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Announcement of
Competition of Schematic Architectural Design for
Nansha Youth Activity Center, Guangzhou

I. Project Name: Competition of Schematic Architectural Design for Nansha Youth Activity Center, Guangzhou (Project No.: CLPSP17GZ03ZC40)

II. Project Overview

The project of Nansha Youth Activity Center is planned to facilitate the development of Nansha asa sub-center and prominent gateway of Guangzhou, enhance its soft power generated by culture, and respond to its strategic positioning as a “demonstration area of comprehensive cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao” and “China’s first demonstration area of international basic education”. To develop a timeless cultural facility up to the leading international and Chinese standards, the Competition of Schematic Architectural Design for Nansha Youth Activity Center (the Competition) is hereby launched.
The Organizer of the Competition is the Key Projects Promotion Office of Nansha, Guangzhou, and the Co-organizer the Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou. The Organizer engages Guangdong Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agent Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizing Agent”) to assist with the organization of the Competition.

III. Work Contents: Refer to the Technical Documents for detail
1. 投资额度:广州南沙青少年宫计划投资额约为4.65亿元人民币(含内部装修费用)。
1. Investment: About RMB465 million (including the costs of interior finishing).
2. 项目位置及用地范围:南沙青少年宫位于南沙体育馆东北方向,东临凤凰大道,处于体育馆片区的门户位置,总用地面积约30000平方米。
2. Location and site scope: the project is located in the northeast of Guangzhou Nansha Stadium, bordering on Feng Huang Da Dao on the east. It sits at the gateway to the stadium area with a planned site area of about 30,000 square meters.
3. 建设规模:总建筑面积不大于5万平方米(含地下室面积约为11000平方米)。
3. Construction size: GFA is not more than 50,000 square meters (including appx.11000 square meters for the basement development).
4. 广州南沙青少年宫建筑设计方案应美观、实用、经济、安全,并充分体现地域性和时代性,运用先进的绿色建筑技术。
4. Attractive, practical, cost-effective and safe, the architectural design should emphasize the time and place of the project and employ up-to-date green building technologies.

IV. Means of the Competition

The Competition welcomes registration of applicants (consortium allowed) from all over the globe. It includes three stages: (1) Stage 1 (pre-qualification); (2) Stage 2(competition); and (3) Stage 3 ( design detailing). (Refer to the Technical Documents for details).

V. Source of Funds: Fiscal funds from district government.

VI. Organization Mechanism

1. 本次竞赛通过建筑论坛(http://www.abbs.com.cn)、中国采购与招标网(http://www.chinabidding.com.cn)、广州南沙开发区政府网站(http://www.gzns.gov.cn/)、广东采联采购招标有限公司网站(网址:http://www.chinapsp.cn)、广州日报、南方日报上发布,公开接受国内外设计单位的报名和参赛文件。本公告在各媒体发布的文本如有不同之处,以在广东采联采购招标有限公司网站的文本为准。
1. The Announcements will be released at the website of ABBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn), China purchasing and bidding website (www.chinabidding.com.cn), website of the government of Nansha Development Zone (http://www.gzns.gov.cn/), website of Guangdong Cailian Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd (www.chinapsp.cn), Guangzhou Daily and Nanfang Daily to accept registration and competition documents from local and international design firms. In case of any discrepancy between the versions of the Announcement released on the various medias, the one released at the website of Guangdong Cailian Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd shall prevail.
2. 由竞赛主办单位组建的专家评审委员会,对正式参赛单位作品进行评审,并对作品进行评比排名。
2. The Evaluation Committee established by the Organizer will evaluate and rank the design proposals of the officially invited competitors.

