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Announcement on International Competition for Urban Design of Tingjiao Area, Nansha New Area, Guangzhou

一、 主办单位:广州南沙开发区国土资源和规划局
I. Sponsor: Branch Bureau of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou Land Resources and Urban Planning Bureau

二、 承办单位:
II. Organizer: Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou

三、 组织代理单位:
III. Organizing Agent: Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.

四、 项目名称:
IV. Project Name: International Competition for Urban Design of Tingjiao Area, Nansha New Area, Guangzhou

五、 项目编号:
V. Project No.: 0612-1740T1470594

六、 项目背景
VI. Project Background

In December 2014, the State Council approved the establishment of China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, aiming to build Nansha New Area of the Free Trade Zone into a frontrunner of modern industries led by productive service industries and a world-class integrated service hub. In November 2015, the State Council approved the Pearl River Delta National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone. In August 2016, the Ninth Plenary Session of the 10th CPC Guangzhou Municipal Committee proposed to “speed up the development of Guangzhou Nansha New Area as an urban sub-center”. In January 2017, in the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress, key leaders of the CPC Guangdong Committee proposed to build Nansha New Area of the Free Trade Zone into a gateway for opening-up, with focus on building an integrated regional transport hub for the collaborative development of the Big Bay Area consisting of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. In short, Nansha will gradually transform from the geographic center to the opening-up and economic center in the Pearl River Delta region.
Tingjiao area is the door to Nansha New Area of the Free Trade Zone and the urban center. Adjacent to Jiaomen River Central Area and the start-up area of Pearl Bay, it will mainly serve for the commercial, residential and cultural functions in the future. Abundant waterfront and coastline, undamaged ecological endowment, adequate reserves of space resources, and superior location for external transport will certainly guarantee the area’s status as the gateway of the free trade zone as well as urban sub-center of Guangzhou. The Project will actively promote and influence the urbanization process and the improvement of urban environmental quality in the area.
The Branch Bureau of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou Land Resources and Urban Planning Bureau (hereinafter referred to as “the Sponsor”) hereby leads to organize the International Competition, while the Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizer”) takes charge of the specific organization works.

七、 设计范围及总体要求
VII. Design Scope and General Requirements

The design scope refers to the area located in the junction of Huangge Town and Dongchong Town of Nansha New Area, bordering Wanrong Road of Dongchong Town on the west, Fenghuang Avenue on the east, the natural mountain of Dashanna on the north, and Jiaomen Waterway on the south. The design scope covers a total area of approximately 13.2 square kilometers, including about 3.8-square-kilometer core area (see the Appendix for details). As the door to Nansha New Area and the urban center, the area will serve the function of fully displaying the landscape characteristics of Nansha and the urban image of Lingnan style.
It is hoped that the Competition will provide new ideas and methods for the development of urban space to create an open, fun, diverse and people-oriented space for the public. The area will be built as a “comprehensively-developed, eco-friendly and service-innovative” gateway to Nansha New Area of the Free Trade Zone, and lead the surrounding areas in improving the quality of urban construction.
Note: The Technical Document of the Competition (Official) of the Project will be released at the briefing of the Technical Document and Clarification Meeting.

八、 竞赛报名方式
VIII. Registration
(I) Requirements for registration

1、 参赛单位须具有独立法人资格,具备建设部颁发的有效的城市规划设计乙级(或以上)资质和建筑设计乙级(或以上)资质。法定代表人为同一人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全资子公司或存在控股管理关系的不同单位,都不得同时报名参赛;
1. The competitors must be independent legal entities and hold both the valid Class B (or above) certificate for city planning and design as well as Class B (or above) certificate for architectural design issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Two or more legal persons with the same legal representative, parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries or firms holding shares of one another are not allowed to register for the Competition at the same time;
2、 参赛单位自2010年1月1日至今具有类似项目的设计经验与相关业绩(以合同为准)。
2. The competitors must have design experiences of the similar project and relevant project reference (as per signed contract) since January 1, 2010;
3、 本次竞赛接受联合体报名,欢迎境外机构参与,鼓励境内境外参赛人组成联合体报名,联合体报名时须提交《联合体协议书》并在协议里明确联合体的主体单位(详见附件三格式10),该主体单位必须满足上述第1点要求。
3. Consortiums are allowed to register; oversea design firms are welcomed and encouraged to form consortiums with local firms. If registered as a consortium, the design firms must submit the Consortium Agreement (please refer to Format 10 specified in Appendix III hereof) which shall identify the leading firm that must meet the requirement in the above Item 1.

