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Jiaxing International Exchange Center (Party School of CPC Municipal Committee)
Collection of Architectural Design Scheme

一、 项目名称
I. Project Name

Architectural Design Scheme of Jiaxing International Exchange Center (Party School of CPC Municipal Committee)

二、 组织机构
II. Organizations

Sponsor: Jiaxing Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Jiaxing Municipal Party School of the CPC ,Jiaxing Modern Service Industry Development and Investment Group Co. Ltd.
Organizer: Jiaxing Institute of Land and Space Planning

三、 项目概况
III. Project Overview

Jiaxing is the starting place of the red boat of the Chinese Revolution, the birthplace of the “red boat spirit”, and the demonstration place for practicing the “red boat spirit” in the new era. In order to practically improve the conditions of Jiaxing Municipal Party School and build the main position of Nanhu Revolutionary Education, the Standing Committee of Jiaxing Municipal Committee has discussed the site selection of the Party School for many times to define that Jiaxing Municipal Party School shall be built in a different place and will share the same office with Zhejiang Redboat Executive Leadership Academy.
At the same time, in order to alleviate the space shortage of “Two Sessions” and major conferences of Jiaxing City, and undertake an increasing number of international political parties, cultural and economic exchanges of Jiaxing City, the Municipal Party Committee considers to construct Jiaxing International Exchange Center, the City Hall and the Municipal Party School as a whole, and share the facilities and functions.
The project is located at the starting place of the “red boat” of Chinese Communist Party – the southeast side of the South Lake of Jiaxing, and the four range of the project is: north to Nanxi West Road, south to Linggongtang, west to Fanggong Road, and east to Jingshuiqiao Port (see the figure below). The land area is about 179,400 square meters, and the above-ground construction area is about 154,800 square meters.

四、 征集方式
IV. Collection Method

This project is open to all design agencies with relevant design experience all over the world, and the pre-qualification documents shall be submitted. Through the pre-qualification, 5 – 8 shortlisted companies will be selected to participate in the collection activities, and the design scheme shall be submitted.

五、 征集内容
V. Collection Content

The content is the architectural scheme design of Jiaxing International Exchange Center (Party School of CPC Municipal Committee)

六、 报名方式
VI. Registration Method

The applicants may register and submit the pre-qualification documents through two ways:
1. Register by mail. The delivery place is No. 306, Hongxing Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City (Jiaxing Institute of Land and Space Planning). The pre-qualification documents and list of information shall be sent by E-mail to E-mail: 358605994@qq.com.
2. Register on site. The delivery place is No. 306, Hongxing Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City (Jiaxing Institute of Land and Space Planning). The pre-qualification documents and list of information shall be sent by E-mail to E-mail: 358605994@qq.com.
Postcode: 314001
Contact person: Mr. Mo; Contact number: 15067102235
Contact person: Ms. Zhao; Contact number: 18268424606

七、 报名截止时间
VII. Deadline for Registration

Beijing Time 17:00 of September 12, 2020.

八、 征集公告发布平台
VIII. The Platform of Collection Announcement

The platform for releasing the collection announcement and obtaining the data:
Official Website of Chinese Society of Urban Science: http://www.chinasus.org/
ABBS Architecture Forum: http://www.abbs.com.cn/
谷德设计网: https://www.gooood.cn/
Good Design Network: https://www.gooood.cn/
Official Website of Jiaxing Natural Resources and Planning Bureau: http://zrzyhghj.jiaxing.gov.cn/
嘉兴市市公共资源交易中心官方网站: http://www.jxzbtb.cn/
Official Website of Jiaxing Public Resources Trading Center: http://www.jxzbtb.cn/

九、 征集咨询
IX. Consultation

电话咨询(北京时间周一至周五 9:00-12:00,14:00-18:00):
Telephone counseling (Beijing Time Monday to Friday 9:00 -12:00, 14:00 - 18:00):
Mr. Mo: 15067102235
Ms. Zhao: 18268424606

十、 应征人资格要求
X. Qualification Requirements for Applicants

1. The registered design units shall have independent legal qualification.
2. The domestic design units shall have Class A Qualification of National Construction Engineering, and overseas design units shall have corresponding qualification as well as the design performance and experience in similar projects.
3. The design team shall be constituted by professionals in architecture, planning, structure and landscape with successful experience in similar projects, and the team members shall have a higher level of registration qualification or corresponding qualification.
4、 设计团队的主创设计师须由主持过多项同类型项目的资深人员担任。须亲自主持设计工作,参加现场踏勘、中期交流会、评审会的汇报等工作(主创设计师需出具承诺函)。
4. The Chief Designer of the design team shall be a senior staff who has presided over several similar projects. He or she shall be responsible for the design personally and participate in the site survey, mid-term exchange meeting, and the report of review meeting (the Chief Designer shall issue a commitment letter).
5、本项目接受联合体,联合体的成员机构不得超过2 家
5. The consortium is allowed in this project; however, there shall be no more than 2 members of the consortium
(1) The members of the consortium shall jointly sign a consortium agreement;
(2) The members forming the project consortium shall not apply in their own names separately; and shall not join other consortia or participate in this collection activity as a consultant;
Note: 1. If the legal representative is two or more legal persons of the same person, the parent company, wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company shall not participate in this collection activity at the same time; 2. No individual or individual portfolio is accepted by this project.

