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Announcement on the International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park

一、项目名称 Project Name

International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park

二、组织机构 Organizers
Tenderee: Guangdong Shenshan Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.
Organizing Consultant: Benecus Consultancy Limited

三、招标平台Tendering Platform
Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center
深圳市建设工程交易服务网信息登记网址Website for Corporate Information Archiving in Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center:
信息发布网址Website of Bidding Announcements:

四、项目概况 Project Overview
Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park situates in the west of Ebu Area, the western cluster of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone. It is located at the intersection of Shenshan Avenue and Zhenmei Greenway with abundant natural environment resources and extremely convenient external traffic. In the future, it will be the western gateway of Ebu Area and the comprehensive tourist service area. With a total area of 290,000 square meters and a total investment of about 7 billion yuan, it will be built into the first ultra-large-scale "industry-city integration" example of the era in Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone - the Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Base, making it an important business card for Ebu Area and an ecological industrial park for living and working.
In order to ensure its high-level and high-quality design, Guangdong Shenshan Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. is organizing the International Competition of Architectural Scheme Design for Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park to solicit far-sighted, innovative and implementable design schemes while domestic and foreign design firms are welcome to take part in this event, so as to establish a development framework for Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park with international vision and innovative concept.

Site Location of Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park

五、竞赛内容 Competition Contents
The project is located on the north side of Shenshan Avenue, and starts from Zhenmei Greenway in the west to Chanye Road in the east, with GLA of about 290,000 square meters and GFA (count in plot ratio) of about 670,000 square meters. The competition contents mainly include:
Design Competition Stage: Architectural concept design of Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park.
Design Stage after the Bid Winning: Architectural scheme design and preliminary design of Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park.

Competition Scope

六、组织流程 Organizational Process
(一)资格预审阶段 Prequalification

The tenderee will establish a prequalification committee, who will carry out comprehensive review on the bidder’s qualification and achievements, the achievements and project experience of the chief designer and key design personnel, the proposed key team members and their project experience, etc. 5 design firms will be shortlisted to the next design competition stage (at the same time, 2 ranked alternatives will be selected; in case any shortlisted firm quits, they can take its place in order). If the number of valid bids is less than 7, the tenderee will reorganize the prequalification of the project.
(二)方案竞赛阶段 Design Competition
The tenderee will set up a scheme review committee, who will review the schemes submitted by bidders by voting in rounds to select 2 recommended schemes (without ranking) and rank the 3rd to 5th places.
(三)定标阶段 Bid Finalization
According to the provisions of (Shenzhen Gov. Document No. [2015]73), the jury panel of final selection shall be established by the tenderee according to law to determine the winner from the 2 candidates recommended by the scheme review committee.

七、国际竞赛费用 Design Fees
The design firms, who have been shortlisted in the prequalification stage and whose submittals have been deemed as meeting the design requirements after the experts’ review and bid finalization, can win corresponding design fees according to their ranking:
1st place: It can win the contract of architectural scheme design and preliminary design, which includes the fee for organizing follow-up design integration and detailing workshops (not exceeding 2 times);
2nd place: It can receive design compensation of RMB Eight Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥800,000);
3rd place: It can receive design compensation of RMB Six Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥600,000);
4th and 5th places: Each can receive design compensation of RMB Five Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥500,000).
The design scope for the winning bidder is the architectural scheme design and preliminary design of Shenshan Industrial Internet Manufacturing Innovation Park (in which, the architectural discipline shall reach the depth of preliminary design). The design fee is subject to the price offered by the bidder in the stage of design competition, and the offer can’t exceed the controlled price of RMB Thirty Million Yuan (¥30,000,000).
以上费用均为含税价,增值税率根据国家税收法规政策变动而调整,不含税价不随增值税率的变化进行调整。招标人可以根据牵头方提交且经联合体内各方确认的费用分配明细表、增值税专用发票等有效请款文件,以人民币作为结算货币将费用支付给联合体内的各方;境外设计机构若无法使用该机构帐户收取人民币的,可授权境内合法独立法人代收款项; 招标人不承担相应税费。
All foresaid fees are tax-inclusive. The value-added tax rate shall be subject to the changes of the national tax laws and policies, and the price excluding tax won’t be adjusted if there is any change of the value-added tax rate. The tenderee may pay the design fee to each member of a consortium in RMB according the valid payment request documents such as the fee allocation schedule submitted by the leading party and confirmed by all members in the consortium, and value-added tax special invoice, etc.; Foreign firms shall authorize a domestic independent legal entity of PRC to receive the payment on their behalf if they cannot receive RMB on their corporate account; and the tenderee won’t bear any corresponding taxes.
If the tenderee or the jury panel considers that an applicant’s (including consortiums) submission fail to reach the required detailing level or meet the requirements on deliverables, the tenderee may correspondingly pay a part of or not pay the design fees thereto.

