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the International Bridge Design Competition for Binhaiwan New District, Dongguan The announcement

一、项目概况 Project Overview
(一)项目背景 Project Background

Binhaiwan New District of Dongguan City features its role as an important entryway for Dongguan to open to the outside world. Spreading an area of 83.2 square kilimeters, the New District consists of three major zones: Jiaoyibay, Shajiao Peninsula and WeiyuanIsland. It intersects between the east and west banks of the urban cluster of the Pearl River Estuary in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macau. The beneficial location makes the District closely connected with a series of neighboring cities and economic regions: Guangzhou,Shenzhen, and notably national free trade areas(FTAs) such as Qianhai of Shenzhen and Nansha of Guangzhou. A strategic development of Binhaiwan New District is a practice of Dongguan city to implement the national strategy towards Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Strategy and proactively integrate into the construction of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen sic-tech innovation corridor, a major strategic plan to seize historical opportunities and create a new growth pole and an exciting point, as well as a significant strategic measure to propel high-quality development.
In line with principles of high-quality planning, high-standard development and high-efficiency management, Management Committee of Binhaiwan New District commences to host an international design competition for its planned landmark in the area - Binhaiwan Bridge, with dedication to an outstanding, world-leading, uniquely charming symbol, to express its unique culture in the landscape of the District.

(二)项目信息Project Information
This international competition includes two phases.
Phase One: Design for Binhaiwan Bridge. This will be the longest bridge in the New District, across the estuary of Modiehe and in the inner bay area and the Coastal Landscape Corridor, suiting as the essential channel linking Jiaoyiwan and Shajiao Bandao. It will be constructed as the landmark with a high standard.
Phase Two: Further design for Binhaiwan Bridge, and design for bridges in Jiaoyiwan .
Based on the winning design, the champion unit of the competition will conduct a project proposal, feasibility report and an initial document for construction techniques for the Bridge. In addition, the unit will be responsible for designs for another 13 bridges in Jiaoyiwan, in two series (7 bridges in Modiehe and Shayong area, 5 in Chang’an Xinhe). All designs need to be consistent with architecture style and landscape overview.
Please refer to the floor plan below for exact locations of the bridges.

桥位平面图Floorplan of bridge sites

桥梁基本信息表Information Chart

(三)竞赛要求 Requirements
The design and follow-up adjustments will need to be coordinated with other upcoming urban planning schemes including: Overall Development Strategy of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District; Overall Urban Planning of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District; Transportation Scheme of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District; Civil Engineering Scheme of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District; Coastal Landscape Corridor of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District; Urban Planning Scheme for the Pilot Area of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District. Detailed requirements are indicated below.
1、总体要求 Overall Requirements
Study the general planning scheme and corresponding specialized planning schemes. Conduct analysis of the bridge on its relations to surrounding land use and its impact on the city. An overall design with a set of conclusive theme should be made to effectively shape the image of the District, with enhancement of ambiance and cultural vibes.
Convey characteristics and aesthetics regarding balance, proportion, sensation and narration of the design. The proposal should highlight the traits of coastal city and regional culture, with highlights on beauty of architecture and in harmony with urban landscape.
2、景观要求 Landscape
Select an appropriate style in deference to general urban planning and the characteristics of roadway vertical views.
Maintain consistency in systematic development of coastal landscape, not merely regarding the functional facets of transportation, but also on the visual facets of space. It should also echo the fluidity of landscape experience.
Attend to night-time landscape design, including lighting.
3、功能要求 Function
Meet the requirements of road width of driveways, non-driveways and sidewalks per planning schemes.
Coordinate deck design with roadway planning in general, or supply information on any adaptation where considered necessary.
Project the need of flood-carrying, flood-resisting and future traffic capacities based on thorough research on the river network, hydrological condition and feasibility of the project.
Coordinate design height with vertical elevation requirements in general, or supply information on any adaptation where considered necessary.
Note that the bridge is required to achieve at minimum Level Ⅳ in navigation.
4、桥型结构要求 Bridge Structure
Detail the choice of form, color of external surface and material use in thorough consideration to landscape needs and construction conditions. A comparative proposal and a cost analysis should be presented.
The design life should not be lower than 100 years.
To prove feasibility, a structural analysis should be provided if an unconventional form is adopted, with illustrations on materials, construction methods and equipment that cause major impacts on the structure and shape.
Conduct whole life cycle cost analysis, with necessary demonstration of projected construction and maintenance cost.
(5)桥面宽度由设计单位综合考虑车道数、道路等级、设计车速、成本控制及景观特色等来拟定,桥塔高度受深圳空港 153.7m 的高度限制。
Determine the deck width in deference to the number of lanes, road level, design speed, cost control and landscape characteristics. Note that the height for a bridge tower is subject to a 153.7m limit by Shenzhen Airport area.

