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Announcement on International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road
-- Functional Improvement of Shennan Road

一、组织机构 Organizers
Organizer: Urban Management Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
Undertaker: Greening Management Office of Shenzhen Municipality
Bidding Agent: Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen Municipality

二、项目背景 Project Background
The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) pointed out that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. Shenzhen, as a pioneer in reform and opening up, is speeding up to build itself into the core engine city of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area and striving to become an innovation-led global city with distinguished influence and competitiveness, with the spirit of determined reform and courageous innovation.
In recent years, Shenzhen has spared no effort to build itself into a national forest city and the world’s famous garden city, and mainly implemented projects such as precise improvement of forest quality, biodiversity conservation, featured theme park construction, forest town construction and so on. It has set up a Shenzhen benchmark and provided an example for ecological construction whether in aspects of investment, publicity, or in social participation, ecological satisfaction and so on.
Shennan Road is the witness of Shenzhen’s reform and opening up, the best window to interpret Shenzhen’s urban spirit and the origin of China’s \"landscape avenue\". Standing on the new historical position of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, Shennan Road, as the best window for displaying the image of reform and opening up, should also be presented to the world with a more international, open and innovative brand-new look. It is necessary to further improve the environmental quality of Shennan Road, and set up new demonstration example and new benchmark to match with its internationalization status.

三、竞赛目的 Competition Goal
The transformation of Shennan Road not only concerns the improvement of Shenzhen’s urban environmental quality but also the future trend of China’s urban reconstruction and improvement. In view of the importance of Shennan Road, an international competition will be organized in seeking of the most innovative conceptual design schemes globally, the goal of which is to build a world-class garden city landscape avenue having international status and playing a new demonstration role in the new era with strategic perspective, forward-looking vision, high standard and high quality, comprehensively enhance its ecological, traffic and landscape environment, and build it into a vigorous leisure zone serving people’s good life.

四、竞赛范围 Competition Scope
(1)规划研究 Planning Research

本次竞赛规划研究范围以整个深南大道为轴,东起新秀立交,西至南头检查站, 全长25.6公里,涉及罗湖、福田、南山3个行政区,包括与深南大道整体空间、功能及形象相关的周边用地、公共空间、公园及节点,研究范围根据对项目的理解自行界定。
The planning research scope of this competition is to take the whole Shennan Road as the axis, starting from Xinxiu Interchange in the east and ending at Nantou Checkpoint in the west, with a total length of 25.6 kilometers, covering Luohu, Futian and Nanshan districts, including the surrounding land, public space , parks and nodes relevant to the overall space, function and image of Shennan Road. Scope of research can be self-defined according to understanding of the project.
(2)景观设计 Landscape Design
Carry out overall landscape conceptual design and make design guidelines for the whole section of 25.6 km, with a total land area of about 310 ha., and conduct detailed design for key sections ( high-resolution scope map attached).

景观设计范围图Landscape Design Scope

五、基本规则 Basic Rules
In order to highlight the openness, scientific and practical nature of the competition, open competition will be adopted. Winning design schemes will be selected through competition, which is scheduled to be completed by September, 2018.
All design firms participating in this competition, upon entry, shall accept and comply with all the rules and regulations of this document.
After the registration deadline, the prequalification meeting will be organized to examine the qualification of the registered design firms (consortiums included, similarly hereinafter), and carry out comprehensive evaluation on the project proposals (including project understanding, grasp of key & difficult problems, conceptual proposal and case study) and application documents (including the chief designer, design team and similar project experience, etc.) submitted by those qualified design firms. Seven (7) design firms will be selected to be sent the Invitation to Draft the Concept Scheme [at the same time, two (2) alternatives will be selected; in case any invited firm quits, they can take its place in order].
Within a week after the prequalification result is announced, those registered design firms that are qualified for this competition but failed to receive the Invitation to Draft the Concept Scheme can file an application in written form to the Organizers applying for taking part in the concept design at their own expense. Except the design compensation, they will enjoy equal opportunity to win the competition bonus (on the basis of integrating the deliverables as required).
5.2正式竞赛 Official Competition
The seven (7) invited design firms and X design firms that participate in the conceptual design at their own expense shall carry out design and submit design deliverables according to the Design Brief of the International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road --Functional Improvement of Shennan Road. Three (3) candidate conceptual schemes (maximum 1 candidate conceptual scheme can be shortlisted from the X design firms) will be selected through expert’s review. After that, the Organizer shall determine the bid-winning supplier, according to the rules of procedure for significant matters.
The bid-winning supplier shall integrate the concept schemes into formal design scheme (excluding the design development and construction design) according to the Organizer’s requirements, and then it can receive bonus (including the integration fee).

