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Announcement of the International Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City

The activity ofInternational Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City(“Consulting”) aims to, based on “International Vision and Long-Term View”, implement the “Four Key Projects” of Sichuan Province and the “Eastward”Strategic Decision Deployment of Chengdu City, collect creative and feasible design schemes, promote the construction of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City with the most advanced concept and international top-ranking standard, construct an integrated industrial ecological circle of “culture, sports, commerce, tourism and education” with sports events as the core, build urban sports center, international communication center, consumption center, tourism center, and create a new business card of a famous city for international sports events.

I. Project Overview

(I) Name:International Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City
(II) Location:Jiangxinan Area of Chengdu High-Tech Zone (Chengdu Tianfu International Airport New City), Sichuan, China
(III) Scale:This project includes the areas like Sanchahu and Danjingshan, etc., and covers a total area of around 86Km2, including the 34Km2 mountainous sports area, 40Km2 water sports area, and 12Km2 core area (including 3Km2venue area).
(IV) Content
The consulting work is divided into three levels. The first is the conceptual planning for the 86Km2 Tianfu Olympic Sports City, which shall reach the depth of overall planning; the second is the optimization of urban design for the 12Km2 core areabased on the existing achievements of urban design, which shall reach the depth of controlling detailed planning; and the third is the urban design for 3Km2venue area, which shall reach the depth of detailed construction planning.

The conceptual planning for the 86Km2 Tianfu Olympic Sports City: Relying on the existing superior planning, Strategic Planning for the Airport New City, the district (overall) planning of Airport New City, the overall urban design, the planning for Danjingshan-Sanchahu Zone (landscape tourism), energy planning, water affairs planning, the special planning for integrated transportation, etc., and in combination with the location scheme for the planning of Tianfu Olympic Sports City, this conceptual planning is to streamline the relationship of Tianfu Olympic Sports City with Airport New City and Danjingshan-Sanchahu Scenic Spot, to form the analysis scheme for optimizing the spatial structure of Tianfu Olympic Sports City, the scheme for planning the characteristic elements of the mountain, water and city features, the scheme for optimizing the integrated transportation of Tianfu Olympic Sports City, to divide the functional block areas (each block area is of 1-3Km2), and to bring forward suggestions on the planning of key projects, etc. The achievements will be used to further improve the district (overall) planning of Airport New City.

The optimization of urban design for the 12Km2 core area: It is to further optimize and improve the detailed urban design of the 12Km2 core area based on the existing achievements of urban design; to form perfect plan for the functional layout, road network and traffic system, public space system and landscape node design,urbancolordesign, etc. of the core area based on the existing urban design scheme for the starting area of Airport New City; to bring forward suggestions on optimization of the layout relationship between Chengdu Sport University and Olympic Sport City; and to form the planning package for key projects. The achievements shall reach the 1:2000 precision, and shall be applied to guiding the project planning and land transfer for the launching area of Airport New City.

The urban design for 3Km2 venue area: The 3Km2 venue area of the Olympic Sport City is within the 12Km2 core area of the Olympic Sport City. In combination with the existing scheme for Chengdu Sport University, it is to form the urban design of the 3Km2 area reaching the depth of detailed construction planning. The venues for competition and training shall be used to undertake single international top-ranking sports events. It is to form the scheme for the planning and layout of main sports stadium, main venue, and characteristic venues. These venues shall aim to undertake domestic and overseas single top-ranking sports events, domestic and overseas comprehensive sports events, and even Olympic Games in future. It is to form the design scheme for the architectural form of venue groups, the scheme for skyline, and the design scheme for colors, to optimize the design of the overall features, forms, elevation and colors of the building groups of Chengdu Sports University, and make it integrated into the whole Tianfu Olympic Sports City. In order to achieve harmony and diversity, coordination and hierarchy, it shall provide an urban color design scheme based on the main color system of the eastern region. It is to form the development planning of the projects which will be constructed and put into operation in nearly three years. The achievements shall reach the precision of and above 1:1000, be used to instruct the architectural design of Chengdu Sport University and venues for sports events and provide a space rich in elasticity and creativity and beyond imagination for the follow-up work like the undertaking of sports events, the operation of sports venues, and the “sports+” industrial layout, etc. in future.

II. Host

Chengdu Aerotropolis Group Co., Ltd.

