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Latest Supplementary Announcement of Conceptual Architectural Design Competition for Futian International Sports and Culture Exchange Center



The Conceptual Architectural Design Competition for Futian International Sports and Culture Exchange Center has been postponed. The competition host will improve subsequent work including work assignment, expense allocation, competition schedule and other related items to ensure the competition goes smoothly.

We sincerely appreciate your attention! The new competition schedule will be announced as soon as the host confirms it, and all interested parties will be kept fully informed. Please continue your close attention to the competition and feel free to contact us.

Futian District Bureau of Culture, Sport, Tourism, Radio and Television
Shenzhen CAPOL International & Associates Co., Ltd.

联系邮箱:competition@adroit.net.cn 抄送competition@capol.cn
Contact person:
Mr. Jiang Tel: +86-139-2341-1990
Mr. Zeng Tel: +86-150-1753-5599
Email: competition@adroit.net.cn (please cc competition@capol.cn)


As one of the most economically viable and strategically pleasing cities in China, Shenzhen has listed the cultural industry as the fourth most important pillar of the city and vigorously implemented the “Cultural Orientation” strategy from 2003. With a yearly growth of the municipal financial investment in public cultural service, so far Shenzhen has built more than 30 municipal cultural facilities and 2,000 primary-level cultural sites scattered across the city, including cultural centers, public libraries, cultural squares, museums, cultural activity centers, and cultural corridors, laying a solid foundation for building a public culture service system in the city.

Futian District is the administrative and cultural center of Shenzhen. It possesses lots of municipal cultural infrastructure facilities, including Shenzhen Concert Hall, Shenzhen Children’s Palace, and Shenzhen Library, which are located along the urban axis from Lianhua Mountain to the Civic Centre. However, there are relatively few cultural and sports facilities at the district level with uneven spatial distribution. Specifically, the Meilin area in the northern part of Futian District is in short supply of cultural facilities, and the small scale of existing district-level cultural facilities hardly supports large-scale cultural events. Aiming to make up for the shortage of district-level cultural and sports facilities in Futian District, and to respond to the increasing cultural needs from the local, it is planned to build a district-level cultural centre in the Meilin and launch an open design competition.

一、 项目概况 Project Overview
1.1 区位情况 Location

图1 项目区位示意Fig.1 Site Location

图2 项目周边相关项目 Fig2. Buildings surrounding the site

二、 竞赛设计内容 Competition Contents

The project site locates at the Meilin street, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong province. Around the site, adjacent to Kaifeng Road on the east, Meiling Road on the south, Meifeng Road on the west and Linfeng Road on the north, it is only 150 meters away from Shangmeilin metro station and 350 meters from Maling metro station. In a regional view, it is about 600 meters away from Beihuan Avenue in the south, about 400 meters away from Caitian road in the east. Hence, its transportation is convenient.
用地分为两个地块,总占地面积8773平方米, 26-10用地面积4456平方米, 26-12用地面积4317平方米,属于福田辖区内极其稀有的待开发建设用地。
The land has two plots, with an coverage of 8,773 square meters(4,456 square meters for 26-10 and 4,317 square meters for 26-12). It is pretty rare construction land to be developed in Futian District.
The project site of Futian International Sports and Culture Exchange Center has two plots, both adopted as cultural facility lands. The plot contains a high-standard Main Hall \"IN Space\" and related supporting facilities of the Main Hall (such as Exhibition Hall, Hall of the Fame, Press Conference Hall, Multi-Function Hall, indoor Sports Science and Technology Theme Park, Music Interactive Space, etc.), as well as service and supporting office areas (such as industrial incubation, office area, multi-function hall, restaurants, etc.). In addition, it is required to build Social Service Housings, together with public parking lot (garage) at the south plot (plot 26-10), as well as Community Neighborhood Committee and Community Health Service Center at the north plot (plot 26-12).

三、 竞赛规则 Competition Rules
3.1 第一阶段:报名及资格预审 Stage One: Registration and Pre-qualification
3.1.1 竞赛方式及报名条件Eligibility

The registration will be opened to design firms and design consortiums home and abroad, while personal registration is not accepted. Once registered as a design consortium, members of the consortium are not allowed to register the competition on its own name or with other design firms.
Competitors with relevant design experience will be prioritized.
Designers involved in the competition should be current personnel of the registered design firm. The chief architect shall have profound experiences in leading similar design projects and personally participate in the whole process of the competition. In order to ensure the accurate understanding of the project background and relevant requirements of the competition, each competitor shall include at least one personnel who is proficient in Chinese language.
Upon successful registration, competitors should submit pre-qualification documents according to competition conditions.

