Project Location

1.4 Project Background
The 14th Five-Year Plan period is the first five-year period in which China has embarked on a new journey towards a modern socialist country in an all-round way. In this period, Guangzhou proposes to speed up the building of the world's leading global aviation hub, and implements the strategic of establishing Guangzhou aviation economic demonstration zone and airline and railway integration economic demonstration zone. Guangzhou aims to develop the integrated transport hub in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, an international exchange & trade center and modern aviation logistics center, accelerate the development of high-end industries and high-end talent clusters, special supervision model areas for upgrading and development, and develop a convenient, efficient, industrial agglomeration and ecologically intelligent world-class airport. By what have done above, Guangzhou will realize the high-quality development of aviation economy, and promote itself to develop into a central node city of China's Best Cycling Routes and a strategic link city of domestic-international dual circulation.

In this context, the Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District Management Committee will be accordant with the development concept of "Integration of Aviation, Industry and City". Focusing on CBD, bonded logistics area, aviation manufacturing area and cultural tourism area, Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District will be upgraded to Guangzhou Airport New Town, the value highland of international trade and communication with an area of 116 kilometers.
Based on the construction of the convention and exhibition center, T1, T2 and T3 terminals will be connected through intelligent transportation and comprehensive development of underground space, forming a 12.67 square kilometers U-shaped key construction area in the south of the airport, by which reaching the concept of "Integration of Aviation, Industry and City".

2. 工作范围和竞赛内容
II. Working Range and Competition Content

2.1 Competition Design Scope

The competition design scope includes two levels which are the detailed underground space plan scope and the key area design scope.
Detailed underground space plan scope: The study area is within Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District, about 116 square kilometers. The planning area is about 12.67 square kilometers, locating in the port front area of Baiyun International Airport, reaching the planned flight area of the fifth runway in the east, Airport Avenue in the south, Airport South 7th Road in the west and T2 terminal in the north.
Key area design scope: The specific key area scope is proposed on the basis of about 4 square kilometers of land on both sides of the east extension line of Yingbin Avenue and in combination of the design. It is not limited to that scope if needed.

Schematic Diagram of Design Scope

2.2 Design Emphasis

2.2.1 地下空间开发
2.2.1 Underground Space Development
The project studies and analyzes the needs of underground space development, applies advanced development concepts to promote the integrated development of above-ground and underground space, clarifies the functional zoning, development scale, development mode, general layout and special planning requirements of underground space in Airport New Town, and further proposes control guidelines for the development of underground space on the land.

2.2.2 区域功能复合
2.2.1 Regional Function Combination
Fully considering the dislocation development of business types among different regions, the project tries to study the scale and ratio of functions and business types, such as commerce, hotel, conference, entertainment, etc. By which, the project is to build a key region with efficient function combination and leading the development of international trade and communication highland.

2.2.3 交通无缝衔接
2.2.3 Seamlessly-connected Transportation
The project studies and analyzes the traffic of important nodes such as the terminal buildings and the Convention and Exhibition Center, builds an urban space complex with interconnected public spaces, three-dimensional integration and seamless connection, and uses artificial intelligence, big data and other new technological means to create an intelligent traffic system for the area.

2.2.4 空间形态创新
2.2.4 Spatial Form Innovation
The project is to construct a high-quality urban spatial pattern and mode which is suitable for Aerotropolis Development District and displays future innovative development and quality life, and to create a high-quality space environment while considering the relationship between regional landmarks and public space.

3. 竞赛组织
III. Competition Organization

3.1 Competition Sponsor: Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District Management Committee

3.2 Competition Organizer: Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Company Limited

3.3 Competition Agency: Guangdong Jicai Tendering CO.,LTD

4. Competition Method

4.1 Competition Form
The competition will be announced on China Tendering And Bidding Public Service Platform (www.cebpubservice.com), ABBS (www.abbs.com.cn) and the sunshine procurement and bidding platform of China -- CHINAEBID (www.chinaebid.com) to accept applications from design agencies at home and abroad.

4.1.1 Competition Selection Stage
The competition is open to the public through the announcement of the competition on the website, and openly accepts applications from domestic and overseas design agencies. Experts will be organized to make the selection and ranking (see the selection document for details). A maximum of 8 design agencies will be selected as the formally-selected contestants from the design agencies which apply and meet the competition qualification requirements, and the 9th-12th design agencies will be the alternate contestants. If there are less than 8 design agencies meeting the competition qualification requirements, the sponsor may decide to extend the application time or reorganize the application work according to the project situation; if a formally-selected contestant gives up the shortlisted participant qualification before the competition document is released after the finalists are determined, it will be replaced by the alternate design agencies in turn until 8 agencies are made up. The competition sponsor will issue formal invitations to the formally-selected contestants, and the competition schemes submitted by the remaining design agencies that are not formally invited will not be accepted.

4.1.2 Competition Scheme Selection Method

The competition scheme selection includes two stages: the validity review and the scheme review. Firstly, experts organized will review the validity of all the results to determine the validity of the results, and invalid schemes will not enter the scheme review.