III. Qualification Conditions

The Applicant shall meet one of the following conditions:
(I) If an international institution acts as an independent applicant, it shall have lawful license for operation and design in the country or region where it is located;
(II) If a domestic institution acts as an independent applicant, it shall be an independent legal entity having grade-A qualification for preparation of urban and rural planning (an institution from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan shall have lawful license for operation and design in its own region);
3) A joint design group shall consist of no more than 3 institutions, and wherein, 1 must be domestic institution. Each party of the joint design group shall not participate in this consulting activity in any form. If domestic institutions and domestic or foreign institutions form a joint design group, at least 1 member shall meet the requirement of clause 2.
(IV) No individual application or individual combination is accepted.

IV. Application

The application for this consulting project shall be filed from May 25, 2018 (9:00a.m.) to June 14, 2018 (17:00 p.m.) (Beijing Time, the same below).
报名机构应在报名截止时间前,将报名资料电子文件发送至指定邮箱,同时将报名资料纸质文件邮寄或送达至以下地址:成都市高新区天晖南街169号 ACC中航城市广场1313室,邵茂杰收,电话18009061960(报名以收到纸质文件时间为准,在截止时间以后收到的文件将被拒绝)。
Application institutions shall, before the closing time for application, send the electronic files of application materials to the specified e-mail box and post or serve the paper documents of application materials to Room 1313, AAC Zhonghang City Square, 169 Tianhui South Road, Gaoxin Area, Chengdu, receiver Mr. Shao, TEL:18009061960 (subject to the time when the paper documents are received and the overdue submission will be rejected).
报名资料提交要求,详见附件1 成都天府奥体城概念性规划及城市设计国际咨询咨询文件.
Pleasesee Annex1 Consulting Document of the International Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City.

V. Consulting Description

(I) The Overall Planning of Airport New City, the Overall Urban Design, and the Detailed Urban Design of Core Areas have already been completed from July 2016 to October 2017. Later in November 2017, it was determined to select Airport New City as the location of Tianfu Olympic Sports City. This Consulting is to adjust and improve the existing planning, and relevant materials involved may be provided.
(II) The design team must have relevant experience in sports industry planning or architectural design, etc.
(III) The host will pre-examine the application institutions’ corporate qualifications, performance, proposed consulting team, industrial reputation, etc., and select 8 design institutions for the stage of conceptual masterplan. The host will issue the Design Brief, and the consulting content and requirements should be subject to the Design Brief.
(IV) The 8 competitors shall submit deliverables according to the requirements of conceptual masterplan. After expert review, 5 institutions will be selected for the stage of urban design. Experts will select after appraisal 3 winning schemes, which will be submitted for the final selection to the administrative department in charge.
(V) The compensation for conceptual masterplan is RMB1,200,000 for each institution, that for urban design is RMB1,000,000 for each institution, and the winning prize is RMB800,000 for each institution. The Host will sign a consulting service contract with and pay consulting fee to the winning institution, and the winning institution will undertake the schemeoptimization and follow-up consulting services for this project.
(VI) Right of interpretation: The ultimate right to interpret this Consulting activity and relevant documents is owned by the Host. All notices, correspondence, and consultation deliverables relating to this consultation shall be in both Chinese and English. In the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese and English descriptions, the Chinese text shall prevail.

VI. Media for Issue of Consulting Announcement

The Announcement will be issued on ABBS (Architecture BBS) (http://www.abbs.com.cn/) and Public Account, China Daily (Overseas Edition), Ta Kung Pao, Chinese Urban Planning Network(http://www.planning.org.cn/) , National Public Resources Transaction Platform(http://www.ggzy.gov.cn/) and Chengdu High-Tech Zone National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone(http://www.cdht.gov.cn/), and ChengduAerotropolis Group Co., Ltd. (http://www.cdkgjt.com).

VII. Contact of the Host

Host: Chengdu Aerotropolis Group Co., Ltd.
地址:成都市高新区天晖南街169号 ACC中航城市广场1313室
Address: Room 1313, AAC Zhonghang City Square, 169 Tianhui South Road, Gaoxin Area, Chengdu
E-mail:competition@ehow.net.cn, tianfuaoti@outlook.com
联系人: 邵茂杰(中文)、Daisy(English)
Contact Person: Shao Maojie(Chinese), Daisy (English)

Please click the link for the below attachment:
附件1 成都天府奥体城概念性规划及城市设计国际咨询咨询文件
Annex1 Consulting Document of the International Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City
附件2 成都天府奥体城概念性规划及城市设计国际咨询报名表
Annex2 Application Form for International Consulting on the Conceptual Masterplan and Urban Design of Chengdu Tianfu Olympic Sports City
附件3 联合体协议书
Annex3 Joint Design Agreement
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