XI. Pre-Qualification Documents

In order to facilitate the pre-qualification of each applicant, all information of the applicant must be true, accurate, detailed and visual, so that the sponsor make an informed judgment to prove that the applicant can effectively perform the design obligation.
The applicant must compile the pre-qualification documents according to the following requirements and compile corresponding pages when cataloging. If various supporting materials provided are copies, the applicant shall stamp the official seal on the copies to verify its authenticity. Any applicant who provides false supporting materials will be disqualified from pre-qualification.
Note: all applicants shall compile the pre-qualification documents in accordance with the following order and make the catalogue.
1. The Content Requirements of the Pre-Qualification Documents
The application documents shall be of A4 size (210mm × 297mm), printed on both sides, bound in soft cover, and listed in a catalogue.
(1) International Application Form of Architectural Design Scheme of Jiaxing International Exchange Center (Party School of CPC Municipal Committee) (The original shall be signed and stamped with official seal, and members of the consortium shall fill in it respectively, see Annex 1, 2);
(2) The copy of the business license (stamped with official seal);
Note: if Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions or overseas design agencies cannot provide the supporting documents, the certificate of company registration shall be provided (Chinese version is required, which shall be sealed);
(3) The valid identification document of the legal person (signed and stamped with official seal);
(4) The certificate of authorization by the legal person and the valid identification document of the entrusted party (signed and stamped with official seal);
(5) Company profile;
(6) In case of the overseas unit, it shall provide the relevant local professional qualification, identity certificate and certificate of authorization (Chinese version is required, which shall be sealed);
(7) Consortium agreement: the unit who register in the name of the design consortium shall submit the “Design Consortium Agreement” jointly signed by the design consortium, and define the main unit who takes the lead in designing (stamped with official seal or signed. In case of a consortium, it shall be stamped with the official seal or signature of all members of the consortium);
(8) Experience list of similar projects: the supporting materials of similar design projects shall be provided (the project contract or bid-winning document);
Note: no more than 10 achievements of each category
(9) Summary of designers, which shall define the team members and division of labor;
(10) The resume and supporting materials of designers, among which, the project leader shall work continuously at the registered design agency at least one year. The project leader and the chief designer shall provide the personal resume, professional qualification documents and documents of participation in similar projects. If the relevant performance is completed in other design units, it is necessary to specify and describe the work involved in the original design team, and the contact person shall be provided.
Note: the design agency (including the consortium) shall designate 1 project leader who shall be the final person to participate in the project. The project leader and the chief designer can be the same person. In order to ensure that the project designers accurately understand the regional background of China and relevant requirements, there shall be at least one person who is fluent in Chinese in the project designers.
(11) Other materials deemed necessary by the design agency (consortium).
All the above materials shall be true and valid, which shall be stamped with official seal or signed. If the registration documents are found to be false in the pre-qualification, the sponsor shall reserve the right to pursue further.
2. Notes for Submission of Pre-Qualification Documents
(1) The design agency (consortium) must compile the pre-qualification documents as required and compile the corresponding pages when cataloging. The submitted documents shall follow the principle of environmental protection and avoid excessive packaging.
(2) Paper documents: the pre-qualification documents shall be packaged independently in 1 original and 5 copies respectively: 1 original shall be marked with the “original” on the cover, indicate the project name and the name of the design agency, stamped with the official seal (the official seal of the leading unit shall be stamped for a consortium) and signed by its legal representative or its authorized representative, and the inside pages of the original shall be stamped with the official seal (the official seal of the leading unit shall be stamped for a consortium); 5 copies shall be stamped with the official seal on the cover and the signature page (the official seal of the leading unit shall be stamped for a consortium) or use color photocopies, and marked with the “copy” on the cover.
(3) Electronic documents: including the canned copy of the original after being sealed; the copies are replicable WORD documents and PDF documents; 2 sets of CD-ROM and 1 set of U disk shall be submitted. At the same time, please send the pre-qualification documents and list of information to the following mailbox: 358605994@qq.com.
(4) Sealing requirements: the pre-qualification documents and electronic documents shall be sealed and packed in two separate bags, and “International Collection for Architectural Design Scheme of Jiaxing International Exchange Center (Party School of CPC Jiaxing Municipal Committee)” as well as the “Name of Design Agency” shall be indicated on the sealing bag. The seal of the sealing bag shall be stamped with the official seal of the design agency (in case of a consortium, it can be sealed by the leading unit). The design agency shall send or mail the registration documents in the paper version to Mr. Mo at Floor 3, Jiaxing Institute of Land and Space Planning, No. 306, Hongxing Road, Nanhu District, Jiaxing City before 17:00 of September 12, 2020, with the phone number of 15067102235. In case of any change, the submission deadline is subject to the latest notice.
(5) The pre-qualification documents shall be subject to the paper documents finally received, and the documents received after the deadline will not be accepted.
2. Special Requirements
The applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the pre-qualification documents provided. If the sponsor finds that the applicant provides false documents or is suspected of fabricating at any time before sending the notice of competition, it shall have the right to refuse the application or cancel the applicant’s competition qualification.
3. Veto Clause
(1) In case of one of the following conditions, the sponsor shall not accept the pre-qualification documents:
①The delivery time and place of the documents do not comply with this document;
(2) In case of one of the following conditions, the pre-qualification shall be unqualified:
①The applicant fails to meet the pre-qualification registration conditions;
②The consortium applies for it but fails to submit the consortium agreement;
③Two or more design agencies of the same group and its subsidiaries with the same legal representative submit the pre-qualification documents;
④Each member of the consortium applies alone in its own name, while participating in two or more consortia.