Note: A consortium shall not consist of over 2 members (inclusive). Neither member is allowed to participate in the Competition in its own name or with other design firms forming a new consortium.

(II) Method of registration

1、 有意参与的参赛单位应于报名截止时间3天前(即2017年4月23 日前)将填好的《资格预审调查表》(详见本公告《附件三》格式1,签字并加盖公章)传真并电邮到组织代理单位;
1. Competitors intending to participate in the Competition should fill in the Prequalification Questionnaire (please refer to Format 1 specified in Appendix III hereof, with signature and seal on it), and fax and email it to the Organizing Agent three days prior to the deadline of registration (i.e., prior to April 23, 2017).
2、 所有报名文件必须在报名截止时间前以书面形式送达或邮寄至组织代理单位,以组织代理单位接收到报名文件时间为准,逾期抵达的报名文件概不受理。
2. All documents of registration in written must be sent or mailed to the Organizing Agent prior to the deadline, subject to the time at which the Organizing Agent receives the documents. Any overdue documents will be rejected.

(III) Registration time

1、 报名时间:2017年4月6日至4月26日(每天上午9:30时至下午5:00时止,北京时间,法定节假日除外)。
1. Registration time: From Apr. 6 to Apr. 26, 2017 (working hours: from 9:30 am to 17:00 pm, Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays);
2、 报名地点: 广东省机电设备招标有限公司(广东省广州市环市中路316号金鹰大厦10楼1011室));
2. Registration place: Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. (Room 1011, 10/F, Jinying Building, No. 316, Huan Shi Zhong Lu, Guangzhou);
3、 报名截止时间为北京时间2017年4月26日下午17:00时整(以组织代理单位接收书面报名文件时间为准)。
3. The closing time of registration is 17:00 pm, Apr. 26, 2017, Beijing time (subject to the time when the Organizing Agent receives written registration documents).

(III) Documents of registration (One copy of the following documents that are made into two-side printed A4 brochure in the following order)

1、 《资格预审调查表》(正本,签字并加盖公章)。
1. Prequalification Questionnaire (original copy signed and sealed);
2、 参赛单位名称及资质说明(提供资质证书复印件)。
2. Name and qualification of the competitor (photocopy of the qualification certificate);
3、 参赛单位简介。
3. Introduction to the competitor;
4、 法定代表人证明书(原件)、法定代表人授权委托书(原件)(适用于境内参赛人或联合体中的境内参赛人);单位负责人证明书(原件)、单位负责人授权书(原件)(适用于境外参赛人或联合体中的境外参赛人);被授权人有效身份证明复印件。
4. Certificate of legal representative (original), and Power of Attorney of legal representative (original) (for local competitors or a local firm in a consortium) ; certificate of Chief Principal of design firm (original), and Power of Attorney of Chief Principal of design firm (original) (for overseas competitors or an overseas design firm in a consortium) ; photocopy of valid ID card of the authorized person;
5、 参赛单位主要业绩。
5. Main reference projects of the competitor;
6、 参赛单位同类项目的设计经验与相关业绩(自2010年1月1日至今)。
6. Design experiences of the similar project and relevant reference project (since January 1, 2010);
7、 拟投入本次竞赛的项目主创设计师及各专业负责人的组成名单。
7. Name List of chief designer and design principals of all specialties planned to participate in the Competition;
8、 拟投入本竞赛人员的专业经验及业绩。
8. Expertise and project experiences of the above-mentioned personnel;
9、 正式报名确认函。
9. Official confirmation letter for competition registration
10、 联合体协议书(仅适用于以联合体形式报名的参赛单位)。
10. Consortium agreement (only for design firms in a consortium);
11、 参赛单位认为有必要的其他资料。
11. Other documents that the competitors deem necessary.
1) Except for otherwise noted, for photocopies of the above-mentioned documents, each page should be affixed with official seal or valid signature or seal of the valid signer as required. For details, please refer to Appendix III: Formats of Registration Document for Pre-qualification
2) All documents of registration in written must be [sent or mailed] to the Organizing Agent prior to the deadline, subject to the time when the Organizing Agent receives the documents. Any overdue documents will be rejected.
3) Notes on the seal and signature on the registration document for overseas competitors: If an overseas competitor does not have a company stamp, its person-in-charge or official authorized agent may sign on the place where the seal is required on the registration document.
(V) Access to Technical Document of the Competition (Draft), Evaluation Rules and Formats of Registration Document for Pre-qualification (see the website publicizing this Announcement)

