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Comprehensive Developing Plan of Composite Traffic Hub
and Its Surrounding of Xilang, Canton
Announcement of International Competition Bidding

1.项目概况Project Overview
1.1 Project Name: International Competition of Comprehensive Developing Plan of Composite Traffic Hub and Its surrounding, Xilang, Canton
1.2 项目位置:本项目位于广东省广州市荔湾区西朗地铁站、西朗车辆段及周边区域
1.2 Project Location: The project is located in Xilang Metro Station, Xilang Vehicle Depot and its surrounding areas in Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.
1.3 项目背景
1.3 Project Background
The construction of Guangzhou international comprehensive transportation junction is an important measure for the National Development and Reform Commission and the provincial and municipal governments to jointly construct Guangzhou into the comprehensive transportation junction model city. In fact, the complex construction based on rail transit junction will play an important role in the aspects of improving surrounding land utilization efficiency and travel conditions, creating integrally developed urban function areas, etc. Specifically, Xilang comprehensive transportation junction, located at Baietan, Liwan District, currently includes Xilang metro station and Xilang car depot and functions as the junction of metro line 1 and Guangzhou - Foshan metro line. In future, along with the gradual access of metro line 22, metro line 10 and other new metro lines, the existing station shall be necessarily transformed and it also has the favorable conditions for comprehensive development. After transformation, Xilang station will not only become the international comprehensive transportation junction for the interchange among four metro lines, but also become Guangzhou - Foshan junction, functionally as traffic transfer center and public service center. Therefore, Xilang station is an important node for constructing 1h transportation circle around Pearl River Delta and constructing Guangzhou into the comprehensive transportation junction model city.
In order to optimize the regional traffic centered on Xilang Comprehensive Transport Hub, enhance the function of Xilang Station Hub, improve the urban landscape, intensive land resources, and build an international rail transit hub, thus the International Competition of Comprehensive Developing Plan of Composite Traffic Hub and Its surrounding, Xilang, Canton (hereinafter referred to as "Competition") is planned.

2. 工作范围和竞赛内容
2. Work Scope and Competition Content

The tasks of this competition include three levels of content: at first, the research on the comprehensive transportation hub and the surrounding area of Xilang Station and suggestions for improvement; secondly, the concept design of development and construction of Xilang Station and vehicle depot; thirdly, the design of construction plan of comprehensive traffic hub of Xilang.
2.1 The research on comprehensive transportation hub and surrounding areas of Xilang Station and suggestions for improvement
In order to ensure the coordinated development and overall upgrading of the comprehensive transportation hub and surrounding areas of Xilang Station, a total of 3.3 square kilometers of hub and surrounding areas are delineated as the scope of urban research on the comprehensive transportation hub and the surrounding area and promotion suggestions of Xilang Station. Moreover, It is designed to scope from Zijin Road in the east, Guihua Road in the west, Longxi Avenue in the north and East-West Road in the south.The urban research and improvement suggestions of the surrounding area should be carried out in a comprehensive way, including the overall spatial pattern layout, public space, comprehensive traffic, three-dimensional walking system, urban culture creation, architectural style and characteristic landscape shaping.
2.2 Developing conceptual design of architecture of Xilang Station and vehicle depot
The conceptual plan design scope of Xilang station and vehicle depot’s Developing Conceptual Scheme of construction and development is namely comprehensive transportation hub plot of Xilang Station (including Xilang station hub, Xilang station depot). The land area is 42.8 hectares, and the comprehensive development area is about 1.64 million square meters. Besides, on the basis of urban design, the conceptual scheme of its architecture should be designed for the functional positioning, characteristic business planning, overall planning, three-dimensional greening, two-story pedestrian corridor, important building plane, elevation and section, important node space and underground space.
2.3 Comprehensive traffic hub building design of Xilang
The design scope of construction scheme of Xilang comprehensive transportation hub is engaged in the south area of Haizhong road in the comprehensive transportation hub plot of Xilang station. The applied land area is 18 hectares, and the comprehensive development construction area is about 840,000 square meters.furthermore, the design of Xilang Comprehensive Transportation Hub needs to be further deepened on the basis of the conceptual design of Xilang Railway Station and depot development, including the detailed design of the four-line transfer organization mode and the corresponding hub space (including bus station site block).

3. 竞赛组织
3. Competition Organization

3.2 竞赛组织方:广州市设计院、广州地铁设计院研究院股份有限公司
3.3 竞赛代理机构:广东极采招标有限公司
3.1 Competition sponsor: Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd.
3.2 Competition organizers: Guangzhou Design Institute and Guangzhou Metro Design Institute & Research Academy Co., Ltd.
3.3 Competition agencies: Guangdong Jicai Bidding Co., Ltd.

