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Announcement on the Solicitation for the Conceptual Design of Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub and the Architectural Design of the Main Building

一、项目名称 Project Name
Solicitation for the Conceptual Design of Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub and the Architectural Design of the Main Building

二、组织机构 Organizers
Host: China State Railway Group Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government
Tenderee: Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.
Organizing Consultant: Benecus Consultancy Limited

三、招标平台 Bidding Platform
Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center
深圳建设工程交易服务网信息登记网址Website for Corporate Information Archiving in Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center:
信息发布网址Website of Bidding Announcements:

四、项目概况 Project Overview
Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub (hereinafter referred to as the "Airport East Hub") is located in the core of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Economic Belt, which is the key area of economic and urban development in the west of Shenzhen.
As an important part for Shenzhen to construct the international aviation hub and national railway hub, the Airport East Hub will integrate various modes of transport, such as aviation, high-speed railway, intercity railway, urban rail transit, bus, taxis and car, etc., and take the air-rail intermodal transportation as the main development direction. According to the planning, the Airport East High-speed Railway Station (Shenzhen Airport Station) will be set up underground in line with the scale of 6 stations and 14 lines, so as to provide arrival and departure service to Shenzhen-Maoming Railway and other lines; terminals A and B are considered to be demolished and the new Terminal 1 will be built here to achieve seamless connection with the Airport East Hub; metro lines 1, 12, 20 & 26 will be introduced into the hub as well and connected with Shenzhen-Daya Bay Intercity Railway and the airport’s rapid transit system.

五、方案征集目的 Solicitation Goal
The planning and construction of Shenzhen Airport East Integrated Transport Hub is of great significance to explore the mode of station-city integration and promote high-quality coordinated development among railway, aviation and the city. Through globally soliciting high-level planning and design proposals, it aims to construct the hub into the model of deepening reform and pioneer in promoting overall utilization of urban space and make it into a world-class comprehensive transport hub.

六、方案征集范围 Solicitation Scope
This Solicitation includes the following three levels:
Architectural design of the integrated transport hub and its superstructure: The design scope is enclosed by Hangzhan 6th Road, north ramp of the terminal building, Bao’an Avenue and south ramp of the terminal building, with an area of 31.4 ha. If necessary, it may not be limited to this scope.
The architectural design of the integrated transport hub and its superstructure is the focus of the Solicitation. In such an area with complex traffic conditions and limited construction conditions, carry out overall design for the integrated transport hub (including high-speed railway, intercity railway, urban rail transit, rapid transit system, motor vehicles and other traffic facilities)and its superstructure development, define the layout plan, circulation and vertical layout of the building, realize seamless connection and integrated design for various functions, and bring forward a practical and feasible development plan and phased implementation suggestions for the integrated transport hub and superstructure property development.
Architectural concept design of the hub area: The design scope is enclosed by Hangzhan 6th Road, Bao’an Avenue and Xinghua Road, with an area of 67.7 ha. If necessary, it may not be limited to this scope.
By referring to the successful experience of domestic and international air-rail intermodal hubs, conduct research on the overall planning for the terminal, integrated transport hub and the whole hub area; sort out the connection relationship between each plot in the hub area, define the layout plan of each underground floor and structural reservation plan, carry out architectural concept design for the hub area in terms of functional organization, traffic circulation, 3D spatial form, landscape and key section, etc., so as to achieve integration among function, traffic, style and image of the hub area.

Architectural Concept Design Scope of the Hub Area and Architectural Scheme Design Scope of the Integrated Transport Hub and Its Superstructure

Comprehensive transportation planning: The planning scope is identical to the design scope of the hub area, and its research scope covers the area enclosed by current terminals A&B, Hangzhan 4th Road, Jichang South Road, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway and Fuzhou Avenue. If necessary, it may not be limited to this scope.
Comprehensively consider the distribution traffic and access traffic of property development in the hub, put forward the traffic organization proposal as well as the layout planning concerning road system, slow traffic system, parking system and other facilities; optimize the access traffic organization, and propose the traffic network planning and important section design combined with the overall traffic demand of the Hub, so as to form an efficient and coordinated integrated traffic system.

Research Scope of the Comprehensive Transportation Planning

七、方案征集组织流程 Organizational Process
(一)资格预审阶段 Prequalification

The tenderee will establish a prequalification committee, who will carry out comprehensive review on the commercial documents (including the bidder’s qualification and achievements, the achievements and project experience of the chief designer and key design personnel, the proposed key team members and their project experience, etc.) and the concept proposal. 7 design firms will be shortlisted to the next stage (at the same time, 2 ranked alternatives will be selected; in case any shortlisted firm quits, they can take its place in order). If the number of valid bids is less than 9, the tenderee will reorganize the prequalification of the project.
(二)方案征集投标阶段 Design Bidding
The tenderee will set up a scheme review committee, who will review the schemes submitted by bidders by voting in rounds to select 3 recommended schemes (without ranking), rank the 4th to 7th places and choose the special transportation award.
(三)定标阶段 Bid Finalization
According to the provisions of (Shenzhen Gov. Document No. [2015]73), the jury panel of final selection shall be established by the tenderee according to law to determine the winner from the 3 candidates recommended by the scheme review committee.