The review committee will review the schemes with results that have passed the validity review. On the basis of a thorough study of competition technical documents and fully discussion and comparison, three top schemes will be selected through a secret ballot, and a scheme review report will be thereby formed to the competition sponsor. Among the top three schemes selected by the competition organizer, the design agency of Top 1 scheme will participate in the design deepening (the deepening content is subject to the deepening design specification).

4.2 Competition Expense Compensation Method

The design agencies that have passed the validity review will receive the cost compensation fee; the design agencies of three wining schemes selected through review will receive an additional winning bonus; and the design agencies that have failed to pass the validity review will not receive the cost compensation fee or a wining bonus.
The design agencies which have passed the validity review will be granted RMB ¥1 million (including taxes, fees for the use of the design scheme results, design fees, intellectual property fees, and all other expenses) as the cost compensation fee, and the design agencies that have failed to pass the validity review will not receive the cost compensation fee.
The design agencies of winning schemes will be granted RMB ¥2 million (including taxes, fees for the use of the design scheme results, design fees, intellectual property fees, and all other expenses) as an additional wining bonus.

The design agency of Top 1 scheme will be granted RMB ¥7 million (including but not limited to fees for the use of the design scheme results, competition design cost, cost of the documents prepared for the competition, design research expenses, and travel expenses incurred for coordinating with the competition sponsor and the organizer to hold the relevant project communication meetings) as the design deepening fee in addition to the cost compensation fee and the winning bonus.
If the review reveals that a participating design agency receiving one or more of the cost compensation fee, the winning bonus and the design deepening fee is a consortium, the competition sponsor will pay one or more of the fees and bonus in full to the account of the leading party of the consortium, and the consortium will redistribute them according to the proportion agreed in its Consortium's Participation Agreement. The competition sponsor will not pay any additional fees to the members of the consortium.

The copyrights of all design schemes and results that pass the validity review and receive the cost compensation fee belong to the competition sponsor, Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District Management Committee. The design agencies which submit the Application Registration Form for validity competition meeting the competition requirements is deemed to agree to this clause.

Guangzhou Aerotropolis Development District Management Committee shall enjoy the copyrights of all design schemes and results that pass the validity review and receive the cost compensation fee, but the design agencies shall have the right of authorship of their design results. In addition, the organizer has the ownership of all design results received during this international solicitation. All design results will not be returned to the design agencies after review. All the terms and conditions of this announcement are considered to be agreed upon by the design agencies that submit the Application Registration Form for validity competition meeting the competition requirements.

5. Competition Schedule

5.1发布国际竞赛公告并开始接受全球设计机构报名:2021年9月26日- 10月12日(上午9:00-12:00,下午14:00-17:00,节假日除外)。
5.1 Publication of International Competition Announcement and Acceptance of Applications from design agencies Globally: From September 26, 2021 to October 12, 2021 (09:00 a.m.-12:00 a.m. and 14:30 p.m.-17:30 p.m., Beijing time, except for statutory holiday).

5.2 Time for Submission of Application Documents: Delivery before 17:00, October 15, 2021.

5.3 Selection Meeting for Competition Scheme Selection Stage: In late October 2021.

5.4 Announcement of Design Agency Selection Result: In late October 2021.

5.5 Official Release of Competition Documents and Q&A Meeting for Competition Documents of Formally-selected Contestants: In late October 2021.

5.6 Competition Scheme Design Period: From late October 2021 to late December 2021.

5.7 Design Scheme Selection Review Stage: All formally-selected contestants shall deliver the final results to the designated place on September 30, 2021 (the specific time and place shall be subject to the notice in writing or by email from the organizer).

5.8 Winning Scheme Announcement Stage: The winning design agencies will be announced in late January 2022.
Note: All times shall be subject to Beijing time. The competition sponsor and the organizer reserve the right of adjusting the schedule.

6. Competition Registration

6.1 Qualification Requirements
6.1.1 Domestic design agencies which apply shall have the independent legal person qualification, provide a valid business license and aren't in a bad condition (such as business license revoked, being ordered to close or being repealed); the overseas design agencies shall be a legally registered design agency in its locality and provide a valid commercial registration certificate. Different business entities with the same person in charge of domestic and overseas design agencies or with controlling or management relationship shall not apply for this competition at the same time. (Note: Locality refers to the main place where a company, enterprise or commercial agency registers its business or establishes its office according to law.)

6.1.2 If a design agency which applies is an oversea design agency, it shall form a consortium with a domestic firm, and the domestic firm shall be the leading party. (The Consortium's Participation Agreement shall be stamped with the official company seal of each member and specify the main body of the consortium)

6.1.3 The application submitted in the name of the individual will NOT be accepted in the competition.

6.1.4 A design agency which applies shall have achievements related to the projects of overall airport design or urban comprehensive transportation planning and design or urban underground space development design starting since January 1, 2016 till the deadline for registration (copies of contracts and other supporting documents are required, and for the past performance undertaken in a consortium manner, it is required to provide relevant materials to prove that the scope of work undertaken by the design agency in such project(s) meet(s) the requirements of this project.(s) meet(s) the requirements of this project. The performance calculation time shall be subject to the contract signing date).