China purchasing and bidding website (www.chinabidding.com.cn)
Website of Nansha District Government (www.gzns.gov.cn)
Website of ABBS (www.abbs.com)
Website of Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd. (www.chinaguangdongbidding.com)

九、 竞赛方式
IX. Forms of the Competition

1、 参赛单位的选择
1. Selection of competitors
The Competition welcomes competitors (including consortiums, same below) from all over the world. Subsequent to the issuance of the Competition Announcement, domestic and overseas competitors may register for the Competition. The Sponsor will establish the Prequalification Committee which will select 6 competitors (including consortiums) to participate in the competition based on various factors including the design qualification, comprehensive strength, design experiences of similar projects and awards won, the prestige of the chief designer within the sector, and the design team of the competitors, as well as the necessary study and investigation. The proposals submitted by the registered competitors not officially invited will be rejected. (please refer to Appendix II hereof for the detailed Evaluation Rules).

The selection result is scheduled to be announced by May 12, 2017 (TBD).

2、 竞赛技术文件发布
2. Briefing of the Technical Document
本项目正式竞赛技术文件发布会议将在广州市南沙区举行,时间(暂定)为2017年6月 5日,具体以邀请函中的地点和时间为准。
The official briefing meeting of the Technical Document will be held in Nansha District, Guangzhou on June 5, 2017 (TBD). The place and time will be finalized in the Invitation Letter.

3、 成果提交时间
3. Submission deadline of deliverables
The submission deadline of deliverables is 17:00, August 5, 2017 (TBD). All competitors must submit the documents and models of their deliverables by such deadline (subject to the actual date of receipt) to the Branch Bureau of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou Land Resources and Urban Planning Bureau.

4、 成果评审方式
4. Deliverables evaluation
The evaluation is divided into two stages: Evaluation of deliverables validity and proposal evaluation. The Evaluation Committee will first evaluate the deliverables for their validity. Any proposal deemed invalid will be rejected from the proposal evaluation.
Three winning proposals will be selected by the Evaluation Committee through voting based on full study, discussion and comparison of the valid proposals.
After conclusion of the evaluation, the Evaluation Committee will prepare the written comments and submit them to the Competition Committee with the signature of all members.
The evaluation result is scheduled to be announced about 6 working days after the evaluation.

5、 竞赛成本补偿及奖金
5. Compensation for costs and bonus
The three winning competitors (including consortiums) will each receive RMB 1,500,000 (RMB One Million and Five Hundred Thousand Only, tax included) as compensation for design costs and bonus; the rest RMB 800,000 (RMB Eight Hundred Thousand Only, tax included) as compensation for design costs. The compensation for costs and bonus will be made in a lump-sum payment within 30 days after announcement of the evaluation result.

6. Selection of competitor for design detailing
Afterwards, the Evaluation Committee will prepare the written comments and submit them to the Competition Committee with the signature of all members.
Through business negotiation, the Competition Committee will select one competitor for design detailing among the three winners. The selected competitor will be awarded with the qualification to further detail the urban design of Tingjiao area, Nansha New Area, Guangzhou, and shall complete the design detailing according to the evaluation comments and the requirements of the Competition Committee.
The competitor will be offered RMB 2,780,000 (RMB Two Million Seven Hundred and Eighty Thousand Only, tax included) for design detailing, and sign a supplementary agreement on design detailing.
Notes: 1) The competitors (including consortiums) that submit invalid deliverables as determined by the Evaluation Committee shall not be compensated. All the deliverables and their copyrights belong to the Sponsor. If the Evaluation Committee decides that the deliverables fail to reach relevant requirements, it may reduce the number of winning proposals, even to none;
2) The compensation for costs and bonus will be paid to the competitors in RMB in China. If the overseas competitors cannot receive proceeds in RMB with their bank accounts, they may engage local agents to collect the proceeds, and any fees and taxes thus incurred shall not be borne by the Sponsor. If the competitor is a consortium, the compensation for costs and bonus will be paid to the leading firm.
3) The tax on the above-mentioned compensation for costs and bonus shall be borne by the competitors, so are their travel expenses and design expenses.

