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Announcement on the International Competition for the Planning and Conceptual Design of Phase 6 (West Area) of Qianhai Integrated Transport Hub and Upper Building Complex

1. 项目名称
Project name

International Competition for the Planning and Conceptual Design of Phase 6 (West Area) of Qianhai Integrated Transport Hub and Upper Building Complex

2. 项目地点
Project location

The core of Unit 1 of Guiwan Area, the central business district of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen.

3. 组织机构及联系方式
Organizations and contact information

Tenderee: Shenzhen Metro Qianhai International Development Co., Ltd.
咨询机构: 深圳市一和雅韵文化传播有限公司
Advisory:Shenzhen Ehow Culture Communication Co., Ltd
咨询邮箱/Enquiry E-mail: competition@ehow.net.cn
Enquiry Hotline (Monday - Friday GMT+8 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00):
黄女士/ Ms. Huang 0755-23882528 +86 18929351241
温女士/ Ms. Daisy +86 18566782232

4. 项目概述
Project overview
Located at the core of Unit 1 of Guiwan Area, the CBD of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen, Qianhai Integrated Transport Hub and Upper Building Complex Project covers 20 hectares of the total site area, including two parts: the integrated transport hub and the upper building complex project.
The integrated transport hub is mainly composed of three underground metro lines and two intercity lines (from east to west, respectively, operating Metro lines 1, 5, and 11, the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Railway under design and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong West Express Railway under planning), the Shenzhen-Hong Kong transit port, bus, taxi and other transport transfer stations. After completion, it is expected that the total passenger flow volume will reach 750,000 passengers per day. In the future, the public transport sharing rate of the project will reach 87%, of which rail transit accounts for 75%, and conventional buses for 12%; the sharing rate for cars and taxis will reach 13%, of which cars account for 10% and taxis for 3%.
The original plan of the upper building complex project included nine tower buildings and their annexes, single commercial upper building complex along Line 11 as well as supporting office, commercial and port facilities along the intercity railway. The originally-planned eight tower buildings (T1-T8) were arranged between Line 11 and the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Railway from north to south in the east area of the project. One tower building (T9) was located between the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Railway and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong West Express Railway in the west area. The aviation height limit in the project area is 300m, with a capacity building area of 1,278,000 ㎡, including 749,000 ㎡ of offices, 126,000 ㎡ of hotels, 130,000 ㎡ of apartments, and 198,000 ㎡ of above-ground commercial buildings (another 52,000 ㎡ of underground commercial buildings).
The gross floor area of the Qianhai Integrated Transport Hub and Upper Building Complex Project is estimated to be about 2,159,000 ㎡, of which the floor area of underground space is about 881,000 ㎡.
Considering the safety of metro operation and the needs of phased sales and operations, the upper building complex project is planned to be alternatively developed in phases and buildings. It is divided into six phases, Phase1-5 locate in the east area of the project, and Phase 6 lies in the west area of the project. Currently, the Phase 1-4 schemes of the upper building complex project are basically stable. The capacity building area of the remaining Phase 5 and 6 is 770,000㎡, including office, commercial, and business apartments, hotels, and supporting facilities as well as around 40,000 ㎡ of the underground commercial floor area. In addition, there are port facilities and supporting facilities (including small garbage transfer stations, renewable resource recycling stations, public toilets, sanitation workers’ lounges, rail transit substations), etc. The construction of the underground diaphragm wall of Phase 1-5 (T1 to T8) has been completed, and foundation excavation earthworks of Phase 1 and 2 are under construction. At present, the skipped excavation method is adopted at the site. No specific design has been carried out for the Phase 5 and 6.

5. 设计内容
Design contents

The design scope of this work includes international competition stage,design development stage and architectural design stage.
(I)International competition stage
1)Planning and design of Phase 6
Combined with the Qianhai New City Center Planning and the urban design requirements for the central axis of the City Parlor, carry out the planning design of the upper building complex project (Phase 6), planning optimization of Phase 5 and the intensity arrangement for the overall indicators of Phase 5 and 6; position the business forms; coordinate the business of Phase 5 and 6 for reasonable planning and layout; rationally arrange the architectural space; optimize the skyline; combined with the central axis design of City Parlor, create highlights to further enhance the quality of the architectural space.
2)Conceptual design of Phase 6 project
In conjunction with the planning, intensity arrangement of indicators, and positioning of business forms of upper building complex (Phase 6), carry out conceptual architectural and schematic design of Phase 6 accordingly. Develop commercial design, further optimize the overall space layout, architectural form and landscape environment, and highlight the design concept of the cultural and ecological hub. Handle the relationship with the central axis of the City Parlor in architecture, function, landscape and transportation properly. In accordance with the design of the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Railway, carry out a preliminary study on the Shenzhen-Hong Kong West Express Railway and the supporting port space, and put forward necessary structural load reservation conditions and implementation scheme suggestions.
3)Phase 5 project planning optimization
Combined with the Qianhai New City Center Planning and the urban design requirements for the central axis of the City Parlor, carry out planning optimization of Phase 5 and the intensity arrangement for the overall indicators of Phase 5 and 6; position the business forms for the remaining indicators; coordinate the business of Phase 5 and 6 for reasonable planning and layout; rationally arrange the architectural space; optimize the skyline; combined with the central axis design of City Parlor, create highlights to further enhance the quality of the architectural space.
4)Facade optimization suggestions of Phase1-4 project
Combined with the planning and conceptual design, and under the condition that the Phase 1-4 structure schemes are kept stable, put forward suggestions for optimizing the facade design of the commenced Phase 1-4 buildings to further promote the high-standard integrated construction and overall quality improvement of the project.
(II)Design development stage
The winning bidder is responsible for optimizing the conceptual design of Phase 6 and cooperating with the planning and design of intercity lines. Specifically include:
1)Design urban design guidelines for the overall planning of Phase 5 and 6; optimize the conceptual architectural design of Phase 6; provide design guidelines and optimization suggestions for the facade design of Phase 1-4.
2)Define the development and design conditions and technical requirements (including structural load reservation conditions, etc.) of the upper building complex that need to be considered and reserved for Qianhai Station on the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen Intercity Railway; the property above Shenzhen-Hong Kong West Express Railway shall fully consider the spatial relationship between the above-ground and underground structures for overall consideration and reasonable layout to provide construction reservation conditions for the subsequent implementation of Shenzhen-Hong Kong West Express Railway in the future.
(III)Architectural design stage
The winning bidder is responsible for the T9 architectural schematic design of Phase 6 project and the preliminary design of the architecture and structure disciplines.