八、报名要求 Eligibility
This is an internationally open competition. Domestic and international design firms can sign up for this Competition, subject to no restrictions on qualifications, and consortiums are accepted, but registration submitted by an individual or a team of individuals is not acceptable.
Joint participation of outstanding design firms in various disciplines is encouraged. Partners applying in the name of a consortium shall meet the following requirements:
Each consortium should have no more than 3 members, and no member is allowed to register twice for the Competition itself or in the name of another consortium. Violation of this rule shall render the relevant tender invalid.
The members should sign a legally effective Consortium Agreement, which shall specify the division of work between members and way of distribution of the design fee.
Domestic design firms within the Chinese territory shall be independent legal entities with valid business license issued by relevant departments. Overseas design firms shall be independent legal entities or organizations, which are legally registered in the country where they operate. Legal entities (two or more) with the same person in charge, the parent company, wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company, or companies that have management relationship, are not allowed to participate in the Competition separately. Those companies that have connection, shareholding or management relationship can partner together as a consortium to apply for this Competition.
The chief designer must take charge of the main design work of the Project, including architectural concept design, scheme design and preliminary design, as well as important briefing meetings required by the tenderee. If there is any inconsistence found between the actual chief designer and that in the name list submitted for prequalification, the tenderee reserves the right to nullify the involved design firm from being shortlisted and winning the bid, and hold such bidder responsible for corresponding legal liabilities.
Note: Specific registration requirements are subject to the ones announced in Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center. Please download the relevant documents on the website of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center at https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac272c6fb380172dc2c0c1e1d0d, and apply for this Solicitation accordingly.

九、项目整体时间安排(暂定) Project Schedule (Provisional)

The project plan and its competition schedule are as follows:

☆The timetable above is applied in Beijing Time. The tenderee reserves the right to amend the agenda.
☆The specific deadlines above are subject to the announcements on Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center.

马女士(中文)电话:+86 15827146562
段先生(中文)电话:+86 13501587787
张先生(中文)电话:+86 13631600111
赖女士(英文)电话:+86 13530670439
Enquiry E-mail: ShenshanIP@qq.com
Enquiry Hotline:
Tenderee(Guangdong Shenshan Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.):
Mr. Ma (for Chinese) Tel: +86 15827146562
Mr. Duan (for Chinese) Tel: +86 13501587787
Organizing Consultant(Benecus Consultancy Limited):
Mr. Zhang (for Chinese) Tel: +86 13631600111
Ms. Lai (for English) Tel: +86 13530670439

特别提示Special Reminder:
Bidders (including the leading party and members of the consortium) must complete corporate information archiving in advance according to the management requirements of the follow-up procedures of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center.

Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center
Online handling address: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/
信息登记咨询电话:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822
Enquiry hotline: +86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822

Registration information: Applicants please visit the website: https://szdesigncenter.jinshuju.com/f/VjUpxb or scan the following QR code to register. The registration shall be finished before 17:00, Jul. 2, 2020 (Beijing time).

All the contents involved in this Announcement will be subject to the tendering announcement published at Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Website.
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