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Announcement of Soliciting International Schemes for Concept Planning, Constructive Detailed Planning and Urban Design of key areas of Beihang University Qingdao International Science and Education New Town
On December 8, 2016, People’s Government of Qingdao Municipality and Beihang University signed the Agreement on Building Beihang Qingdao Science and Education New Town. In order to introduce design firms of high level, and create a new modern town of high education which integrated with production, research and education .Qingdao Oceantec Management Bureau, Beihang University intend to solicit international schemes for concept planning, constructive detailed planning and urban design of key areas of Beihang University Qingdao International Science and Education New Town, and commission the Qingdao Planning and Design Assessment Center to organize the solicitation activities. The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

I. Project Overview
1. Project Name: Beihang University Qingdao International Science and Education New Town
2. Project Location: Beihang University Qingdao International Science and Education New Town is located in the area of Qingdao Oceantec Valley, bordering Heshan Road on the north, coastline on the west, Haiquan Road on the south, and the planning expressway on the west. (See Figure 1 for details)

II. The Purpose of Solicitation and Work Content
1、 征集目标:
1. The Purpose of Solicitation:
With beautiful ecological environment, the planning area boasts abundant waterfront and coastline, undamaged ecological environment, adequate reserves of space resources, and superior location for external transport. Metro Line 11 passes through the new town. The design concept of the planning is " human-centered, green, ecology, intellectualized," and the goal is " a combination of Chinese and Western elements, mountain and ocean, landscapes and town, science and education, making Beihang new town as a century essence", aiming at building a international, innovative, garden-style Beihang Qingdao Science and Education New Town which combine five functional distribution of talents training, scientific and technological innovation, the transformation of scientific achievements, international cooperation and cultural construction, and to lead the diversified public space construction of "East Bay Area" and improvement of urban construction quality.
2、 工作内容:
2. Work Contents:
It is divided into two parts, one is overall concept planning, the other is constructive detailed planning and urban design of key areas.
1) Concept Planning and Urban Design: the total planning area is approximately 11078 mu (about 738.5 hectares). It requires to offer a proposal on the structure layout, functional division and development strategy of the region, improve the spatial structure and provide the conceptual planning of land use, public service and supporting facilities planning, road traffic planning, as well as the river and green space planning. Design depth to control the detailed planning level of urban design requirements. The depth of design need to meet the requirements of the detailed planning level of urban design.
2) Constructive Detailed Planning and Urban Design: the planning land refers to the five areas which include Part A, B, D-1, D-2 and F. The total land covers about 3791mu (about 252.7 hectares). The design depth should meet the code requirements of the relevant specifications such as urban planning method, Measures for the Administration of Urban Design and etc. The urban design and detailed design should focus on the functional layout, space form, road system, traffic organization, coastal (water) space, mountain style protection, urban public service facilities layout, vertical and other aspects. Meanwhile, it should include the monomer building design of important buildings such as science and technology museum, yacht wharf, teaching laboratory building (complex), international exchange center, library, gymnasium and etc. (See Figure 2 for details)

III. Source of Funds
Qingdao Education and Development Fund

IV. Method of Schemes Solicitation
The announcement of solicitation is published through the network media, and openly accept the online registration of domestic and foreign design firms (including the Consortium). The organizer organized experts to select the best 5 design firms (including the Consortium) which have the relevant qualification to participate in the international program solicitation activity. And the solicitation programs of the rest applicants which are not formally invited will not be accepted.

V. The Important Time Nodes
1. May. 10, 2017, The announcement of solicitation is published through the network media, and openly accept the online registration of domestic and foreign design firms (including the Consortium). The closing time of registration is 17:00 pm, May. 16, 2017, Beijing time.
2. Identify the final applicants on May 22, 2017.
3. 9:30 am on May 23,2017, held a solicitation conference, the design firms obtain the technical documents of solicitation scheme, site survey and preliminary Q & A.
4. The beginning of June,2017, Depending on the views and requirements of the design firms to decide whether to answer questions again, the specific time and methods will be further notified.
5. Before 17:00 pm, July.31,2017, The design firms hand in all the design results of solicitation.
6. Experts review will be held on August 4,2017.

VI. Requirements for registration
1. The competitors must be independent legal entities. Two or more legal persons with the same legal representative, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries or firms holding shares of one another are not allowed to register for the Competition at the same time.
2. China’s domestic design firms( including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) shall hold both the valid Class-A certificate for urban-rural planning issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development and the Class-A certificate for architectural design or Class-A architectural engineering certificate.
3. This project welcomes the participation of foreign institutions and encourages domestic and overseas applicants to form a consortium. The overseas design units (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) shall have a legal registration certificate and be engaged in urban planning services for more than three years in China. Has a wealth of urban planning, urban design experience, similar to the project’s excellent success stories.
4. Design firms can register independently or form a consortium for registration. Party to the consortium may not participate in the competition in its own name and project leader of the consortium may not be or a member of other consortiums or a party, which participate in the competition. If registered as a consortium, the design firms shall submit the Consortium Agreement, which shall identify the leading firm.
5. The applicants shall have the experience of participating the overall planning of university campus or relevant achievements from the January 1, 2010 to the date of announcement. (subject to the contract)
6. The applicants shall meet the following requirements:1)in compliance with state laws and regulations.2) the independent ability of undertaking civil responsibility.3)having a good business reputation and sound financial and accounting systems.4)having the equipment and professional expertise needed for performing contracts. 5)having a clean record of paying taxes and making financial contributions to social security funds in accordance with law.6) having no record of violations in the operations of the last three years before the collecting activities.

