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1. 项目概况 Project Profile

松山湖区位图 Songshan Lake Location

Positioned in the center of the Science and Technology Innovation Corridor of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao, Songshan Lake area stays in the base for major scientific installations and the high-tech industrial park cluster. Given the overall positioning that Songshan Lake Science City will be developed as a scientific and technological innovation hub and designed as a core engine to promote high-quality development of regional economy, the client is inviting design consulting worldwide to re-orient the programs and redefine the purpose of the island, and in the end, to level-up the development of the Songshan Lake Science City. Together with the belief of “Rooted in Dongguan, Contributing to the Greater Bay Area and Connecting with the World”, it is a blueprint for city of Dongguan to exemplify the Songshan Lake Science and Technology Convention Center around Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
This project is defined as Songshan Lake Science and Technology Convention Center. It aims to set up an exclusive platform for Scientists, technologists and financial figures in order to optimize the conference service in the Songshan Lake Park. Meeting activities are different, such as high-level sci-tech conferences, forums, academic symposia, product launch and the like. Meanwhile, through crossover interactions among scientists, technologists, financial figures and artists, it is intended to drive development of Science and Technology innovation industry by Fintech industry. It will provide a unique Sci. & Tech. communication venue with special aesthetic and artistic quality.

项目地块航拍图 Site Aerial Images

项目基地位于松山湖核心生态圈的环湖区域,其岛屿众多、岸线蜿蜒、地势平缓、植被丰盈的内陆湖区自然环境,为城市营造多元的公共空间文化提供了无限可能。 因此,“松山湖科技交流平台”将成为交流、展示、联谊的平台中最为独特的场所。科技、金融、艺术三者在现代文明的殿堂中相辅相成、交相辉映,为平台奠定了崇高的基调。此次规划与设计旨在以创造独特的场所精神为内核,利用合理安排的功能布局和独具匠心的建筑形式,为松山湖科学城提供高品质会议、会展和文化活动的硬件设施,健全园区的功能机制,并提升其社会价值和影响力。
The site, embraced by the lake, lies at the lakefront of the core ecological circle of Songshan Lake. With numerous islands, winding coastlines, gentle terrain and lush vegetation, the natural landscape provides infinite possibilities to stimulate varied cultural expressions embodied by urban public space. Hence, Songshan Lake Science and Technology Convention Center would present a distinguished space for communication, exhibition and fellowship. It is performing under the keynote of the ensemble of science, finance and art. This design competition intends to create characteristic spirit of place, providing high-quality facilities for conferences, exhibitions and cultural activities by well-defined programs, reasonable layout and original architectural forms with intelligence. Furthermore, it would upgrade the mechanism and roles of Songshan Lake Science City, as well as enhance its values and impacts in society.

2. 竞赛设计内容Competition Content

For this competition, design teams are tasked with creating urban design and architectural concept proposals for the site (see the Design Brief for details). The first-prize winner shall undertake the task of integrating both urban design studies and concept optimization.

3. 竞赛规则Competition Rules
3.1 第一阶段:报名及资格预审阶段Phase I: Registration and Pre-qualification

1) 竞赛方式及报名条件Eligibility
a) The competition is open to any design team with relevant project experience from any country in the world. Design firm established within China territory must both own legal documents that are within the validity period and be an independent legal entity or legal representative of other domestic organizations. Foreign design firm must be a legally registered firm in the country or region that the firm is located. Applicants with the same legal representative or direct holding relations shall not register for the competition at the same time. Please note that application by individuals or teams of individuals will not be accepted.
b) We encourage application by multi-disciplinary design consortium (the ’Design Consortium’ shall refer to disciplines including Architect, Urban Plan, Landscape Architecture, Hydrology and Water Resources Engineer, etc.). No more than 3 members of a design consortium may be required. Under no circumstances will any member of a registered consortium sign up at the same time in its name or the form of another consortium.
c) Teams with similar design experience will get priority.
d) The designers involved in this competition shall be officially enrolled in the agency. The chief designer shall be experienced in having directed quite a few projects of the same kind and will be committed to the competition from inception through to completion. Internationally based applicants may be required to assign at least one proficient Chinese speaker in the design team for better understanding the regional backgrounds and regulations in China.
e) Applicants should submit the Registration Documents as required by the Competition Conditions
f) The chief designer directing the project shall attend the milestone presentation meetings. Should the chief designer present during the competition be inconsistent with the one specified in the Registration Document, the Organizer has the right to disqualify the team from the shortlist and competition.
2) 资格预审方式Pre-qualification evaluation
The organizer and client will set up a Selection Panel for Pre-qualification. The Selection Panel will evaluate the Registration Document submitted by the design teams from a number of criteria including certificates, portfolio, design team and working approaches. Six teams will be in the shortlist for Phase I. And two alternatives will be selected (in order) simultaneously, for being the substitutes if any of the 6 teams withdraw from the competition.
3) 通过资格预审的六家入围参赛机构应按时提交《参赛确认函》。
3) The six teams in the shortlist shall submit the Participation Confirmation on time.
4) 若递交《参赛确认函》的参赛机构因非不可抗力因素中途退出或最终放弃参赛,主办方、委托方有权在今后拒绝该参赛机构参加主办方、委托方其他任何建设项目的竞赛。
4) Should any of the shortlist withdraw from the competition not due to force majeure, the organizer and client have the right to disqualify the team from their any other competitions.
3.2 第二阶段:城市设计及建筑设计简案阶段 Phase II: Architecture-led Urban Design
1) The six shortlisted teams shall submit the deliverables meeting the requirements of the Design Brief. The Jury will select three of the six teams to Phase II.
2) Each team is only allowed to submit one design proposal.
3) The planning and design conditions and architectural statistics will be specified and fixed based on the researches and urban design strategies from the six teams.
3.3 第三阶段:方案优化设计阶段 Phase III: Architectural Concept Design
1) The three shortlisted teams shall submit the deliverables meeting the requirements of the Design Brief. The Jury at Phase II will select two finalists of the three teams and recommend them to the Bank of Dongguan, who will ratify the order of the two finalists ultimately. The first one will be the first-prize winner, whose proposal will be the final proposal.
2) Each team is only allowed to submit one design proposal.

4. 竞赛日程Competition Timetable

☆ 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方、委托方保留调整日程安排的权利。

Note: The above timetable adopts Beijing time and is subject to adjustment by the Organizer and Client.

5. 设计补偿费与奖金Honorariums and monetary award

The six shortlisted teams through the pre-qualification will each receive an honorarium of CNY 1 million for completing the Phase II (Architecture-led Urban Design). An extra honorarium of CNY 1 million will be provided to each of the three shortlisted teams at Phase II for completing the Phase III (Architectural Concept Design).
The first-prize winner will receive a prize of CNY 3.5 million and be responsible for the final refined deliverables by taking advantages of all other proposals. The final achievement should be confirmed by the Client. Meanwhile, the second-prize winner will receive a prize of CNY 0.5 million.

6. 资料索取Download

Competition documents are available for download at https://www.jianguoyun.com/p/DWgi_00QvIPLCBi0jagD

7. 竞赛信息查询网址/公众号Competition Information Inquiry Website/ WeChat Official Accounts


8. 组织机构Organization

Organizer: China Resources Land (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Client: Bank of Dongguan Co., Ltd.
Supervisor: Dongguan Songshan Lake Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Administrative Committee

9. 联系方式Contact

联系电话:+86 138 2886 3942
Contact Person: Ms. Yang
Tel.:+86 138 2886 3942
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