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International Design Competition for Qianhai Public Spaces

With the implementation of the “Belt and Road” initiative, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) has become an important part of China’s national strategy, ushering the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration into the “Greater Bay Area” era. In this context, the Qianhai Cooperation Zone will demonstrate best practices for deeper cooperation in the Greater Bay Area. A locus for international resources in service of the Chinese mainland with support from Hong Kong and Macau, the zone will feature a unique, forward-looking urban center in the world-renowned bay area, a novel core engine for collaborative innovation in the Greater Bay Area, a demonstrative pilot zone for future urban development, and a strategic pivot for the “Belt and Road” initiative.

In accordance with Planning of Qianhai New Urban Center, as one of the major innovation nuclei defined in the upper-level plan, Qianhai is well positioned to lead the development of the Greater Bay Area. On the one hand, it will actively coordinate and utilize S&T innovation resources from all around the world to build an internationalized and open regional innovation system and a novel cooperative community for the Greater Bay Area. On the other hand, as one of the dual centers of the city, Qianhai will promote axial coordinated development of urban functions, strengthening the regional service functions of modern service industries while further aggregating urban public service functions to create a new mixed-use urban center.

In accordance with the Specialized Planning for Walking and Cycling System of Qianhai Cooperation Zone, 19 cross-street parks , 9 skywalks and 15 sky footpaths are planned in Qianhai. The sky footpath system comprising cross-street parks, skywalks and sky corridors is connected to the pedestrian systems below grade. The goal is to create a humanized “slow-traffic” environment (for pedestrians, pedaled bikes, etc.), enhance the vitality of the street, develop a sustainable green traffic system and slow-traffic space with Qianhai characteristics.

To make Qianhai a unique new urban center of the Greater Bay Area, the Competition will follow a people-oriented design philosophy to create an attractive and pleasant public space system, and in doing so, enhance the well-being of people in order to make Qianhai a more appealing destination.

I. Work Scope of Competition

The Competition includes designs on three levels, namely, the overall research and design, conceptual design, and detailed node design.
Scope of overall research: The scope of overall research under the Competition includes parts of Development Unit 2, 7 and 9 of Qianhai area, totaling a land area of 710,000 m2 as defined by the red dotted line below.
统筹设计范围:需进行统筹设计的公共空间的用地为下图所示黄色填充范围,总用地面积为29655 m2。
Scope of overall design: the public spaces within the scope of overall design total 29,655 m2 as shown in the yellow-shadowed area below.
竞赛方案设计范围:需进行方案设计的公共空间用地为下图所示G8、G9、G11、G14+绿色填充范围,总用地面积82232 m2,公共空间地下和地上的配套公共建筑面积总计23800 m2以及下图所示的4座跨街公园。
Scope of design: the public spaces for design include G8, G9,G11, G14 and the green-shadowed area (as shown below)
totaling a land area of 82,232m2, the below-grade and above-grade public buildings totaling a floor area of 23,800m2 as well as four cross-street parks (as shown below).

Scope of node design: Participants can select two to three nodes that can fully reflect their design ideas and features within the scope of the Competition and conduct a more detailed node design.
II. Design Detailing Level

The design under the Competition should be detailed to the conceptual level. Based on the existing upper-level planning, participants are required to provide a conceptual design for public spaces, supporting public buildings and cross-street parks within the scope of the Competition, and propose planning and construction indicators for various plots of the public space.

III. Requirements on Prequalification Documents

The prequalification documents should be submitted in two different formats, namely soft copies to be submitted to Shenzhen Construction Project Exchange Service Net and hard copies to be delivered to the place specified in the Competition Announcement by the deadline.
截止时间于北京时间 2019 年 2月 20 日 17:00 点前。
upload required materials by 17:00, Feb. 20, 2019 (China Standard Time).

Ⅳ.Competition Schedule (Subject to Adjustment)

Important Note: The above is a tentative schedule following China Standard Time. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the schedule as necessary.

Ⅴ. Contact Information

Host: Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen
Organizer: Shenzhen Qianhai Development & Investment Holding Co., Ltd.
Execution Agency:
Shenzhen Rijie Ruixin Urban Planning and Design Consulting Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Jianhengda Cost Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
咨询人:李女士 联系电话:+86 0755 86549494;13632658134
In case of any query, please contact Ms. Li at 86 0755 86549494 or 13632658134
参赛单位须将上述要求的资料于北京时间 2019 年 2 月20 日 17:00 点前送往(快递)深圳市登良路 26 号公园道大厦 B 座 1309室(暂定)。
Applicants should deliver or courier the above required materials to Rm. 1309, Block B, Gongyuandao Building, 26 Deng Liang Lu, Shenzhen (subject to change) by 17:00, Feb.20,2019 (China Standard Time).

Special remarks:
Please pay attention to the Official website of Shenzhen Construction Engineering Trade Service Center, Shenzhen Center for Design and WeChat Public Number of Shenzhen Rijie Ruixin Urban Planning and Design Consulting Co., Ltd. and download the relevant competition documents.

Please click to download


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