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International Competition for Urban Design of Tingjiao Area, Nansha New Area, Guangzhou
Announcement of Competitors’ List

The prequalification of International Competition for Urban Design of Tingjiao Area, Nansha New Area, Guangzhou (Project No.: 0612-1740T1470594) organized by Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. as commissioned by Branch Bureau of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou Land Resources and Urban Planning Bureau (Sponsor) and Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou (Organizer) concluded on May 12, 2017. Six competitors passed the prequalification of the expert panel and are hereby announced below (in random order).

一、 正式参赛单位名单
I. Competitors’ List

II Publicity Period: from May 18, 2017 to May 22, 2017

III. Contact Information:
Organizing Agent: Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
Office address: 1011, 10/F, Jinying Building, 316, Huan Shi Zhong Lu, Guangzhou
Zip code: 510060
联 系 人:陈先生(86-20-83543324)
Contacts: Mr. Chen (86-20-83543324)
Ms. Shan and Ms. Lyu (86-20-83543314)
Mr. Lai (86-20-83542057)
传 真:86-20-83546050
Fax: 86-20-83546050
Email: moshangcao5@163.com

IV. Objections

(一) 参赛单位或者其他利害关系人对公示名单有异议的,应当在名单公示期内(2017年5月22日24:00前)以书面原件形式向组织代理单位(广东机电设备招标有限公司)提出,逾期或24:00未按要求提交的异议文件将不予受理。
(I) The competitor or other stakeholder should raise the objection to the announced competitors, if any, to the Organizing Agent (Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.) in written form within the publicity period (by 24:00, May 22, 2017). The overdue or non-conforming objection will be rejected.

(二) 异议文件至少包括下列主要内容:
(II) The objection document should at least contain the followings:
1. 异议单位和相关单位的名称、地址、联系人及联系电话等;
1. The name, address, contact person and telephone number of the company raising the objection and objectionable competitor;
2. 异议项目及编号、异议事项;
2. Project name, number and objectionable contents;
3. 法律依据、事实依据、相关证明材料及证据来源;
3. Legal basis, factual basis, relevant evidence and evidence source;
4. 提出异议的日期。
4. The date when the objection is raised

(三) 异议文件应当署名,由法定代表人或单位负责人或经其正式授权的代表签字并加盖单位公章。如境外参赛单位无印章的,可以单位负责人或经其正式授权的代表书面签字为准。
(III) The objection document should be duly signed by the legal representative, principal or officially authorized representative and affixed with official stamp. For the overseas companies without the official stamp, the signature of the principal or the officially authorized representative should prevail.

(四) 异议单位需对异议内容的真实性承担责任,异议内容不得含有虚假、恶意成份。依照谁主张谁举证的原则,提出异议者必须同时提交相关确凿的证据材料和注明证据的确切来源,证据来源必须合法。组织代理单位有权将异议文件转发异议事项各关联方,请其做出解释说明。
(IV) The company raising the objection should be responsible for the authenticity of the objectionable contents, which should not be false or malicious. In the principle that he who asserts must prove, the company raising the objection must provide the hard evidence and the exact and legal evidence source. The Organizing Agent is entitled to forward the objection document to the parties concerned to make explanation.

Branch Bureau of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou Land Resources and Urban Planning Bureau
Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou
Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
May 17, 2017

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