4. Competition Mode

4.1 Competition Form
The competition information is announced on the website of Guangzhou Metro Group co., LTD. (www.gzmtr.com), China Government Procurement website (www.ccgp.gov.cn), China Public Service Platform for Tendering and Bidding (www.cebpubservice.com), Guangdong Supervision website for Tendering and Bidding (www.gdzbtb.gov.cn), ABBS Construction BBS (www.abbs.com.cn), and the Special Platform for Government Procurement and Bidding - Sunshine Yicai.com (www.chinaebid.com), in addition, this activity will accept the registration of both domestic and overseas design institutions.
4.1.1 “资格预审” 阶段
4.1.1 "Prequalification" Stage
The organizer shall organize experts to set up a prequalification committee to prequalify the registered design institutions (see the prequalification documents for details), and select the best six design institutions to enter the next stage of competition program selection.
4.1.2 竞赛方案评选阶段
4.1.2 Competition Scheme Selection Phase
竞赛主办方委托组织方组织专家对通过资格预审的设计机构按竞赛文件规定提交的正式设计成果等内容进行有效性审查,有效性审查通过后进行方案评审,选取经评审名次排序前2个的设计方案作为优胜方案并推荐1个最优方案给竞赛主办方。竞赛主办方经研究后,最终确定1个中选方案。中选方案的设计机构将参与设计深化(深化内容以深化设计任务书为准)。The competition sponsor entrusts the organizer to organize experts to examine the validity of the formal design results submitted by the prequalified design institutes in accordance with the provisions of the competition documents. After the validity review, the scheme will be reviewed. The first two designs ranked by the judges will be selected as the winning scheme and the best one will be recommended to the competition sponsor. In the end, after study, the competition sponsor will determine a final plan. Furthermore, the design organization of the selected scheme will participate in the deepening of the design (the deepening content shall be based on the Deepened Design Task Book).
4.2 Methods of Competition Scheme Selection and Cost Compensation
The competition sponsor shall entrust the organizer to organize experts to examine the validity of the formal design results submitted by the prequalified design institution in accordance with the provisions of the competition documents. Cost compensation fees are available to the design institutes that have passed the validity review. The two design institutes that have been selected as the winning scheme would receive additional winning bonuses. No cost compensation fees or winning bonuses are available to the design institutes that have not passed the validity review.
Each design institution that passes the validity examination shall receive 1.5 million Yuan (including all expenses those are tax, organization agency service fee, design fee, intellectual property fee, etc.) cost compensation fee, and no cost compensation fee shall be paid for the results that fail the validity examination;
The review committee is responsible for reviewing the design results that have passed the validity review. Two winning schemes will be recommended, and the winning scheme will receive an additional bonus of 1.5 million Yuan (including tax, agency service fee, design fee, intellectual property fee, etc.).
The cost compensation fee includes all the expenses required to complete the design results of the competition (including but not limited to the agency service fee, the competition design fee, the production fee of the competition documents, the design and research fee, and the travel fee generated by holding the related project communication meeting with the competition organization unit, etc.).
The winning bonus includes the total cost of completing the required content of the design results, and the total cost of modifying the design results according to the evaluation opinion (including but not limited to the agency service fee, competition design fee, competition document production fee, design research fee, travel fee generated by holding related project communication meetings with competition organizers, etc.).
Through conference’s study, the competition sponsor determines the final selection plan according to the scheme design and service level. The design institution of the selected scheme will participate in the design deepening (the deepening content is based on the deepening design task book), and the deepening design cost will be 2 million Yuan.
Competition sponsor has the right to use and refer to part of the results of all the bidding schemes that received compensation fees and winning bonus, and no longer need to pay fees to the used and referred scheme of the participating design institutions.

5. 竞赛日程5. Competition Schedule

5.1 发布国际竞赛公告并开始接受全球设计机构报名:2019年7月30日-8月19日17:00(20天)
5.1 The date of notification releasing of international competition and start to accept registration from global design institutions: from 17:00, 30 (date) , July to 17:00, 19 (date) August 2019 (20 days).
5.2 提交资格预审文件截至时间:2019年8月19日17:00
5.2 The deadline for submission of prequalification documents:17:00 on 19 August 2019.
5.3 资格预审阶段评审:2019年8月23日(暂定时间)
5.3 Assessment of Prequalification Stage: 23 (date), August, 2019 (tentative time)
5.4 公布通过资格预审的设计机构:2019年9月6日(暂定时间)
5.4 Publication of Prequalification Design Institutions: 6 (date) September, 2019 (tentative time)
5.5 正式发布竞赛文件,组织入围设计机构参加竞赛文件答疑会:2019年9月17日(暂定时间)
5.5 Official release of competition documents, organize shortlisted design institutions to participate in the competition documents answering meeting: 17 (date) September, 2019 (tentative time)
5.6 竞赛方案设计时间为:2019年9月17日-2019年11月25日(暂定时间)
5.6 The design time of competition scheme is: from 17 (date) September, 2019 to 25 (date) November, 2019.
5.7 Evaluation of design scheme selection stage: each shortlisted design institution shall deliver the final results to the designated place at 5:00 pm on the day of, 25 (date) November (month),2019. The competition organizer or the competition agency will hold an expert evaluation meeting (the specific time and place shall be announced by the organizer or the agency).
Note: all times are subject to Beijing Time. The competition sponsor or organizer reserves the right to adjust the time schedule.

