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Conceptual Planning of Binhai New District and Core Urban Design of Danzhou, Hainan Province International Bidding

目 录

三、招标代理机构 Bidding Agency
四、规划背景 Planning background
五、项目简介 Product introduction
六、报名资格与方法 Registration qualification and method
七、时间安排表 Time Schedule
八、招标查询及答疑 Bidding inquiry and answering
九、提交设计成果的期限 Deadline for submission of design achievements
十、参赛规则与评选办法 Participating rules and selection method
十一、奖金及设计补偿费用 Bonus and design compensation fees
十二、用语及其它 Language and others
十三、联系方式 Contact information

一、 主办单位:海南省儋州市人民政府
I. Sponser:The People’s Government of Danzhou, Hainan Province

二、 承办单位:儋州市规划委员会,儋州市住房和城乡建设局
II. Organizer: Danzhou Municipal Urban Planning Commission, Danzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.

三、 招标代理机构:湖南中投项目管理有限公司
III. Bidding agency: Hunan Zhongtou project management co. LTD

四、 规划背景
IV. Planning background

This is an international bidding work for conceptual planning and urban design of future spatial development of Danzhou Binhai New District. Binhai New District, with a total planning area of 46.42 square kilometers, is part of comprehensive development strategy of “one city, two towns” in Danzhou. The purpose of this bidding is to pool wisdom and collect planning schemes with foresight, creativity and clear implementation path. Based on the international vision and forward-looking development, studying the current situation and construction condition of this region, we can propose the development orientation and target of Binhai New District, further optimize the spatial development structure and land use function and build the Binhai central area with an international first-class standard, innovation and vitality, forming a urban landscape with unique feature. Meanwhile, the conceptual planning and urban design will be operable in aspects of spatial planning, such as industry positioning and ecological protection, in order to provide systematic and framework guideline for the next step of planning management work.

五、 项目简介
V. Project introduction
1. Project name

Conceptual Planning of Binhai New District and Core Urban Design of Danzhou, Hainan Province
2. Project scope

The project scope consists of two parts: scope of conceptual planning and scope of core urban design (see the picture for details).
The scope of conceptual planning is composed of land area (including a part of Baimajing Town and a part of Paipu Town) and reclamation area (Haihua Island). The specific boundary is based on the 2030 development boundary and coastline determined by Danzhou comprehensive planning (space class 2015-2030) , and the total area is 46.42 square kilometers.
The scope of core urban design is defined by the boundaries and coastlines regulated by the first, second, third and central groups boundary of regulatory planning and coastline of the original Binhai New District, and the planning area is 13.92 square kilometers.

3. Scope of Work

The task of this bidding includes two parts: the conceptual planning and core urban design of Binhai New District.
(1) 概念规划工作任务
(1) The task of conceptual planning

Under the framework of national strategy of One Belt and One Road, development strategy of Beibu Gulf, Hainan International Tourism Island, global tourism construction and other relevant policies, we will actively plan the regional development. Under the guidance of overall goal of urban development of “one city, two towns” in Danzhou Hainan and in order to realized integrated development Danzhou and Yangpu, wo should deeply analyze and recognize the location, resource and other related factors of Binhai New District and put forward mutually comthe development strategy of space, function, industry and transportation that is beneficial to regional complementary linkage development.
The planning includes but not limited to the following aspects: regional analysis and macro positioning research, overall research of function and layout, industry-type research and project planning, research on overall space form, ecological system planning, shaping of characteristic landscape and waterfront area planning, comprehensive transportation system planning, public service facilities and infrastructure planning, recreation system planning, urban development and operation tactics research, land rearrangement, rural resettlement and stage-by-stage construction planning.
(2) 核心区城市设计工作任务
(2) The task of core urban design

Analysis and design of core urban area, including the function positioning and layout major project planning, layout of lands of different use, control of developmental capacity, overall special form, green transportation system, green landscape system, urban functional interface, building style, public space and public service facilities.
The design includes but not limited to the following aspects: urban design concept and principle, spatial landscape structure design, function layout and land use, traffic organization design, building complex design, public space design, important node design, environmental landscape facilities design, landscape lighting design, underground space design, development tactics and sequence.
Notes: the Bidding Technical Documents of detailed work task shall be released to the selected agencies at the Q&A meeting to be held on November 19.

六、 报名资格与方法
VI. Registration qualification and method
1. Registration qualification

(1) The domestic bidders must have independent legal-person qualification and have the double grade A qualification in the industry of planning and architectural design issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Overseas bidders and project chief designer must be a member recommended by planning design industry or organization in their country and region, and have a legally registered business license and a design permit with corresponding qualifications.
(2) Provide the performance and award-winning status of similar design service undertaken in China for the last 5 years, which should include planning and design performance in urban development strategy area and large-scale integrated business district of two or more prefecture-level cities (the copy of design contract that can reflect the scale shall prevail). If the consortium bids, both sides need to have similar performance.
(3) The design principal of planning to invest in this project shall be the national certified planner and senior planner or have the ability of overseas equivalent qualification, have at least 10 years of experience in design or above, and have presided over or been responsible for a similar urban planning project (the copy of service contract, qualification certificates or engagement letter shall prevail).
(4) This project accepts consortium bidders, and if one of the parties is overseas, then the overseas party should have obtain certificates of corresponding qualifications in urban planning or architectural design in their own country, and have successful cases of urban planning and design.
(5) The bidders shall have the operation capacity of corresponding scale in the aspects of personnel, fund and so on.
Notes: before registration, the bidders shall check whether the enterprise qualification complies with the above bid qualification conditions, and the consequences of not complying with the conditions of bid qualification shall be borne by the bidders.
2. Registration method

(1) The bidding institutions (consortium) intending to participate the bidding must send the completed registration form and registration document (signature and seal) to the bidding agency by mail or e-mail before the deadline for registration.
(2)报名截止时间为北京时间2017年11月10日下午17:00(以招标代理单位接收书面报名时间为准)。逾期抵达的文件概不受理 。
(2) The deadline for registration is 17:00 p.m. Beijing time on November 10, 2017 (the time of receiving written registration by the bidding agency shall prevail). Late will not be accepted.

