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Announcement on Open Call for Prequalification of Design Bidding for Guangzhou GBA Music Museum, Haixinsha, Guangzhou

To promote the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and its cultural exchanges and cooperation, the city of Guangzhou decides to upgrade and redevelop the Asian Games venues in Haixinsha into GBA Music Museum (the Museum or the Project). In this context, an open call for prequalification is launched to solicit competent and experienced design teams to participate in the design bidding of the project and ensure the high quality project planning and construction.

I. Project Profile

Located at the intersection where the city’s new central axis meets the Pearl River, Haixinsha enjoys a prominent location. Originally a barrack, it was developed into the main venues for the opening/closing ceremony of the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou. With the Pearl River as stage and the city as backdrop, the opening/closing ceremony presented the unparalleled modernity and vitality of the city.

Site Location

On the south, Haixinsha faces the Canton Tower, a new city icon, as well as other cultural facilities like the Guangzhou Broadcast and TV Station Headquarters, Guangzhou Daily Headquarters and three culture projects under construction, namely, Guangzhou Museum, Guangzhou Science and Technology Museum and Guangzhou Art Museum. On the north, it connects the Huacheng Square, known as the city’s showcase, the four representative public buildings including Guangzhou Opera House, Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Library and Guangzhou Children’s Activity Center and the Central Business District (CBD). Meanwhile, it neighbors the Xinghai Concert Hall, Guangdong Art Museum and Guangdong Gymnasium on the west and the Finance City and the Internet Innovation Agglomeration Zone on the east.

The Central Axis

Haixinsha Island covers an area of 170,000 square meters. Currently it has a built area of about 119,000 square meters, including 98,000 square meters of venues (including underground space) in the West Zone and 21,000 square meters of former barrack in the East Zone. Together with the Canton Tower, Huacheng Square, and the Pearl River night cruise, it has become a popular attraction and an important tourist distribution center and destination in Guangzhou.

Site Condition

II. Design Contents and Scope

(一) 本项目设计目标是在基本保留原有亚运看台建筑的前提下进行改造设计和活化利用,建设粤港澳大湾区音乐博物馆,打造海心沙湾区音乐公园,构筑粤港澳大湾区音乐文化高地和枢纽。
(I)The project design aims to redevelop, regenerate and reuse the facilities while keeping intact the the former Asian Games spectator stand structure, and develop the GBA Music Museum and the GBA Music Park, turning this area into an icon and hub of music culture in the GBA.

Functional Zoning Concept

(二) 本次招标提交设计成果分为三个层次:一是博物馆建筑设计方案,二是看台整体改造策划概念方案,三是海心沙岛规划方案(含与花城广场、广州塔、二沙岛等周边相关项目关系研究)。
(II)Deliverables of the design bidding will cover three levels, i.e. the architecture design of the museum, the stand renovation planning concept and the Haixinsha Island planning proposal (including studies on its relations with the surrounding projects such as the Huacheng Square, the Canton Tower, and the Ersha Island).
(三) 本项目设计要求
(III)Design Requirements
1. 博物馆的功能主要包括静态展陈、活态展演及研究教育三大部分,室内总建筑面积约6000㎡,设置固定展览和临时展览(主题展览)、小型沙龙式交流场地、实验剧场、琴房及音乐家工作室、录音棚等。
1. The museum is planned with three parts, namely, the static display, the dynamic exhibition, and research and education. With a GFA of about 6,000 square meters indoors, it will accommodate the permanent exhibition and temporary exhibition (theme exhibition), communication space for small salons, experimental theater, piano practice rooms, musician studios and recording studios.
2. 博物馆配套功能主要包括互联网音乐展示体验、音乐文创产品展销、多功能会议、文创办公、大型演艺剧场、精品公寓、配套商业服务、停车服务。
2. The supporting functions of the museum mainly include facilities for Internet music display and experience, music-related creative products exhibition and sales, multi-purpose/conference room, creative office, large performing arts theater, boutique apartment, supporting commercial services and parking.
3. 户外景观品质提升。
3. Outdoor landscape upgrading.
4. 其他。
4. Others.
(四) 项目总投资约3.5亿元人民币,设计费约1782万元人民币。
(IV)The project investment is estimated to be 350 million yuan and the design fee approximately 17.82 million yuan.

III.Prequalification Materials Required

(一) 需提交的资料
(I)Materials Required
1. 投标意向函
1. Letter of Intent for Participating in Bidding
2. 单位简介
2. Company profile
3. 类似项目业绩
3. Similar reference projects
4. 主创设计师和拟投入的设计团队简介
4. Brief of chief architect/designer and proposed design team.
5. 建议投标单位除了组织建筑、规划、装饰、景观等领域的专家外,可联合音乐、艺术、营运等领域的专家开展设计工作。
5. Bidders are suggested to include into the design team not only the experts in architecture, planning, interior and landscape architecture, but also those in music, art and operation.
(二) 资料要求
(II)Requirements on Submission
1. 报名文件以A4(210mm×297mm) 规格编排装订成册,封面写明“湾区音乐博物馆建设项目设计招标预报名文件”字样。
1. Application documents prepared and bound into A4 (210mm×297mm) brochure, with the cover indicated with Prequalification Documents of Design Bidding for GBA Music Museum.
2. 报名文件一式2份。
2. Application Documents in duplicates.
3. 提交的资料标注投标人名称,签名或加盖公章。
3. Documents are indicated with the applicant’s name, duly signed or affixed with the company seal.
4. 所有报名资料提交电子文件,主要以PDF或word格式制作。
4. All application documents are submitted in digital form, mainly in PDF or word.
5. 投标人认为有必要提供的其他资料。
5. Other materials deemed necessary by applicant.

IV. Determination of Bidders

The Employer will set up a Prequalification Committee to evaluate the prequalification documents after the submission deadline, while applicants can make presentation on scene during the evaluation process.
The Prequalification Committee will, based on evaluation of the prequalification documents and presentation of the applicants, determine no more than 10 candidates which will become bidders to the design bidding upon approval from the relevant authorities.

V. Others

(I) Application deadline: 16 / 08 / 2019 5:00 PM
(II) Evaluation schedule is subject to separate notice.
(III) Bidders submitting bid documents as required in the Bidding Documents and passing the evaluation will each be compensated with 300,000 to 500,000 yuan.
(IV) Bid winner will undertake architecture schematic design, design development, construction documents design and relevant site administration services during the renovation for works within the project investment scope. Where the bid winner is not a local design institute and holds no qualification licenses as required by the Chinese regulations, a local design institute with corresponding qualification licenses should be solicited to work together on this project.
(V) Chinese Contact person: Mr. Liu
中文咨询电话:+86 13922788349/+86 20 38089666
Chinese Consulting Tel: +86 13922788349
/+86 20 38089666
代理咨询电话:+86 13728078642
Agent Contact person:Miss Zhang
Agent Consulting Tel:+86 13728078642
English Contact person:Miss Song
英文咨询电话:‭+86 13829751840‬
English Consulting Tel: +86 13829751840‬
传真电话:+86 20 38089991
Fax: +86 20 38089991
Email: 2726130@qq.com
Address:No.206, Building 4, HaixinSha East District, Linjiang Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou
Special Notes:Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and English languages, the former shall prevail.

Guangzhou Chengtou Assets Operation & Management Co.,LTD

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