6. 竞赛报名 Competition Registration

6.1 Registration Qualification Required
6.1.1 The domestic design institutes registered must have the status of independent legal entity and exist legally. They are not in the undesirable situations of being revoked, ordered to be closed or revoked. It is important to note that if the person in charge of various (more than 1) units is the same person or with controlling in different units or with managing relationship, they may not sign up for the competition at the same time. The overseas design institutes registered must have independent legal personality and exist legally. They are not in the undesirable situations of being revoked, declared, ordered to be closed or revoked. If the person in charge of various (more than 1) units is the same person or with controlling in different units or with managing relationship, they may not sign up for the competition at the same time.
6.1.2 The registered domestic design institutions must have one of the following qualifications: comprehensive A-level qualification for engineering design, A-level qualification for design in construction industry, A-level qualification for professional design in construction industry (construction engineering), A-level qualification for Municipal Industry (rail transit engineering), and A-level qualification for urban and rural planning.
6.1.3 Personal registration is not accepted in this competition.
6.1.4 All design institution applicants shall have the corresponding performance related to transportation junction or urban complex project design since January 1, 2014 (such documentary evidence as contract shall be provided, and the performance time shall be calculated according to the contract signing time).
6.1.5 The general leader/chief designer must be directly involved in the whole process of the consultation activities and personally attend the competition site to report the plan at least twice. The registered designer should ensure that the general leader/chief designer and key designers of the project are always involved in the design work and cannot be changed in the process conduction.
6.1.6 The previous service providing institutions shall not participate in the competition. The previous service providing institutions are: Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute co., LTD., Guangzhou Design Institute, Guangzhou Urban Planning&Design Survey Research Institute, Guangzhou Transportation Planning and Research Institute, Guangzhou Urban Planning and Design Institute.
6.1.7为了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,境外设计机构须至少配备有 1 名通晓汉语的人士。
6.1.7 In order to ensure that the project designers have an accurate understanding of the background and relevant requirements in China, overseas design institutions shall be equipped with at least one person who is proficient in Chinese language.
6.1.8 The Design Institute registered has not been included in the list of written rejection of bids by the owner in previous projects due to breach of contract (see Annex 4 for the period of rejection of bids).
6.1.9 The competition is open to consortium. The number of units forming the consortium shall not exceed 2, and the consortium entry agreement shall be submitted as required, and the domestic members of the consortium registered in the form of the consortium shall meet the above requirements of 6.1.1-6.1.6 and 6.1.8;the overseas members of each consortium shall meet the requirements of items 6.1.1 and 6.1.3-6.1.8 mentioned above. (Note: For joint consortium participation, the original joint entry agreement signed by both parties shall be submitted, and the leader of the consortium shall be identified. The two parties of the consortium shall not participate in the project registration separately or in a consortium with other design institutions.)
6.2 Registration Method
6.2.1 Registration method: design institutions that meet the registration requirements shall register online at www.chinaebid.com (special platform for Chinese government procurement and bidding -- Yang Guang Yi Cai) during from 30 (date) July (month), 2019 to 19 (date) August
(month), 2019 (office hours, except statutory holidays). The registration fee is RMB 300.
6.2.2有意参赛的设计机构必须将填好并加盖公章的报名登记表(详见附件2)在2019年7月 30日至2019年8月19日期间,以电子版(PDF)形式上传至www.chinaebid.com(中国政府采购招标专用平台-阳光易采)
6.2.2 Design institutions interested in participating in the competition must upload the completed and stamped registration form (see Annex 2) to www.chinaebid.com (special platform for Chinese government procurement and bidding -- Sunshine Yicai) in the form of PDF from 30 (date) July (month), 2019 to 19(date) August (month), 2019 .
6.2.3 Designers interested in participating in the competition must submit or post the completed prequalification documents (see Annex 3 for details) to the competition agency in written form before the deadline(the deadline for submission: 17:00 on 19 (date) August (month), 2019 , whichever is the time for the competition agency to sign the prequalification documents) and send the electronic form to the competition agency mailbox: Xilang_competition@163.com at the same time. Documents overdue will not be accepted.
6.3 Requirements of Registration Documents
6.3.1 Format and submission of prequalification documents as required by the “Prequalification Document” (see Annex 3 for details).
Note: Prequalification documents should be sealed and bound with official seal. The acceptance form of the prequalification documents is attached with the official seal, which does not need to be sealed and packed together with the prequalification documents.

7. Contact Information

Contact Information: 020-22099922
Contact Person: Xu Gong
Address: Room 903, East tower of Pearl River Mansion, Huanshi East Road No.360, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province.
Fax: 020-38036988
E-mail: Xilang_competition@163.com

1. Scope of Competition Design
2. Registration Form
3. Prequalification Documents
4. List of Written Rejection of Bids by the Owner in Previous Projects due to Breach of Contract
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