VII. Eligibility:

1. 境内设计单位须具有独立法人资格,具备住建部颁发的有效的建筑工程设计甲级资质。境内设计单位可单独或以联合体形式报名。以联合体形式报名的,其中一方应当具备建筑工程设计甲级资质。
1. The local design firm must be an independent juristic person that has valid Class A qualification in construction engineering design issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The local design firm may register as an independent applicant or as a member of a consortium which must consist of a member having Class A qualification in construction engineering design.
2. 外商投资或境外(含台港澳地区)设计单位资质不限,可单独或以联合体形式报名,要求持有外商投资企业批准证书或台港澳侨投资企业批准证书。
2. There is no specific requirement for the qualification of foreign-invested or overseas (including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao) design firms which may register as an independent applicant or as a member of a consortium, and should hold the Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprises with Foreign Investment in PRC or Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprises with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Overseas Chinese Investment in PRC.
3. 外商投资或境外(含台港澳地区)设计单位没有以上证书的,需提供公司注册登记证明(非中文的需翻译为中文),且必须与具备第(1)点条件的一家境内单位组成联合体报名。
3. If without such certificate, the foreign-invested or overseas (including Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao) design firms shall provide the certificate of incorporation (translated into Chinese if the original is not in Chinese), and form a consortium with a local design firm satisfying the requirements provided in paragraph (1) to register for the Competition.
4. 同一法定代表人的不同机构(含其母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司),不得同时报名参与本国际竞赛项目。
4. Different organizations with the same legal representative (including parent company, wholly-owned subsidiaries and their holding company) are not allowed to register for the Competition at the same time.
5. 报名单位必须具有在五年内(2012年1月之后)主持设计过同类型大型实际建成项目的经验。
5. The applicant must have the experience of designing actually completed large-scale projects of the same type in the past five years (after January 2012).

VIII. Process of Competition:

1. 公告与报名:
1. Announcement and Registration
(1) 本项目的竞赛公告于2017年5月24日在上述网站及报纸媒体上发布。
(1) The Announcement will be released at the aforesaid websites and media on May 24, 2017.
(2) 有意参加竞赛的设计单位必须在报名截止前到竞赛组织代理单位电子报名系统(http://suppliers.chinapsp.cn/)上注册报名填写报名登记表(详见附件1)。
(2) Design firms intending to participate in the Competition must register in the e-registration system (http://suppliers.chinapsp.cn/) of the Organizing Agent and fill in the Registration Form (see Appendix 1) before the closing time of registration.
(3) 有意参加竞赛的设计单位将资格审查报名(详见附件2,请以A4纸装订成册,一式一份)以书面形式在2017年6月9日下午17:00前送达或邮寄至竞赛组织代理单位(以设计单位书面资格审查报名文件抵达时间为准)。逾期抵达的资格审查报名文件概不受理。
(3) Applicants shall deliver or mail the hardcopy of the Registration Documents for Pre-qualification (see Appendix 2; bound into A4 brochure; one copy required) to the Organizing Agent before 17:00 pm, June 9, 2017 (subject to the time when the hardcopy of the registration documents mailed by the design firm are duly received. ). Any registration documents received later than the deadline will not be accepted.
(4) 有意参加竞赛的设计单位同时必须按要求到竞赛组织代理单位电子报名系统(http://suppliers.chinapsp.cn/)上传资格审查报名文件(签字并加盖公章的PDF版及WORD版)。
(4) Applicants must at the same time upload the Registration Documents for Pre-qualification (signed and stamped documents in PDF and WORD formats) to the e-registration system (http://suppliers.chinapsp.cn/) of the Organizing Agent as required.
(5) 由竞赛主办单位组织资格评审委员会对报名的设计单位进行资格评选,选出9-10家设计单位作为正式邀请参赛单位。
(5) The Pre-qualification Committee established by the Organizer will review the qualification of all the registered applicants and officially invite nine to ten of them to participate in the Competition.

2. 竞赛保证金
2. Security for the Competition
正式邀请参赛单位需要提交竞赛保证金:人民币 1 万元,具体见竞赛技术文件要求。
The competitors officially invited are required to each pay a security of RMB10,000 for the Competition. For more details, please refer to the Technical Documents.

3. 方案设计与评比:
3. Design Proposal and Evaluation
The period for preparing the design proposal is 40 days. The Organizer will organize the evaluation where the experts will shortlist and rank six design proposals as per the detailed evaluation rules specified in the Technical Documents.