XII. Collection Procedures

1. Stage I: Registration and Pre-Qualification
(1) The sponsor shall form a pre-qualification review committee to review the pre-qualification documents submitted by applicants and recommend 5 units submitting the pre-qualification documents as the shortlisted units. If the chief designer of the company team is served by an academician or a winner of Pritzker Prize, it can be directly shortlisted without accounting for 5 shortlisted units. (There shall be no more than 8 shortlisted units, and 2 alternative design units shall be selected in order. If the shortlisted unit withdraws, the alternative design unit shall replace in order).
(2) 5 – 8 shortlisted applicants that have passed the pre-qualification shall submit the Confirmation Letter for Competition on time. If the shortlisted units withdraw the second stage, and there is less than 5 units, the alternative unit shall replace in order.
(3) If the applicant submitting the Confirmation Letter for Competition withdraws midway or ultimately abandons the application due to non-force majeure, the sponsor shall have the right to refuse the unit to participate in any other construction project activities held by the sponsor.
(4) See the guidelines for the key points of pre-qualification in Part II of this document.
2. Stage II: Design Scheme Competition and Review
(1) The pre-qualified design units shall enter the second stage for design competition.
(2) The applicant shall submit the result documents that meet the requirements of the design assignment. During the review, the project leader or the chief designer shall introduce the scheme and defend, explain the design concept, and answer the questions of the review committee.
(3) Through the review, the review committee shall recommend the alternative schemes and put forward the review opinions on the alternative schemes, and the sponsor shall determine the final superior scheme after comprehensively considering various factors. After the later stage of negotiation, the final superior scheme has priority to enter the scheme deepening stage.
(4) Each applicant is only allowed to submit one design scheme.

XIII. Collection Schedule

Stage I: Registration and Pre-Qualification
The notice of pre-qualification and design assignment shall be released on September 1, 2020
The deadline for answering questions is September 5, 2020
The answers shall be officially released on September 8, 2020
The design agency shall submit the paper documents before 17:00 of September 12, 2020, and the registration is over.
Stage II: Design Competition Stage
The shortlisted units shall be announced on September 18, 2020, and site survey as well as technical exchange will be organized
The deadline for answering questions is September 25, 2020
The answers shall be officially released on September 30, 2020
The middle-term communication on October 18, 2020
The shortlisted units shall submit the result documents on November 10, 2020
The shortlisted units shall introduce their scheme and defend at the scheme review meeting on November 12, 2020
The final superior scheme shall be determined, and the result shall be announced on November 20, 2020
All times are based on Beijing Time, and the organization shall reserve the right to adjust the schedule.
The review address is Jiaxing City, and the detailed time and address will be notified by formal email in advance.