六、资格要求 Qualification
Applicants that have Class A Urban and Rural Planning Qualification or Class A Landscape Engineering Design Qualification of PRC can apply for this competition independently. Those that apply as a consortium shall have at least 1 (one) member that has Class A Urban and Rural Planning qualification or Class A Landscape Engineering Design qualification of PRC;
Design firms entered independently shall be registered suppliers of the Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen Municipality; consortiums are acceptable in this project, among which there shall be at least one registered supplier of the Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen Municipality;
Applicants shall have no bribery crime record within three (3) years (the Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen Municipality will apply to the Municipal People’s Procuratorate regularly for checking the registered & valid suppliers in the government procurement supplier database, and no evidential material is needed in the application documents).
Personal registration is not accepted;
Two or more legal entities with the same legal representative, parent company, sole subsidiary and its holding company are not allowed to participate in the competition at the same time;
The registered design firm shall not participate in the competition again as a member of other consortium, nor shall it participate in the form of a consultant;
Planning designers participating in this competition should be registered personnel of the firm. The chief planning designer should be those who have presided over many similar planning & design projects, and should be involved in the whole competition process in person. To ensure that the project planning designers of foreign design firms have a correct understanding of the background of China and relevant requirements, at least one project planning designer with proficient Chinese language skills shall be included.
Important Note: Applicants [at least one (1) member of the design consortium] shall be the registered supplier of the Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen Municipality. Design firms please register as suppliers of the government procurement center before the registration deadline. Please visit the website of the Government Procurement Center of Shenzhen Municipality (http://www.szzfcg.cn) or reach at +86 755 8393 8966 for the registration method.

七、日程安排(暂定)Timetable (Pending)

Note: The timetable above is based on Beijing time, the Organizers will reserve the right to amend the agenda.

八、费用 Fees
The design fees of this competition are RMB Nine Million Six Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥9,600,000.00 Yuan) in total, including the design compensation and bonus as follows:
8.1设计成本费 Design Compensation
For the seven (7) design firms received the Invitation to Draft the Concept Scheme, each can receive the design compensation with RMB Eight Hundred Thousand Yuan (¥800,000.00 Yuan, tax included) provided the submitted scheme meets requirements of the Design Brief and is evaluated by the jury panel as qualified.
8.2奖金 Bonus
1 (one) bid-winning supplier will be selected through the experts’ review and final review on their submitted schemes. The bid-winning supplier shall integrate the concept schemes into formal design scheme (excluding the design development and construction design) according to the Organizer’s requirements, and then it can receive bonus (including the integration fee) with RMB Four Million Yuan (¥4,000,000.00 Yuan, tax included).

九、报名方式 Registration Process
Design firms or consortiums who are interested in this competition please apply for it with reference to the Working Rules of the International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road-- Functional Improvement of Shennan Road (See Appendix 1 for details), by 14:00, July 20, 2018 (Beijing Time).
报名咨询Registration Inquiry:
张工Mr. Zhang(电话Tel:+86 755 8290 7866,手机Mobile:+86 136 3160 0111)
赖工Ms. Lai (电话 Tel:+86 755 8290 9299,手机Mobile:+86 135 3067 0439)
报名咨询邮箱Registration Email: fazhanke@szum.gov.cn

Please click to download

Appendix 1: Working Rules of the International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road-- Functional Improvement of Shennan Road
Appendix 2: Design Brief of the International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road-- Functional Improvement of Shennan Road
Appendix 3: Application Form of the International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road-- Functional Improvement of Shennan Road
Appendix 4: Joint Design Agreement of the International Competition of Landscape Design & Conceptual Design of Space Planning for Shennan Road-- Functional Improvement of Shennan Road
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