IX. Compensation and Method of Payment: Refer to the Technical Documents for Details.

X. Miscellaneous

1. 参加本次方案竞赛的所有作品版权归竞赛主办单位所有(署名权除外)。
1. The copyright (excluding the authorship) of the design proposals belongs to the Organizer.
2. 参赛方案由参赛单位原创,成果中若因涉及第三方知识产权,参赛单位须自行承担由此所引起的一切纠纷、责任和后果。
2. The design proposal must be original. In case that deliverables involve a third-party IP right, the competitor must be responsible for any and all disputes, liabilities and consequences thus incurred.
3. 因参赛单位侵犯他人知识产权给竞赛主办单位或第三方带来的损失,参赛单位须承担全部赔偿和法律责任。
3. In case of any loss caused to the Organizer or any third party by the competitor’s IP infringement, the firm in question must bear the compensation for such loss and legal liabilities.
4. 竞赛主办单位不知道参赛单位侵犯他人知识产权,使用其送交的成果给第三方带来的损失,由参赛单位承担全部赔偿和法律责任。
4. In case of any loss caused to any third party by the Organizer using the deliverables without the awareness of the competitor’s IP infringement, the firm in question should bear the compensation for such loss and legal liabilities.
5. 参赛单位从竞赛主办单位或竞赛组织代理单位获得的文件资料应妥善保管,不得泄露,也不得用于本次征集活动以外的任何场合。参赛单位须承担因文件资料泄露等情况所带来的损失赔偿责任和法律责任。
5. The competitors should safekeep the documents obtained from the Organizer or Organizing Agent. Such documents must not be disclosed or used in any other occasions except the Competition; otherwise, the competitors must bear any loss and legal liabilities thus incurred.
6. 本次竞赛及相关的一切文件适用的法律为中华人民共和国法律。
6. Laws applicable to the Competition and all relevant documents are laws of the People’s Republic of China.
7. 本次竞赛活动公告与正式发布的《竞赛技术文件》有不符之处,以《竞赛技术文件》为准,竞赛主办单位拥有本次公告的最终解释权。
7. In case of any discrepancy between the Announcement and the officially released Technical Documents of the Competition, the latter shall prevail, and the Organizer has the right of final construction of the Announcement.
8. 所有报名文件概不退还。
8. All documents for registration shall not be returned.
9. 本次方案竞赛公告中所提及的时间均为北京时间。
9. The time mentioned in the Announcement is Beijing time.
10. 参加本次竞赛活动的参赛单位均被视为承认本文件的所有条款。
10. Competitors confirming to participate in the Competition are deemed as having accepted all contents hereof.

XI. Contact Information:

1. 竞赛主办单位:广州南沙重点建设项目推进办公室
1. Organizer: Key Projects Promotion Office of Nansha, Guangzhou
Address: Entrance 101, Area A of Nansha Stadium, Feng Huang Da Dao, Nansha District, Guangzhou
Zip code: 511455
联 系 人:翟帅/曾政
Contacts: Zhai Shuai, Zeng Zheng
Tel: 020-39006966、020-39078303
邮 箱:nsqsngjs@163.com
Email: nsqsngjs@163.com

2. 竞赛组织代理单位:
2. Organizing Agent:
Guangdong Cailian Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd.
Office Address: F23, Yuehai Building, 472, Huan Shi Dong Lu, Guangzhou
Zip code: 510075
联 系 人:陈小姐/赖小姐
Contact: Ms. Lai, Ms. Chen
Tel: 020-87651688-119/338
传 真:020-87651698
Fax: 020-87651698
Email: CL87651688y@163.com
Website: http://www.chinapsp.cn/


1. 报名登记表
1. Registration Form
2. Registration Documents for Pre-qualification
3. Technical Documents of Competition (draft, subject to the official Technical Documents to be released in the briefing of Technical Documents)

Released by Guangdong Cailian Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd.
Date: May 24, 2017

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