XIV. Scheme Collection Fee

The scheme collection fee shall be paid in RMB, and any taxes arising from the fees shall be borne by the design agency (consortium). After the review, the design agencies (consortium) meeting the design requirements will obtain the following scheme collection fee according to their ranking:
After completing the design scheme, the sponsor shall determine the winning unit after review and decision. 1 winner of the first prize will be awarded RMB 2,000,000 (in case of the design unit in the future, the design fee shall be deducted correspondingly); 2 winners of the second prize will be awarded RMB 1,200,000 respectively; 2 winners of the third prize will be awarded RMB 600,000 respectively; other shortlisted units shall be given RMB 200,000 for compensation respectively.
If the shortlisted unit participates in the competition in the name of the design consortium, the sponsor will only contact and settle accounts with the leading unit. If the overseas design agency cannot use this agency account to collect RMB, it may authorize a legal independent legal person in China to collect the payment.
If the sponsor or the review committee holds that the result documents submitted by the shortlisted unit fail to reach the agreed design depth and achievement requirements, the sponsor may pay part or not pay the scheme collection fee accordingly.
All expenses (including travel and accommodation expenses) of the shortlisted units for participating in this activity shall be borne by themselves.

XV. Intellectual Property Right and Relevant Laws

1. The ownership (including the copyright) and other legitimate rights and interests of the materials, software and other goods provided by the sponsor shall belong to the sponsor. Without the written consent of the sponsor, the applicant shall not use or allow any third party to use the above materials, software and other goods without authorization; otherwise, the applicant shall bear all liabilities arising therefrom and shall compensate all resulting losses of the sponsor.
2. The applicant shall ensure that the planning and design drawings, relevant documents, materials, schemes and other project achievements (including draft and final results) submitted to the sponsor as well as the necessary methods to achieve the results shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the sponsor and any third party (including but not limited to the patent right, trademark, copyright, manufacturer’s mark, service mark, trade secret, citizen’s portrait right, etc.); otherwise, the applicant shall bear all liabilities arising therefrom and shall compensate all resulting losses of the sponsor.
3. The sponsor shall announce the review results after the review of project results, and shall have the right to reasonably introduce, display and evaluate the collection results through media, professional magazines, professional books and periodicals, or other forms.
4. The sponsor shall have the right to use and dispose all the design schemes and result documents submitted by all applicants who participate in the scheme collection for free. Al the design achievements will not be returned to the design agency after review, and the design agency shall not use the design scheme to any other projects other than this project.

XVI. Confidentiality Principle

1. After the public release of information, all information related to the review, clarification, evaluation and comparison of the collection documents as well as the recommendation of candidates and any other condition related to the review shall be kept strictly confidential; any relevant information and materials shall not be disclosed to the applicant or the personnel not related to the above work.
2. The sponsor and evaluation expert shall keep confidential after receiving the result documents submitted by the applicant. Any personnel or unit shall not disclose, make public or display the result documents without the permission of the sponsor or relevant government departments before the end of review; otherwise, it will be investigated for relevant legal liability.
3. During the review and comparison of result documents, recommendation of shortlisted candidates and the process of authorizing the contract, any attempt by the unit to exert influence on the unit or the review team will result in the cancellation of the result documents.

XVII. Language and Unit of Measurement

1. Language
与此次征集活动有关的所有往来通知、函件和征集成果文件均为中英对照, 如中英文不一致的地方,以中文为准。
All notices, correspondence and result documents related to this collection activity shall be in both Chinese and English. In case of inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.
If all notices, correspondence and result documents of the applicant are not in Chinese, it shall provide the Chinese translation at the same time, which shall prevail.
2. Unit of Measurement
Except as otherwise stipulated in the relevant national standards and technical requirements in the collection documents, the unit of measurement used in the result documents shall be the legal unit of measurement of the People’s Republic of China.

XVIII. Others

1. The sponsor shall reserve the right to change the schedule and have the final interpretation of this scheme collection activity.
2. The applicants shall participate in site survey, Q & A and expert review meeting together with their own translators.
3. The design agency (consortium) shall ensure that its project leader and the main designers are always involved in the design work; if the project leader or the chief designer cannot participate in the activity and report the achievements in person except for not being able to enter China due to epidemic or other reasons, the qualification of the design agency (consortium) in which he / she works will be cancelled. Overseas design agencies or the consortium with overseas design agencies shall ensure that the project leader or the chief designer of the overseas design agency can attend related survey, Q & A, report and result review.
4. The sponsor shall have the right to announce the cancellation of collection at any time before sending the notification of finalists, and the sponsor shall not be obliged to compensate any possible expenses to the applicants.
5. The sponsor shall have the right to require the shortlisted candidates to further optimize the design achievements in accordance with the requirements of relevant departments.
6. After determining the shortlisted units, the sponsor will not explain the reasons to unsuccessful applicants.
7. The unsuccessful applicants shall not ask the condition and materials during the review to the review committee or other relevant personnel.
8. The power of interpretation of the pre-qualification documents shall belong to the sponsor, and the language shall be subject to Chinese.
9. Once the applicants who participate in this collection activity have successfully registered, it shall be deemed that they have accepted all clauses of this collection activity.

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