6.1.5 The General Project Leader must be directly involved in the whole process of the competition activities, and present at the competition organization site to report the plan at least twice in person (if he cannot be present due to the epidemic, the video report can be used). The registered design agency must ensure that the General Project Leader and the main designers are always involved in the design and will not be replaced in the midway. If the registered design agency is a consortium, the General Project Leader must be a member of leading party of the consortium.

6.1.6 To ensure the project designers accurately understand the regional background of China and the relevant requirements, an overseas design agency shall be provided with at least one person proficient in Chinese.

6.1.7 The application by the consortium is accepted in the competition. The number of agencies constituting the consortium shall not exceed 3. The Consortium's Participation Agreement shall be submitted as required (The Consortium's Participation Agreement shall be stamped with the official company seal of each member, and signed by the legal representative or authorized representative of the overseas design agencies which do not have the official company seal.)

6.1.8 The pre-competition service agencies of the competition are not allowed to participate in the competition. The list of pre-competition service agencies is as follows: Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Company Limited.
Note: For details, please refer to Annex 3: Selection Document 2. Description of Composition of Application Documents, Annex 3-1: Qualification Examination Form, and Annex 3-2: Competition Selection Review Factors.

6.2 How to Apply:

6.2.1 Application: The design agencies eligible for the application conditions shall apply online on the website (www.chinaebid.com) (the sunshine procurement and bidding platform of China - CHINABID) during the period from September 26, 2021 to October 12, 2021(9:00-12:00 am, 14:00-17:00 pm, Beijing time, except statutory holidays). The application fee is RMB ¥1,000.

6.2.2 The design agencies intend to participate in the competition MUST upload the completed Application Registration Form (refer to Annex 2 for details) affixed with official seal to www.chinaebid.com (the sunshine procurement and bidding platform of China - CHINABID) in electronic form (PDF) during the period from September 26, 2021 to October 12, 2021.

6.2.3 The design agencies intend to participate in the competition MUST send or post the completed competition application documents (refer to Annex 3 for details) in written form to the competition organizer before the submission deadline, and send the electronic documents to the competition agency's mailbox -- jczb_2021@163.com at the same time. Submission expiration date: 17:00, October 15, 2021, Beijing time, subject to the time the documents received and signed by the competition organizations in case of submission of the application documents by the design agencies through post service.

6.3 Requirements against Application Materials:

6.3.1 The format and submission of the application documents shall be in accordance with the requirements of Selection Document (refer to Annex 3).

The registered design agency must prepare complete application documents and bind them into a book. If there are more contents, they can be bound in separate books. The cover of each independently bound application document must be affixed with the official company seal of the registered design agency. The application document shall be affixed with the official company seal of the registered design agency on the perforation and each page. The representative of the registered design agency may be the legal representative or his authorized representative. The application document signed by the authorized representative shall be accompanied by a valid power of attorney signed by the legal representative.
Note: Except for the information in the Consortium's Participation Agreement that shall be affixed with the official company seal of each member as stipulated in the selection document, other contents of the application document can only be sealed and signed by the leading party of the consortium.

6.3.3 The registered design agency must be responsible for all the consequences caused by any mistakes or omissions in its application documents.

6.3.4 All the application documents shall be made in nine copies (1 paper original and 1 electronic original versions of the application documents shall be included, and the later shall be provided in the form of CD-ROM and USB flash drive without password and virus, and with contents consistent with the paper application documents printed by the registered design agency. If there is any difference, the paper application documents shall prevail.), including 8 duplicates, and shall be marked "original" and "duplicate". In case of any consistency between the original and the duplicate, the original shall prevail. The application documents shall be duly signed by the legally authorized representative of the registered design agency, and any changes (if any) shall be signed by the original signatory.

6.3.5 All application documents shall be sent to the organizer before the deadline for submission and handed over to the responsible person of the organizer. Overdue delivered documents will not be accepted. The organizer will not assume any responsibility for the damage or loss of the application documents caused by force majeure events.

6.3.6 All application documents must be sealed in an envelope or package which shall be stamped with the official seal of the design agency. The application documents include: ① the original (including the electronic version of the application document in the form of CD), ② the duplicates ③ the Application Registration Form, which shall be sealed separately in envelope or package with the cover marked as follows:

Original/Duplicate/Registration Form
Recipient Name: Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Company Limited

Competition No.:
Competition Name:
Name of Design Agency:
Address of Design Agency:
Contact Tel.:
在 年 月 日 时 分(报名文件递交截止时间)前不得开启
It cannot be opened before (deadline for submission of application documents)

7. Contact

Contact: 020-22099922, 020-83522895

Contact person: Miss Deng

Contact address: 2nd Floor, Block B, Haizhu Sports Center, No. 628, Zhongkai Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
Email: jczb_2021@163.com

Special note: In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English expressions of this announcement and the attachments, the Chinese expression shall prevail. The contents of the documents submitted by an overseas design agency shall include Chinese (simplified) translation, but in case of any discrepancy between the simplified Chinese and non-Chinese expressions, the simplified Chinese expression shall prevail.

1. Competition Design Scope
2. Application Registration Form
3. Selection Document

Please click to download
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