(四)竞赛内容 Competition Content
The competition welcomes all designers around the globe. From the date of the announcement, the design offices from homeland to abroad that correspond to the qualification requirements of the competition can participate. (the qualification requirements in detail are in the fifth article the qualification requirements of the competition) The work is divided into two phases: the first phase is the program collection and selection, and the second phase is the deepening design.
1、第一层次——滨海湾大桥方案设计Phase One —— Design for Binhaiwan Bridge
The competition accepts registrations of domestic and overseas design offices that correspond to the qualification requirements. The design offices will carry out the design according to the requirements of the technical documents to be published subsequently, and submit the formal documents of design : a recommended plan and a comparison plan. The better plan in each submission will be selected in consideration of ranking.
The evaluation committee will comprehensively evaluate the design proposals of Binhaiwan Bridge submitted from the inclusive, scientific and practical factors according to the "Competition Technical Documents" and determine the ranking of the competition units by means of a disclosed ballot. The top five winners will be recognized, and the first place’s proposal will be selected for this competition. The selected program units need to complete the subsequent program integration, optimization and adjustment work.
2、第二层次——滨海湾大桥深化设计及交椅湾板块桥梁方案设计 Phase Two —— Further Design for Binhaiwan Bridge and Design for Bridges in Jiaoyiwan
The selected program offices need to absorb the advantages of other competition programs, combining experts’ review and opinions of relevant management department opinions, carrying out program integration, optimizing adjustment, and submitting final design results, including but not limited to:
Complete the Binhaiwan Bridge project proposal and feasibility study report;
Complete the deepening design of Binhaiwan Bridge and reach the preliminary design depth of the bridge project required in Deep Provisions on the Design of Municipal Public Works Design Documents (2013 Edition)
Conduct an overall study on the other 13 bridges in the Jiaoyiwan section and provide design solutions.
It is necessary to cooperate with the organization’s program report, public participation, publicity, awards, and other related work, and provide relevant design materials and technical support. In the later implementation of Binhaiwan Bridge, according to Party A’s needs, technical personnel should be dispatched to provide services timely.

二、基本规则 Basic Rules
This international competition will be adopted to highlight the inclusive, scientific and practical traits in designs. The Competition will be divided into three stages, namely, Registration, Design Competition and Proposal Refinement.
Application stage, candidates during registration shall submit the qualified documents to the competition organization agent within the specified period. After successful registration, the candidate can participate in the selection of the scheme for the subsequent "design competition" stage.
In Design Competition, a review committee will be gathered with experts in the industry. The committee will select the better design in each submission for review, and the final ranking of all candidates will come from registered votes of the committee. The most voted candidate will be the winning organization that obtains the privileged role for the upcoming Proposal Refinement. If the first selected unit gives up the deepening design, the second candidate unit will be selected as the selected unit to carry out the deepening design according to the ranking order .The same rule applies to similar situations.

三、相关费用 Fees
The top-five candidates recognized by the review committee will be rewarded by rank:
Second Prize Award: 800,000 Chinese Yuan;
Third Prize Award: 600,000 Chinese Yuan;
Award of Merit (for the fourth and the fifth): 300,000 Yuan respectively;
The champion organization will be directly rewarded with funding for Proposal Refinement, a total 10,000,000 RMB, instead of a competition award. This will be finalized when the proposal is optimized per expert comments and requirements from the Competition Organizer and is accepted by the Organizer.
If the first selected unit gives up on the further design, the next-up candidate unit will be selected to carry out design according to the ranking order, and the deepening design fee will be 10 million yuan (no longer the bonus of the original name, and so on). For the unit that gives up the deepening design, there will be no compensation bonus.
Only the top-five ranking candidates recognized by the review committee will be awarded by the Competition Organizer. The other participants will not receive compensations. All payment indicated will be subject to tax.
The settlement of rewards and funding for Proposal Refinement will be finalized in yuan (RMB) within Chinese borders. An Overseas party with difficulties to receive RMB with bank account may authorize a domestic independent legal entity for collection. Any fee caused by such authorization, however, will not be covered.

