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Solicitations Announcement for Panda Base Sightseeing Tower Creative Scheme of Jincheng Greenway Project

In order to improve the internationalization, refinement and specialization of Jincheng Greenway Project Design, focus on improving the architectural form, implanting the consumption scene, creating the landmark landscape and supporting facilities, our company will open the public collection of Panda Base Sightseeing Tower Creative Scheme of Jincheng Greenway Project at home and abroad. Now the related matters are announced as follows:

一、项目概况 Project Overview
1.1 Project name: Solicitations for Panda Base Sightseeing Tower Creative Scheme of Jincheng Greenway Project.
1.2 Project Sites: The core area of Chengdu panda base in Sichuan province.
1.3 Project Scale: The panda Base Sightseeing Tower has a building area of about 2500 square meters.
1.4 Solicitation scope: Panda Base Sightseeing Tower Creative Scheme Design of Jincheng Greenway Project. The selected applicants shall deepen the creative scheme in the later stage, design the landscape around the building, interior design, control the effect and guide the construction drawing design, etc. For details, please refer to the《design specification》.

Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

三、应征人资格要求Applicant qualification requirements
3.1 Applicants must meet the following qualifications:
3.1.1 应征人为国内机构的,须具有独立法人资格,并具有国家建设行政主管部门颁发的建筑行业(建筑工程)设计乙级及以上资质;
3.1.1 If the applicant is a domestic institution, he/she shall have the status of an independent legal person and have the qualification of class b or above in the construction industry (construction engineering) design issued by the national construction administrative department.
If the applicant is an organization in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan, he/she shall have a permit for legal business and architectural design in his/her locality.
If the applicant is an overseas organization, he/she shall have the license of legal business and architectural design in the country or region where he/she is located.
3.1.2 业绩要求:2016年1月1日以来至少具有3个与本项目的规模(单体建筑不低于2500平方米)和功能性质类似公共建筑的设计业绩(在建或已完成)。
3.1.2 Achievements: since January 1, 2016, at least 3 designs (under construction or completed) that are similar to the scale of this project (no less than 2500 square meters for a single building) and public buildings of similar functional nature.
3.1.3 According to the characteristics of this project, the main designer who participates in this application should have the experience of presiding design of similar projects (sightseeing tower, viewing platform, etc.)
3.2接受3.1.1条中任意两个机构组成的联合体应征人,包括:a) 国内机构与境外机构组成的联合体应征人;b) 港、澳、台机构与境外机构组成的联合体应征人;c) 国内机构与港、澳、台机构组成的联合体应征人。联合体各方不得再单独以自身名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加此次应征。
3.2 Accept the applicant of a consortium composed of any two institutions in article 3.1.1, including: a) the applicant of a consortium composed of a domestic institution and an overseas institution; B) applicants for joint ventures between Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan institutions and overseas institutions; C) applicants for joint ventures between domestic institutions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan institutions. The parties to the consortium shall not participate in the application in their own name or with another design institution

四、报名及征集文件获取Registration and collection of documents
4.1 The time for the scheme collection and registration is 9:00~17:00 from October 12, 2019 to October 31, 2019. (Beijing time, the same below).
4.2 registration and collection of documents
Method 1: by mail

Applicants who adopt this method should mail the application materials to room 510, 5th floor, 170 TaiHe 2nd street, high-tech zone, ChengDu (recipient: Ms. Liang, tel: 028-85186931, zip code: 610041) before17:00 October 31, 2019. Meanwhile, please send the electronic documents of the application materials to the following 2 email addresses: tfldzb111@163.com, 449597658@qq.com. The registration materials are subject to the paper materials finally received. Registration materials received after the deadline will be rejected.
Method 2: enlisters accept registration on site and issue collection documents