6. 报名要求
Requirements for registration

6.1 资质要求
Qualification requirements
As for this tender, there are no qualification requirements for the participants, and independently registered design agencies both at home and abroad can apply for it. Consortium bidding is encouraged. Bidders need to provide the enterprise registration certificate and design license or relevant documents with the same effects.
6.2 联合体要求
Consortium requirements
(1) The number of consortium members shall not exceed 3, and any member already in a consortium shall not repeatedly apply in its own name or form another consortium with other design agencies to participate in this application.
(2) Members of a consortium shall sign the Consortium Agreement which shall make clear the division of work of each member and the design expense allocation method.
6.3 业绩要求
Achievement requirements
Bidders (independently or in consortia) shall have at least 1 of the following achievements (under construction or built) in the recent six years (from January 2014 to the present):
(1)Experience and successful cases in the architectural engineering design of large-scale integrated transport hubs and upper building complexes(building area over 100000 square meters);
(2)Experience and successful cases in the design of internationally renowned buildings (above 150 m);
(3)Experience and successful cases in large-scale integrated commercial architectural design(building area over 100000 square meters).
6.4 其他要求
Other requirements
(1)Only one company is allowed to participate in the bidding for those companies with the same legal persons or with holding or management relationship.
(2)Individual applications or teams of individuals will not be accepted.

7. 招标规则
Competition rules

本次招标活动分三个阶段进行:第一阶段-资格预审阶段;第二阶段-方案设计竞标阶段,第三阶段-定标阶段 。
This competition will be undertaken by 3 stages, First Stage–Pre-Qualification,Second Stage–Scheme Design Competition,Third Stage – Bid Award.
First Stage- Pre-Qualification
招标人依法组建资格预审评审委员会,对投标人所提交的有效资格预审申请文件(详见资格预审文件)进行评审,采用记名投票法(逐轮票决)评选出5家入围投标人和2家有排序的备选投标人, 备选投标人在入围投标人退出时依序替补。
The Tenderee shall establish a pre-qualification review committee according to the law, to review the valid pre-qualification application documents submitted by bidders (see Pre-qualification application Document for details). The pre-qualification review committee will select 5 shortlisted bidders and 2 ranked alternatives through the open ballot (voting in rounds). If any shortlisted bidder withdraws, the alternatives shall replace in order.7.3.2
7.2 第二阶段-方案设计竞标阶段
Second Stage–Scheme Design Competition
The 5 shortlisted bidders submit the deliverables according to the Design Brief. The Tenderee shall set up a scheme review committee according to the law. The scheme review committee will review the schemes by adopting open ballot in rounds to select 3 non-sequenced winners and recommend them to the Tenderee with separate optimization advice. Besides,they will sequence the other two bidders as the fourth place and fifth place who get correspondent compensation.
7.3 第三阶段-定标阶段
Third Stage–Bid Award
The Tenderee shall set up the bid award committee according to the law to determine the winner from the 3 candidates recommended by the scheme review committee and the ranking order of the second and third places. The first-place winner will receive the T9 architectural design contract of Phase 6 project,while second and third place bidders will get correspondent compensation.

8. 招标日程(暂定)
Tender Schedule (Tentatively)

☆All the time mentioned is Beijing time. The Tenderee reserves the right to adjust the schedule.

9. 相关费用
Related costs

9.1 设计费
Design fee
The first-place winning bidder will win the T9 architectural design contract of the Phase 6 project. The total design fee is temporarily estimated at 29,000,000 yuan (tax inclusive), including: (1) 2,000,000 yuan of design development fee, which contains the overall planning and design guidelines of Phase 5 and 6, the conceptual architectural design optimization of Phase 6, suggestions for optimizing the facade design of Phase 1-4, as well as the fee of cooperating with the intercity line planning and design work; (2) the maximum unit price of T9 architectural design fee is 180 yuan / ㎡, and the gross floor area is about 150,000 ㎡; The architectural design fee is temporarily estimated at 27,000,000 yuan; the T9 architectural design fee includes the T9 schematic design and preliminary design of architecture and structure disciplines.
9.2 方案补偿费
Compensation fee
Second and third places: compensation of RMB 2.5 million respectively (tax inclusive).
Fourth and fifth places: compensation of RMB 1.5 million respectively (tax inclusive).

10. 特别提示
Special Prompts

(1)Please download the relevant Tender Document on the website of the Project Transaction Centre of the Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality at https://www.szjsjy.com.cn:8001/jyw/pub/jsgc/jyxx/gd/.
(2)Bidders (including leaders and members of consortiums) must handle the online enterprise information registration in advance according to requirements of the follow-up procedures of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Centre.
Online handling address:
咨询电话Enquiry hotline:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822
Application registration
Applicants please visit the website: or scan the following QR code to enter the application information.

Please download the Pre-Qualification Document via
the link to the announcement released by the Construction Project Transaction Service Centre:
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