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International Competition Announcement: Urban Design for Haiyan Ancient City and Architectural Concept Design for Key Areas

1. 项目背景
1. Project Background
1) 江南文明发祥地,千年古县走上复兴之路


1) The birthplace of civilization in China, south of the Yangtze River: a thousand-year-old county starting on a path towards revival.
Haiyan County was established in the 25th year of the Qin Dynasty (222 BC), and has a long history of over two thousand years. Its name, which combines the Chinese characters for “sea” and “salt”, was named after a seaside area which was widely expanded, and became linked with nearby salt fields. As one of the cradles of human civilization, Haiyan has a past filled with impressive cultural achievements and historical figures. The ancient city is home to intellectual wealth recognized as ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ by UNESCO, as well as a large number of sites of material cultural heritage. Among the latter are former residences of literati, the Baolang Salt Field, the Yulin Sea Pond, Tianning Temple, Millennium Port and other thousand-year-old landmarks. The city also boasts one of the ten most famous gardens in the country, the only Chinese classical garden in Zhejiang Province, the province’s oldest and most intact moat, as well as Qi Garden – a place of renown protected by the National Cultural Relics department.
As the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta has become a national priority, Haiyan has officially become an important part of the opening of the Hongqiao International Hub “One Center and Two Belts” in the South Expansion Belt, and has become an important component of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. The development of Haiyan will further China’s intention of opening up, and this international competition is an important marker for creating new opportunities for cooperation. In the ancient city of Haiyan, Qi Garden is understood as as the “core”, the city moat as the “pulse”, and the “Eight Gardens” as the “eye”. With a thousand years of rich heritage, it is ready to embark on the road to revival.

2) 高铁时代新机遇,打造世界湾区璀璨明珠


2) New opportunities in the era of high-speed rail, to create a shining jewel in Haiyan by the water.

With the construction of regional connections such as the Tongsu-Jiayong cross-sea railway, the Shanghai-Pingyan and Hanghai inter-city railways, Haiyan has entered a new era of rapid development made possible by high-speed trains: an expansive circular area suitable for living around the city center has been made reachable within an hour of travel in a core area of the Yangtze River Delta. At the same time, the Southern Cultural Tourism Belt of the area is the most established in China, with many internationally renowned attractions - they include Wuzhen, Xitang, the Qiantang River, and other famed natural and cultural destinations.
The ancient city of Haiyan is adjacent to the new city and its high-speed railway, and will cooperate with major platforms such as Sunac International Cultural Tourism City and Nanbei Lake Future City to enhance the city’s brand, taking full advantage of its unique qualities as a thousand-year-old county. A high-quality approach is sought which takes advantage of the large local customer base, through the formation of a complete chain which integrates multiple systems – to become a tourist draw and cultural icon, creating a world-class symbol of cultural excellence on the tourist trail of the Pearl River Delta.

2. 项目区位
2. Project Site

Haiyan lies 118 kilometers away from Shanghai and 98 kilometers away from Hangzhou. Additionally, it is less than a hundred kilometers away from the cities of Suzhou and Ningbo. It is connected to the Yangtze River Delta by the ring-shaped highway network composed of the Hangpu Expressway, Shenhai Expressway, Changtai Expressway, and Zhajiasu Expressway 1. The circle indicates a residential area with a one-hour or less travel time to Haiyan, and is the core area of integration for the Yangtze River Delta.

图1 长三角区位示意图 A diagram of the Yangtze River Delta location

The regional transportation infrastructure serving the ancient city area is outstanding, being conveniently interconnected with the major urban centers within the Yangtze River Delta. The area of the ancient city which lies adjacent to the high-speed rail hub contains a “cross + radial” rail transit network formed by the Tongsu-Jiaong-Ningbo high-speed rail line, the Shanghai-Pingyan Intercity Railway, the Haiyan Intercity Railway and the Hangzhou-Haizhou Intercity Railway.
Within Haiyan County, the ancient city area has excellent existing inbound and outbound transportation options. To the south lies Huancheng South Road, to the north Zaoyuan Road, and running north-south through the area are Baichi Road, Xinqiao Road, and Binhai Avenue. The travel distance between these roads, which cover the Nanbeihu and Hangpu areas, is 7 kilometers. The ancient city area is also well connected to the Hangzhou-Pu and Shen-hai highways through its urban highways and inter-city expressways.
The ancient city area is located in the heart of Haiyan County, and serves as its public service and cultural center. Throughout the process of rapid construction and urbanization, the ancient city area has not only retained a large number of historical and cultural resources, but also maintains coordinated urban features with the new city and convenient links to its high-speed rail network, as well as nearby Binhai New City.

3. 征集目的
3. Purpose of Call for Proposals

Taken within the context of the urban integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the southward expansion belt of the Hongqiao International Hub, there is a need to actively plan the future development of urban centers within the area – this includes coordinating high-quality resources, preserving and amplifying unique culture, applying future technologies, and sharing urban services towards an outcome which is international, original, and can be enjoyed for generations. The thousand-year-old ancient city is an ideal place from where the development of Haiyan in the new era can truly be set in motion.
The international call for proposals is fully supported by the team of Professor Shen Lei of the China Eco-City Research Institute.