3.1.2 资格预审方式 Pre-qualification

The host will invite experts to constitute the jury panel to carry out assessment of the pre-qualification documents (details about pre-qualification documents can be found in term 5) submitted by competitors. Five (5) competitors will be shortlisted to move forward to Stage two of the competition. Two (2) alternatives will be selected and ranked by order, in case that any of the 6 shortlisted firms quits the competition.
3.1.3 通过资格预审的5家入围参赛机构应按时提交《参赛确认函》。
The five (5) shortlisted competitors shall submit the Participation Confirmation Letter on time.
3.1.4 若递交《参赛确认函》的参赛机构因非不可抗力因素中途退出或最终放弃参赛,主办方有权在今后拒绝该参赛机构参加主办方其他任何建设项目的竞赛。
Once submitting the Participation Confirmation Letter, if any competitor withdrew due to non-force majeure, the host reserves the right to refuse the competitor’s participation in any other future competition held by the host.

3.2 第二阶段:城市设计及简案阶段 Stage Two: Urban Design and Conceptual Scheme

3.2.1 5家入围参赛机构提交符合设计任务书要求的成果文件,由简案评审委员会进行评审。
The five (5) shortlisted competitors shall submit all the deliverables according to the Design Brief. The jury panel would review all the deliverables.
3.2.2 每家入围机构只允许提交一份设计方案。
Each competitor shall only submit one design scheme.
3.2.3 简案评审委员会从5家入围参赛机构中选出3家作为入选机构进入深化设计阶段;同时再评选出2家备选参赛机构(须排序),如前3家入选机构退出第三阶段的竞赛,则备选参赛机构依序替补。
Three (3) competitors will be selected to move forward to Stage Three of the competition by the jury panel. And two (2) alternatives will be selected and ranked by order, in case that any of the 3 shortlisted competitors quits the competition.

3.3 第三阶段:概念方案深化设计阶段 Stage Three: Conceptual Design Development
3.3.1 3家入选机构提交符合设计任务书要求的成果文件,由方案评审委员会采用记名投票法进行评审,对3家入选机构提交方案进行排序,并对第一名方案提出优化意见。
The three candidates will be required to submit all the deliverables according to the Design Brief. The jury panel will review the deliverables and select the winner through open ballot. Also the panel will rank the candidates, and propose optimization suggestions for the winner.
3.3.2 每家入选机构只允许提交一份设计方案。
Each competitor shall only submit one design scheme.

四、 竞赛日程 Schedule

☆ 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。
Note: All the time and date above are applied in Beijing Time. The host reserves the right to amend the schedule.

五、 费用及费用分配 Design Bonus & Compensation Fee
5.1 费用说明 Fee Details

The five(5) shortlisted competitors will receive RMB 200,000 yuan (¥20 0000) as design compensation after submitting the conceptual schemes responding to Stage TWO。
In the conceptual design competition( Stage Three), the winner will receive a design bonus of RMB 1.3 million yuan (¥130 0000) , the second place will receive a design bonus of RMB 500,000 yuan (¥50 0000), and the third place will receive a design bonus of RMB 200,000 yuan (¥20 0000).
The winner of competition would be rewarded the opportunity to participate in the architectural design until the construction application stage. The amount of design fee is specifically confirmed based on the depth of participation and the work contents.

5.2 费用支付 Payment

Design bonus and compensation fees of the project will be paid in RMB. Any taxes arising from the award winnings and design compensation fees are borne by competitors. The competitors must provide Chinese domestic tax invoices that meet the host’s requirements. The payment will start after the final competition result is announced. If a foreign design agency cannot use the institution’s account to receive RMB, it must sign a tripartite payment agreement with the host and authorize a domestic legal independent legal person to collect the payment. Therefore, the competitor is responsible for the tax incurred in the process.

5.3 其他Others

All costs generated (including travel expenses and accommodation fees) by participating in the competition should be paid by competitor itself.

六、 资料索取 Information Inquiries


七、 主办方 Host

Futian District Bureau of Culture, Sport, Tourism,Radio and Televison
Shenzhen CAPOL International & Associates Co., Ltd.

八、 联系方式:Contact:

Contact person: Mr. Zeng Tel: +86-150-1753-5599
Email: competition@capol.cn
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