Ⅶ. The selection of the applicants and the soliciting of the collection documents
1. The selection of the applicants
(1)有意参与的应征单位应于2017年5月16日17:00前,将填好的《应征单位报名文件》等材料(详见附件一),以电子邮件的方式同时发送至qdghy2s@vip.163.com和qdpdp@163.com邮箱,逾期将不予受理。(文件需单位法人签字并加盖公章,电子文件为PDF格式, A4竖版,其他文本文件与图形文件概不受理。相关项目介绍可单独制作成PPT格式电子演示文件,页面总数不宜超过20页)
(1) The applicants intending to participate in the solicitation shall fill the Registration Form of the Applicants and other materials( please refer to appendix I ) and submit those files to our two mailboxes (qdghy2s@vip.163.com, qdpdp@163.com) before 5pm May 16,2017, any overdue documents will be rejected.(The documents shall meet the following requirements:1)the signature of Legal Person and seal are needed 2)PDF format. Except for the documents with the vertical version of A4 paper, any documents will be rejected. The applicants shall make PowerPoint show to introduce their relevant items and the ppt has no more than 20 slides.
(2) The organizer organizes related experts to select 5 optimal companies to participate in the competition. The experts take many factors (including design intelligence of the applicants, comprehensive strength, design experiences and achievements of similar projects, the outstanding achievements and reputation of the chief designer and the equipment of the design team) into consideration. And then, the organizer will send Selected Notification to these five firms via email between 3pm to 5pm on May 20, 2017. The firms that failed to be selected will not receive notice.
(3) If the firms, which has received the invitation letter, confirm its participation of the collection and selection of the projects, firms need to feedback the Official Registration Confirmation before 5pm, May 21,2017 (please contact the organizer after submitting the files).If the firms are unable to submit Registration Confirmation Letter, which can be seen the whole team is disqualified, the organizer has right to fill the vacancies in the proper order.
2. Soliciting of Collection Documents
(1) Press conference of soliciting documents will be held in the meeting room in the 12th floor of the Qingdao Urban Planning Bureau ( No.55, Xianggang west road, Qingdao) at 9:30 on May 23,2017, please come to this place to acquire the technical documents.
(2) All selected firms shall submit the Registration Form of the Applicants, the Official Registration Confirmation and other paper documents, on site. The two copies of all paper documents shall be signed by Legal person and affixed with the seal of the companies. The head of the project in the official material shall participate the press conference.
(3) Visits to construction site and initial Q&A will be conducted by the organizer.
(4) The specific time and mode will be notified according to the opinions and requirements of the applicants beginning of June,2017.
(5) The applicants shall have to sign contracts with the organizer.

VIII. Submission and Evaluation of Deliverables
(1) Deliverables submission: The submission deadline of deliverables is 17:00, July 31, 2017. All competitors must submit the documents and models of their deliverables. Each competitor should submit just one design. Design results should be sealed to submit, not signed, and stamped on the cover.
(2) Deliverables evaluation: At 9:00 on August 4, 2017, Qingdao Planning and Design Assessment Center will invite seven well-known experts of domestic city planning and related industry to form an expert review committee, through which conducting a comprehensive review to all the results submitted. The comprehensive review is divided into two parts: the program compliance review and the program review. The evaluation is divided into two stages: Evaluation of deliverables validity and proposal evaluation. The Evaluation Committee will first evaluate the deliverables for their validity. Any proposal deemed invalid will be rejected from the proposal evaluation. Ranking order of 1 to 5 will be voted and calculated by the Evaluation Committee through voting based on full study, discussion and comparison of the valid proposals. Voting sorting respectively corresponding to the score of 7,5,4,3,2 points.
(3) 评审工作结束后,专家评审委员会成员写出个人评审意见,主任评委总结各成员意见出具专家评审委员评审意见,全体评委签字后交征集单位。
(3) After conclusion of the evaluation, the Evaluation Committee will prepare the written comments. The comments will be summarized by the leader and submitted to the Competition Committee with the signature of all members.
(4) The evaluation result is scheduled to be announced about 7 working days after the evaluation.

IX. The release of information
The solicitation announcement will be posted on the following website. During the announcement, the consultation of domestic and foreign design firms will be accepted, and all the notice attachments can be downloaded from the publishing site.