Applicants using this method should register with the registration materials (including electronic documents) at room 510, 5th floor, 170 taihe 2nd street, high-tech zone, chengdu (contact: Ms. Liang, tel: 028-85186931, zip code: 610041) before 17:00 October 31, 2019.
Applicants can choose the way to register and collect documents according to their own situation.
4.3 报名资料组成
4.3 Composition of registration materials
4.3.1 报名表;
4.3.1 Application form
4.3.2 Company profile
4.3.3 Copy of valid business license and qualification certificate (domestic institution); License of legal business and architectural design (overseas organization or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan organization)
4.3.4 Applicant’s achievement certificate:
A. A copy of the notification of winning the bid (selection) or the design contract (including the content page of project name, project profile and signature and seal page) (relevant certificates may be attached if the award of excellence is obtained);
B. Related photos of the design work (completed project) or renderings (projects under construction).
4.3.5 List of awards (if any);
4.3.6 Introduction to the main designer and design team of this project: introduction to the main designer and design team, personal professional qualification certificate (if any), main designer performance certificate (the specific requirements are the same as “applicant performance certificate”; Personal performance can be overlapped with enterprise performance. If the performance certification materials cannot reflect the service content or the personnel is the chief designer of the contract project, relevant certification materials with project owner’s stamp shall be provided.);
4.3.7 授权委托书及委托代理人身份证明(身份证或所在国合法身份证明材料);
4.3.7 Power of attorney and identity certificate of authorized agent (id card or legal identity certificate of the host country);
4.3.8 以联合体名义报名的应提交所有联合体成员单位共同签署的“联合体协议书”,并明确牵头的主体单位(原件,加盖公章);
4.3.8 If the applicant signs up in the name of the consortium, he/she shall submit the “consortium agreement” signed by all the consortium members, and specify the leading entity (original, with official seal).
4.3.9 应征人认为有必要提供的其他材料。
4.3.9 Other materials that the applicant deems necessary to provide.
If the applicant is a consortium, the member units shall provide the above information and fill in the application form respectively; All the above information shall be stamped with the company’s official seal.
4.4 报名资料装订方式
4.4 Binding method of registration materials
Double-sided printing, binding, A4 text, submit one copy (with official seal).

五、征集说明Solicitation Description
5.1 The solicitation is divided into two stages: the first stage -- public registration and selection; The second stage -- program preparation and review.
5.1.1 The first stage -- public registration and selection
10 shortlisted institutions and 2 candidate institutions (in order) will be selected by the selection and evaluation committee. If any of the 10 shortlisted institutions quits, the candidate institutions will be replaced in order.
5.1.2 The second stage -- program preparation and review
The 10 shortlisted institutions selected through the first stage will enter the program preparation stage. After the program preparation, they will submit the result documents, which will be reviewed by the review committee and recommended to the top 1 to 3 candidates.
5.2 There is no compensation and bonus.

The reward criteria for scheme collection are as follows:
第一名,奖励人民币 30 万元(含税);
First prize: RMB 300,000 yuan (tax included);
第二名,奖励人民币15 万元(含税);
Second prize: RMB 150,000 yuan (tax included);
第三名,奖励人民币10 万元(含税);
Third place, RMB 100,000 yuan (tax included);
5.3 Interpretation rights: the final interpretation rights of the proposal solicitation and related documents belong to the solicitors. All notices, correspondence and outcome documents related to this activity are in Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English descriptions, the Chinese description shall prevail.

六、应征文件的递交Submission of application documents
6.1 应征文件递交的截止时间为 2019 年 12 月 16 日 10 时00分,地点为成都市高新区泰和二街170号会议室。
6.1 The deadline for submission of application documents is 10:00A.M.,December 16, October 2019. at the conference room, 170 taihe second street, high-tech zone, chengdu.
6.2 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的应征文件,征集人不予受理。
6.2 The solicitors shall not accept the application documents which have been delivered after the time limit or have not been delivered to the designated place.

七、征集公告发布媒体Solicitation announcement release media
Bidding and tendering in China public service platform (http://www.cebpubservice.com/), The website of Chengdu XingCheng investment group co., Ltd.(http://www.cdxctz.com), The website of Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Construction Investment Co., Ltd.(http://www.tianfugreenroad.com/) is published simultaneously. At the same time in ABBS building BBS and public number release registration information.

八、征集人及联系方式Soliciting people and contact information
Inviter: Chengdu Tianfu Greenway Construction Investment Co., Ltd.
地 址:成都市高新区泰和二街170号
Address: No. 170 taihe 2nd street, high-tech zone, Chengdu
联 系 人: 梁女士
Contact: Ms. Liang
电 话: 028-85186931
Telephone: 028-85186931

Agency: sichuan chenghua engineering project management co., Ltd
地 址:成都市武侯区二环路南三段5号人南大厦B座7楼
Address: 7th floor, rennan building B, no.5, south 3rd section, erhuan road, wuhou district, Chengdu
联 系 人:付先生、孟女士
Contact: Mr. Fu, Ms. Meng
电 话:028-85539550、13540895930
Telephone: 028-85539550, 13540895930
传 真:028-85539550
Fax: 028-85539550

Attachment: please click the link to download
1. Solicitation document for Panda Base Sightseeing Tower Creative Scheme of Jincheng Greenway project
2. Solicitation application form for Panda Base Sightseeing Tower Creative Scheme of Jincheng Greenway project
3. Consortium agreement
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