X. Security

To ensure smooth implementation of the Competition, the competitors (including consortiums) officially invited, when confirming to participate in the Competition, shall pay a security of RMB 50,000.00 (RMB Fifty Thousand Only) to the Organizing Agent.

The security will be returned to the accounts of payment within 2 weeks after conclusion of the proposal evaluation in full amount (without interest). However, the security will not be returned to the competitors that failed to submit the deliverables as required.
If the competitor fails to pay the security as required, it will be deemed as waiver of participation in the Competition.
Bank information of the Organizing Agent for receiving the security:
Account name: 广东省机电设备招标有限公司 (Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.)
Bank name: The First Guangzhou Sub-branch, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited
Account number: 3602000129201708838

XI. Others

1. All materials submitted by the competitors as per the above-mentioned rules must be prepared in simplified Chinese. For those in foreign languages, corresponding Chinese translation should be provided. In case of any discrepancy between the contents in the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.
2、主办单位在按规定向竞赛机构支付奖金及设计成本费后, 参加竞赛的成果署名权归竞赛机构所有,知识产权及版权归主办单位所有。
2. After the payment of compensation for costs and bonus, the competitors shall have right of authorship of the deliverables, while the Sponsor has the intellectual property right and copyright.
3. The deliverables should be the original work of the competitors. In case of any legal disputes caused by involving a third-party IP right, the competitors must bear any and all liabilities and consequences thus incurred.
4. In case of any loss caused to the Sponsor or any third party by the competitor’s IP infringement, the competitor in question must bear all the compensation and legal liabilities.
5. In case of any loss caused to any third party by the Sponsor using the deliverables without the awareness of the competitor’s IP infringement, the competitor in question should bear all the compensation and legal liabilities.
6. The competitors should safekeep the documents obtained from the Organizing Agent. Such documents must not be disclosed or used in any other occasions except the Competition; otherwise, the competitors must bear any loss and legal liabilities thus incurred.
7. The laws of the People’s Republic of China shall be applicable to this international Competition and all documents in connection with it. The registration and Competition will be carried out in line with the principles of fairness, justness and openness. Disputes (if any) will be settled through friendly consultation or arbitration procedures as per the Chinese laws and regulations.
8. In case of any discrepancy between this Announcement and the officially issued Technical Document of the Competition, the latter shall prevail.
9. In case of any discrepancy between the Announcement in English and Chinese, the latter shall prevail.
10. All documents of registration will not be returned.

XII. Contact Information:

Organizing Agent: Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
Office address: Room 1011, 10/F, Jinying Building, No. 316, Huan Shi Zhong Lu, Guangzhou
Zip code: 510060
联 系 人:陈先生(86-20-83543324)
Contacts: Mr. Chen (86-20-83543324)
     Ms. Shan and Ms. Lyu (86-20-83543314)
     Mr. Lai (86-20-83542057)
传 真:86-20-83546050
Fax: 86-20-83546050
Email: moshangcao5@163.com
Contact information of the Sponsor and Organizer (for technical support only):
广州南沙开发区规划研究中心:王小姐 84986922
              张小姐 84986923
Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou
Ms. Wang: 84986922
Ms. Zhang: 84986923
[Note]: Only the Prequalification Questionnaire (within 4 pages, in word file) needs to be faxed and emailed; faxing and emailing of other documents will be rejected.

Appendix I. Technical Document of the Competition (Draft)
Appendix II. Evaluation Rules
Appendix III. Formats of Registration Document for Pre-qualification
Please click to download

Branch Bureau of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou Land Resources and Urban Planning Bureau
Planning Research Center of Nansha Development Zone, Guangzhou
Guangdong Provincial Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
Apr. 6, 2017

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