X. The awards for collection program
1. The program solicitation design compensation and incentive fees include planning and design costs and purchase fee of intellectual property rights of the solicitation program results.
2. According to the results of the experts review, the top five competitors will be offered RMB 1,500,000 (RMB One Million Five Hundred Only, pre-tax) , RMB 1,200,000 (RMB One Million Two Hundred Only, pre-tax), RMB 1,000,000 (RMB One Million Only, pre-tax), RMB 500,000 (RMB Five Hundred Thousand Only, pre-tax). The compensation for costs and bonus will be made in a lump-sum payment within 30 days after announcement of the evaluation result.
3. Any applicants (including the Consortium) whose proposal deemed invalid will not be offered the compensation for costs and bonus.
4. The compensation for costs and bonus will be paid to the competitors in RMB in China. If the competitor is a consortium, the compensation for costs and bonus will be paid to the leading firm. If the overseas competitors cannot receive proceeds in RMB with their bank accounts, they may authorize the other company of consortium within China.
5. Any fees and taxes thus incurred shall not be borne by the Sponsor. The tax on the above-mentioned compensation for costs and bonus shall be borne by the competitors.

XI. Copyright of the design results
1. After the payment of compensation for costs and bonus, all the deliverables and their copyrights (except the authorship) belong to the Sponsor. The Sponsor has the right to convert the results of the intellectual property rights, introduce, display and evaluate the design results through the media, professional magazines, books and other forms after the solicitation, and all the submitted results are not refundable.
2. The competitors shall not apply the deliverables to any other competition, but may use them in non-commercial activities such as domestic and foreign publications, academic or technical exchanges and keep the signature.
3. The deliverables should be the original work of the competitors. In case of any legal disputes caused by involving a third-party IP right, the competitors must bear any and all liabilities and consequences thus incurred. In case of any loss caused to the Sponsor or any third party by the competitor’s IP infringement, the competitor in question must bear all the compensation and legal liabilities. In case of any loss caused to any third party by the Sponsor using the deliverables without the awareness of the competitor’s IP infringement, the competitor in question should bear all the compensation and legal liabilities.

Ⅻ. Deliverables optimization
The Sponsor has the right of optimizing the valid deliverables. Through business negotiation, the Sponsor will select one competitor for design detailing among the three winners. The selected competitor shall complete the design detailing according to the evaluation comments and the requirements of the Competition Committee. The sponsor will sign a design contract for the follow-up design work with the competitor for design detailing. The competitor will be offered design costs for design detailing and the design compensation and bonus are included in the design costs. The competitor can learn from other designs to optimize its deliverables.

XⅢ. Security
To ensure smooth implementation of the Competition, the competitors (including consortiums) officially invited, when confirming to participate in the Competition, shall pay a security of RMB 50,000.00 (RMB Fifty Thousand Only) to the Organizing Agent before 5pm, May 21th, 2017 (subject to the actual time of remittance). If the competitor fails to pay the security as required, it will be deemed as waiver of participation in the Competition.
The security will be returned to the accounts of payment within 2 weeks after conclusion of the proposal evaluation in full amount (with interest). However, the security will not be returned to the competitors that failed to submit the deliverables as required.

Bank information of the Organizer for receiving the security:
Account name: Qingdao Planning and Design Assessment Center
Bank name: the Qingdao sub-branch, Bank of Communications
Account number: 372005501018120017033

XIV. Others
1. All documents and letters submitted by the competitors must be prepared by Chinese. For those in foreign languages, corresponding Chinese translation should be provided. In case of any discrepancy between the contents in the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.
2. The competitors should safekeep the documents obtained from the Organizer. Such documents must not be disclosed or used in any other occasions except the Competition. Upon completion of the election campaign, the relevant basic information shall be returned to the levy menu bit, not promptly refunded the full set of basic information, do not refund the election margin. Otherwise, the competitors must bear any loss and legal liabilities thus incurred.
3. The laws of the People’s Republic of China shall be applicable to this international Competition and all documents in connection with it. The registration and Competition will be carried out in line with the principles of fairness, justness and openness. Disputes (if any) will be settled through friendly consultation or arbitration procedures as per the Chinese laws and regulations.
4. In case of any discrepancy between this Announcement and the officially issued Technical Document of the Competition, the latter shall prevail. The specification documents adopted in the Competition shall be governed by the standard documents promulgated by the People’s Republic of China.
5. In case of any discrepancy between the Announcement in English and Chinese, the latter shall prevail.
6. All documents of registration will not be returned.
7. The time mentioned in this Competition is Beijing time.
8. All rights reserved by the Sponsors and Organizer of the Competition.

XV. Contact Information:
Sponsors: Qingdao Oceantec Valley
     Beihang University
Organizer: Qingdao Planning and Design Assessment Center
联 系 人:纪工,袁工
Contacts: Mr. Ji, Mr. Yuan
联系电话:+86 532 83893202,+86 13396399913
Contact Numbers: +86 532 83893202,+86 13396399913
传  真:+86 532 83893270
Fax: +86 532 83893270
Email: qdpdp@163.com,qdghy2s@vip.163.com
Address: Room 1203, Building 12, Xianggang West road, No.55, Qingdao, Shandong.

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