四、日程安排(暂定)Timetable (Pending)

All time is based on Beijing time, and the competition organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule. The specific time is subject to the competition technical documents released by the official.
2、答疑问题需在规定时间内以书面形式加盖公章,发到指定邮箱(cgjlywb_dy@126.com), 竞赛组织单位将在规定时间内将问题汇总,并把答疑纪要以邮件方式发放给各参赛单位。
Questions and answers must be stamped in writing within the specified time and sent to the designated email address (cgjlywb_dy@126.com). The competition organizer will summarize the questions within the specified time and issue the answers to participating offices by email.
The chief designer must hold the legal representative certificate and power of attorney then attend the project launch conference and expert review meeting in person. If the main designer is unable to attend the conference and expert review meeting in special circumstances, the participating unit must submit an application to the competition organizer. After the competition organizer agrees, the participant can be attended by the substitute. Within one month after the conference, the chief designer should do reconnaissance in person and the competition organization unit should provide the proof documents (such as photos) of the main designer’s reconnaissance.

五、资质要求 Qualification
All candidates must secure legally registered business license or operation certificate within period of validity. Candidate institutions that are registered in China should be independent legal entities. Upon registration information, project consultation should be listed in the enterprise’s business scope. Design units outside Mainland China ( Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas regions) should have the same type of business scope. Otherwise candidates are required to provide printed copies of online inquiry of enterprise Information Disclosure or Commercial Registration and Information Record from websites of the authorities. Institutions under following circumstances are not allowed to participate at the same time: Two or more legal entities under the same legal representative; controlling companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their controlled companies.
Institutions registered in China must hold the Integral Engineering Design Qualification Class-A, the Civil Engineering Design Qualification Class-A or the Specialized Civil Engineering Design (Bridge and Roadway Construction) Qualification Class-A.
Institutions registered in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas should hold sufficient reputation in the international design community and can be exempt from qualification requirements above. Meanwhile, such candidates need to present the Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprise with Foreign Investment/with Investment of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas Chinese in the People’s Republic of China.
This international competition accepts the unified party registration, the members of which need to meet requirements Ⅴ.1&2 (Units outside China shall meet Points 1 and 3). Unified parties must submit the unification agreement for registration, where a chief member is specified. When it is submitted, any member of the uni0n cannot register again as individual party or unify with other organizations, or the registration will be canceled. The count of members should not surpass 3. (Note: The competition will not accept any member of a unified party under the name of an individual.)
Over the past five years (from January 2013 to now), candidates need to have completed landscape bridge design projects with a total cost of no less than 100 million yuan or with a bridge of no less than 100 million meters.
The chief creative designer of the proposed project shall have the professional title of senior or above (overseas chief creative designer shall have the equivalent qualification) and the experience in similar bridge design projects.
(七) 参赛单位须具有良好的社会信誉,没有处于被责令停业、财产被接管、冻结、破产和重组等状态。
Candidates should be own reputation of integrity and not be undergoing suspension, asset receivership, freezing, bankruptcy or restructuring.
(八) 本次竞赛活动面向全球进行,中选单位须具备工程设计综合甲级资质或市政行业设计甲级资质或市政行业(桥梁工程及道路工程)专业设计甲级资质,不具备国内相应资质的国外设计单位需与国内符合要求的设计单位联合方可参与后续深化设计工作。
This competition is open to global design units. To qualify for subsequent design, the design units need to own the Comprehensive Qualification of Engineering Design Class-A, Comprehensive Qualification of Designs in Public Works Class-A or Specialized Qualification of Designs in Public Works (Bridges and Roadways) Class-A. Overseas units without such qualifications will need to participate in the further design phase with a domestic design unit with the qualification above.