八、方案征集费用 Design Fees
The design firms, who have been shortlisted in the prequalification stage and whose submittals have been deemed as meeting the design requirements after the experts’ review and bid finalization, can win corresponding design fees according to their ranking:
1st place: It can win the architectural scheme design contract of the hub’s main building and receive the fee of design integration and detailing of RMB Two Million Yuan (¥2,000,000), which includes the fee for organizing follow-up design integration and detailing workshops (not exceeding 3 times);
2nd place: can receive design compensation of RMB Three Million Yuan (¥3,000,000);
3rd place: can receive design compensation of RMB Two Million Six Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥2,600,000);
4th and 5th places: Each can receive design compensation of RMB One Million Five Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥1,500,000);
6th and 7th places: Each can receive design compensation of RMB One Million Two Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥1,200,000);
Special transportation award: RMB One Million Five Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥1,500,000).
The design scope for the winning bidder includes the architectural scheme design of underground space and superstructure development of the integrated transport hub as well as some supporting studies. The gross floor area is estimated to be about 440,000m2, and the design fee is estimated to be RMB Seventy-nine Million Yuan (¥79,000,000) (tax included) according to RMB 180 Yuan/m2, whose specific design scope will be determined by the tenderee after negotiating with the winning bidder when the design integration and detailing is completed.

All foresaid fees are tax-inclusive. The value-added tax rate shall be subject to the changes of the national tax laws and policies, and the price excluding tax won’t be adjusted if there is any change of the value-added tax rate. The tenderee may pay the design fee to each member of a consortium in RMB according the valid payment request documents such as the fee allocation schedule submitted by the leading party and confirmed by all members in the consortium. And the tenderee won’t bear any corresponding taxes.
If the tenderee or the jury panel considers that an applicant’s (including consortiums) submission fail to reach the required detailing level or meet the requirements on deliverables, the tenderee may correspondingly pay a part of or not pay the design fees thereto.

This is an internationally open solicitation. Domestic and international design firms can sign up for this Solicitation, subject to no restrictions on qualifications, and consortiums are welcome, but registration submitted by an individual or a team of individuals is not acceptable.
Joint participation of outstanding design firms in various disciplines is encouraged. A consortium shall give priority to including these disciplines such as architectural design, railway design, rail transit, municipal transportation and terminal planning, etc. Partners applying in the name of a consortium shall meet the following requirements:
Each consortium should have no more than 4 members, and no member is allowed to register twice for the Solicitation itself or in the name of another consortium. Violation of this rule shall render the relevant tender invalid.
The members should sign a legally effective Consortium Agreement, which shall specify the division of work between members and way of distribution of the design fee, as well as the disciplines that need to be subcontracted in the stage of the architectural scheme design for the hub’s main building after the bid winning.
Bidders (independently or in consortiums) shall have at least 1 design case in landmark buildings of international cities or large-scale integrated transport hubs from January 2000 to the present.
Domestic design firms within the Chinese territory shall be independent legal entities with valid business license issued by relevant departments. Overseas design firms shall be independent legal entities or organizations, which are legally registered in the country where they operate. Legal entities (two or more) with the same person in charge, the parent company, wholly-owned subsidiary and its holding company, or companies that have management relationship, are not allowed to participate in the Solicitation separately. Those companies that have connection, shareholding or management relationship can partner together as a consortium to apply for this Solicitation.
The chief designer shall have directed the design of landmark buildings in international cities, and must take charge of the main design work of the Project, including architectural concept design and scheme design, as well as important briefing meetings required by the tenderee. If there is any inconsistency found between the actual chief designer and that in the name list submitted for prequalification, or there is a false situation found in the project experience submitted for prequalification, the tenderee reserves the right to nullify the involved design firm from being shortlisted and winning the bid, and hold such bidder responsible for corresponding legal liabilities.
At least 1 key designer shall have the design experience and cases in large-scale integrated transport hubs.
Note: Specific registration requirements are subject to the ones announced in Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center. Please download the relevant documents on the website of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center at https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/jyw/zbGongGao_View.do?ggguid=2c9e8ac270861d420170a98ead4a2005, and apply for this Solicitation accordingly.

十、项目整体时间安排(暂定) Project Schedule (Provisional)
The project plan and its competition schedule are as follows:

☆The timetable above is applied in Beijing Time. The tenderee reserves the right to amend the agenda.
☆The specific deadlines above are subject to the announcements on Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center.
Note: The tenderee will organize an online project promotion conference on the afternoon of Mar. 24 2020, to introduce the project background and answer questions of interested firms about the bidding application. Interested firms please send their contact information and questions about this project to us by jcdsn2019@qq.com before 17:00, Mar. 19, 2020.

十一、咨询方式 Enquiry
张先生(中文)电话:+86 13631600111
魏女士(中文)电话:+86 13823563327
赖女士(英文)电话:+86 13530670439
Enquiry Email: jcdsn2019@qq.com
Enquiry Hotline:
Mr. Zhang (for Chinese) Tel: +86 13631600111
Ms. Wei (for Chinese) Tel: +86 13823563327
Ms. Lai (for English) Tel: +86 13530670439
Special Reminder:
Bidders (including the leading party and members of the consortium) must complete corporate information archiving in advance according to the management requirements of the follow-up procedures of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center.

Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center
Website for corporate information archiving: https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jy-toubiao/
信息登记咨询电话:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822
Enquiry hotline for corporate information archiving: +86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822

Registration information: Applicants please visit the website: https://szdesigncenter.jinshuju.com/f/nat1me or scan the following QR code to fill in the registration information before 17:00, Apr. 7, 2020 (Beijing time).

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