七、 时间安排表
VII. Time schedule

Special reminder: the above schedule is preliminary schedule, and accurate arrangement is subject to the time of notice. The relevant personnel of overseas bidding institutions shall prepare relevant visa in advance, so as to go to Hainan for participating in the project question-answering and on-site survey after selection.

八、 招标查询及答疑
VIII. Bidding inquiry and answering

All institutions participating the design may raise questions about the activity and consultation contents before the question-answering deadline (the date is the date specified in the timetable), and ask for clarification. Any request for enquiry or clarification after the deadline will not be accepted.
All inquiries or questions-answering must be submitted to the organizer in writing, fax or e-mail in accordance with the address or URL provided by the organizer. The organizer will make a written reply in Chinese/English within five days.

九、 提交设计成果的期限
IX. Deadline for submission of design achievements

All international bidding result documents must be delivered to Danzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Hainan(Danzhou Municipal Urban Planning Commission) or bidding agency before 5:00 p.m. on January 22, 2018, and late will not be accepted.
After submitting the consultation results, all design institutions shall not be allowed to add any information, and even if submitting, the evaluation team shall not consider it. But if the organizer requires the design institutions to submit the information in written form, it shall be another question. All communication will be done in written form.

十、 参赛规则与评选办法
X. Participating rules and selection method

The organizer and agency will organize the qualification evaluation team to carry out the qualification selection of registered design institutions and evaluate 6 selected design units. All design intuitions participating in this bidding activity shall, upon entry, accept and comply with all the rules and regulations of this document.
The results review will adhere to the principle of justice and fairness. The expert review group shall intensively review the reports, and the top three winning proposals will be selected by secret ballot on the site. The final ranking is subject to the decision of relevant decision-making agencies. The first place is the bid-winning unit and will undertake the subsequent further design work of the project.

十一、 奖金及设计补偿费用
XI. Bonus and design compensation fees

The top three designers shall get the corresponding prize after review:
第一名奖金180 万人民币
The first prize is RMB 1,800,000.
第二名奖金120 万人民币
The second prize is RMB 1,200,000.
第三名奖金 80 万人民币
The third prize is RMB 800,000.
未获得前三名的入围设计机构,凡提交的成果符合招标文件成果要求的,将获得40 万人民币的设计成本费用。
The shortlisted design institutions which have not obtained the top three places will receive the design cost of RMB 400,000 if the results they submitted meet the requirements of the bidding documents.
The tax of bonus and design costs above will be undertaken by the design institutions themselves. The travel expenses of the personnel of the design institutions shall be paid on their own way. The contract on the planning deepening and perfecting phase shall be negotiated and determined by the organizer and the bidding winner.
Notes: After paying the bonus and compensation fee, the organizer automatically owns the intellectual property of the design plan, and has the right to use the plan partly or fully. Otherwise, if the bidding plan fails to meet with the requirements of the bidding documents, then it is deemed to be invalid and the economic compensation will not be given.

十二、 用语及其它
XII. Language and others
1. Language and time standard

(1)本次国际招标成果文件中的规划说明和规划图件的所有文字必须采用中(简体字)或中文(简体字)/ 英文对照,不得单一使用英文或其他语言。
(1) All the planning notes in this international bidding result document and all the characters in the planning maps must be in Chinese (simplified Chinese character) or Chinese (simplified Chinese character)/English, and single English or other languages will be not allowed.
(2) The schedule of the organizer will be calculated by Beijing time.
2. Annulment media of bidding notice

This notice shall be simultaneously announced on China Procurement and Bidding network (https://www.chinabidding.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://www.ccgp.gov.cn), China Urban Planning Network (http://www.planning.org.cn), The Architectural Society of China (http://www.chinaasc.org), ABBS Architecture Forum (http://www.abbs.com.cn), National Artisan City Planning Forum (http://bbs.caup.net), Hainan Nanhai Network (http://www.hinews.cn), Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Agency of Hainan Danzhou (http://xxgk.hainan.gov.cn), Hainan Daily and other online media sites. The revision and supplement of this notice shall prevail in the content published in the above-mentioned media.
2. Promise of both parties

(1) The design institutions participating in this international bidding shall be deemed to agree with all the contents of the relevant documents of the international bidding documents.
(2) This Conceptual Planning of Binhai New District and Core Urban Design of Danzhou, Hainan Province, International Biddingwill be interpreted by Danzhou Municipal Urban Planning Commission, Danzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.

十三、 联系方式
XIII. Contact information
(Contact information of organizer)

Organizer: Danzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau.
Address: 605 Room , 6F, New Office building of Municipal Committee, Zhongxing Avenue, Danzhou, Hainan
Post code: 571700
Contacts: Liu Shi
电话:18898959550 / 0898-23322769
Tel : 18898959550/ 0898-23322769
传真: 0898-23325002
Fax : 0898-23325002
E-mail: L13876483841@126.com

(Contact information of bidding agency)

Bidding agency: Hunan Zhongtou project management co. LTD
Address:F block 805, World Trade Center, Longhua District, Haikou City, Hainan Province
Post code: 570000
Contacts:Yuan Fei
联系电话: 0898-68500454/13518881466
Contact number: 0898-68500454/13518881466
Fax: 0898-68500454
E-mail: 2837590096@qq.com

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