六、报名方式 Registration Process
(一)有意参加竞赛的设计单位将报名文件(按要求签字并盖公章) (详见附件2,请以A4纸装订成册,一式二份)以书面形式于2019年1月23日至2019年2月14日(节假日除外)上午9:00至下午17:00前送达竞赛组织代理单位广东省城规建设监理有限公司(以设计单位书面报名文件抵达时间为准,地址:广州市越秀区东风中路300-1号金安大厦三楼D室。(注:报名文件扫描件先发到广东省城规建设监理有限公司邮箱(cgjlywb_dy@126.com),资料齐全方可以邮寄形式递交的报名文件,邮寄文件需在报名有效期内送达,逾期抵达的报名文件概不受理。)
Interested design units should send registration documents in written forms (in duplicate, bound together in A4 paper, with signature and company seals in requested format, details as per the Attachment II) in between 9:00 and 17:00 from January 23rd, 2019 to February 14th, 2019 (except holidays) to the contest organization agency Guangdong Shengcheng Guijianshe Supervision Co., Ltd. (by mailing registration documents, units should ensure 1) materials are adequate, 2) send digital scanned copies ahead and 3) the whole documents should be delivered in the valid period of registration. Registrations with late arrivals will not be accepted)
Please note:
Address: Room D, 3rd floor, Jin’an Mansion, No. 300-1, Dong Feng Middle Road, Yuexiu, Guangzhou
Email address: cgjlywb_dy@126.com
Units that are eligible for the requirements will be registered as official contestant unit once successfully registered.
The application documents should include:
Application form (original, with signature and company chop) ;
Company business registration documents (duplicate, with company chop);
Qualification certificate or approval certificate (for enterprises with foreign investment or investment of Taiwan, HongKong, Macau and Overseas Chinese). (in photocopy, with company chop);
Legal representative certificate, letter of authorization from the legal representative (original, with company seal or signature), ID proofs of the legal representative and the trustee (duplicate of ID or passport, etc., with company chop);
Design consortiums shall submit the ’Design Consortium Agreement’ (original, with company chop), jointly signed by all the design firm members and specifying the leading design details as per the Attachment II;
Performance data of similar planning & design projects shall include: project name & location, project scale, design content undertaken, main design personnel, current condition of the project (ongoing or completed), project images and relevant evidential materials (contract, bid-winning notice etc);
Resume & professional background evidential material of the design team members, and evidential materials or explanation of similar projects for them: for example, bid-winning notice of other projects, copy of the seal & signature page of planning and design contracts, planning & design renderings (ongoing) or real scene photos (completed)、project images and relevant proof materials (contract, bid-winning notice, etc.);
Statement of the contestant unit, details as per the Attachment III ;
Commitment for further design, details as per the Attachment Ⅳ(if any) ;
Other materials deemed helpful by design firms.

七、组织方式 Organizing Manner
报名咨询 Registration Enquiry
联系人:冯工/陈工/李工 电话Tel: +86 020 8356 2591
手机Mob: +86 188 2505 8068
咨询邮箱Enquiry Email: cgjlywb_dy@126.com

This contest is jointly declared and stated by the ABBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn), the China Bidding (http://www.chinabidding.com.cn), government site of Binhaiwan New District of Dongguan (http://caxq.dg.gov.cn/) , Dongguan Daily and the Southern Daily and other media outlets. The competition is open for registrations and submissions of design units at home and abroad. In case there are any difference of announcements published on different media platforms, take the version from the ABBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn) as final.

Contacts: Feng/Chen/Li
Tel: +86 020 8356 2591
Mob: +86 188 2505 8068
Enquiry Email: cgjlywb_dy@126.com

八、组织机构 Organization
Organizer: Management Committee of Dongguan Binhaiwan New District

Attachment I: Registration Form of the International Design Contest for the Binhaiwan Bridge of Binhaiwan New District of Dongguan
Attachment II: Agreement of Design Consortium of the International Design Contest for the Binhaiwan Bridge of Binhaiwan New District of Dongguan (for reference)
Attachment III: Statement of the contestant unit
Attachment Ⅳ:Commitment for further design

Please click to download
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