4. 设计任务和范围
4.Design content

Design task: International Competition Announcement: Urban Design for Haiyan Ancient City and Architectural Concept Design for Key Areas
Design scope: The overall boundary of the proposal area is defined by Binhai Avenue to the east, Huancheng South Road to the south, Baichi Road to the west, and Zaoyuan Road to the north,The scope of planning and design is divided into three categories: the coordination area, the core area, and 6 key areas.
Within that, the outer area is comprised of about 348 hectares,Binhai Avenue to the east, Huancheng South Road to the south, Baichi Road to the west, and Zaoyuan Road to the north;while the core area is comprised of roughly 180 hectares, from the Yanpingtang-Moat to the east, the south Qinshan Road to the south, Qinjian Road to the west, and Chengbei Road to the north.
The six key areas are: Yangjia Nong (8.2 hectares), Bayuan Zhengyan (12.5 hectares), the moat and the land on either side of it (17.3 hectares), Haitang Cultural Park and Guanhaiyuan Area (12.7 hectares), Tianning Temple (22 hectares), and the cotton spinning factory area (11 hectares).

图2 设计范围示意图 Design scope diagram

5. 征集要求
5. Requirements

The international solicitation includes three stages: “pre-qualification (finalist) + program comparison + program deepening integration”. It is planned to solicit publicly on a global scale. The design agency submits the corresponding application materials according to the application requirements, and selects the best five shortlisted institutions to participate in the next stage of program comparison and selection.

6. 时间计划
6.Time plan

May 08, 2021 (Before 12:00): Date by which design agencies must send registration materials to the e-mail address and submit paper documents.
May 9-10, 2021:The recruiter plans to determine the shortlisted institutions.
June 27, 2021: Applicants submit their results.

7. 应征要求
7. Registration Requirements
7.1. 应征申请人(以下简称“申请人”)应为合法注册的法人实体或由合法注册的法人实体组成的项目联合体。
7.1 The applicant (hereinafter referred to as the “applicant”) shall be a legally registered legal entity or a project consortium composed of legally registered legal entities.
7.2. 申请人应具有承担本项目的相关资格及能力(满足下列条件之一)

7.2 The applicant should have the relevant qualifications and ability to undertake this project (Satisfy one of the following conditions)
(1) Applicants within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall provide proof materials that can prove their professional and technical ability to undertake urban design, such as the Grade A qualification certificate for urban and rural planning and the entrustment contract for urban design, etc.;
(2) Planning and design agencies outside the People’s Republic of China must have a city planning or architectural design license or business license in accordance with the management regulations of their country or region. The qualification requirements of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan design institutions shall refer to the requirements of the qualification requirements of overseas design institutions.
7.3. 本项目接受联合体申请,联合体的成员机构不得超过5家

注:1、法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得同时参加本次国际征集活动; 2、已报名的设计机构不可再与其他机构组成联合体参加本次国际征集活动,也不得以顾问的形式参加。3、本项目不接受个人及个人组合报名。
7.3 The project organizers will accept consortium applications; please note that there is a maximum number of 5 consortium member institutions per application.

(1) The members of the consortium shall jointly sign a consortium agreement;
(2) Each member unit that forms the project consortium may no longer apply for prequalification separately in its own name, nor can it join other consortiums in the project to apply for prequalification;
Note: 1. Two or more legal persons whose legal representatives are the same person, the parent company, or wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company shall not participate in this international solicitation at the same time; Institutions that form a consortium to participate in this international solicitation activity are not allowed to participate in the form of consultants. 3. This project does not accept an individual’s or an assembly of individuals’ registration.

7.4. 报名方式及资料获取




7.4 Registration Method and Acquisition of Project Information Competition announcements and data acquisition:

Zhejiang Government Procurement Network:
The official website of the Chinese Society for Urban Science: http://www.chinasus.org/
Official website of China Eco-city Research Institute: http://www.chinaecocityacademy.com
Design agencies interested in participating in this project should first send the registration form and other registration materials to the organization consulting service by email. In addition, the design agency needs to deliver or mail the paper version of the registration documents to the organizer before the specified date.

For additional information, please contact technical support team.
Registration consultation: Ma Shanshan (+86) 18811085233
Registration email: mashanshan@nbev-hkb.com
The registration information is mailed: No. 178, Zaoyuan West Road, Wuyuan Street, Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province
The name of the message sent: design unit name + project name
Consulting time: 9:00-17:00 on weekdays

8. 设计补偿费
8. Design Compensation

First place: A prize of RMB 4 million (including tax, to be paid in the form of a further developed design contract);
Second place and third place: Prizes of RMB 900,000 (tax included) respectively;
Fourth place and fifth place: Prizes of RMB 600,000 (tax included) respectively.

9. 组织机构
9. Organization

Organization unit: Haiyan County People’s Government
Organizers: Haiyan County Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Haiyan County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau
Organizer: Haiyan County Urban Development Co., Ltd.
Technical support: China Eco-City Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Bidding Agent: Zhejiang Shengjia Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd

Attachment 1: Prequalification application materials requirements
Attachment 2: Reference format for Prequalification Documents
请点击下载附件 Please click to download
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