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Notice for Shenzhen Green Valley—the International Architectural and Landscape Design Competition for Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant

1 项目说明 Project Description:
Project Name: Shenzhen Green Valley
Competition Name: the International Architectural and Landscape Design Competition for Shenzhen East Waste-to-Energy Plant
3) 主办单位:深圳市能源环保有限公司
Client:Shenzhen Energy Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.
4 )组织单位: 深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司
Organizer:Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center
5) 项目概况Project Overview
Located in Shang Keng Tang, Pingdi Street ofLonggang District,the project covers an area of 267,002㎡, and the garbage incineration scale is 5,000 tons per day, running 365 days throughout the year without stop, processing 1.665 million tons of municipal solid waste. There will be 6 waste incineration lines, each processing 850 tons per day. Every line will be configured with a set of flue gas purification system. It will also be equipped with living and educational facilities.

2 竞赛内容 Contents of the Competition
The bid winner will be responsible for the planning, landscape design, and architectural design that reaches Shenzhen architectural design application requirement for construction and the cooperation with the following design within the redline of the East Project.

3 竞赛规则 Competition Rules
The competition will have 2 stages:
Stage Ⅰ Application and Qualification Review
It is an open competition without qualification restriction. Any company with similar design experience can sign up for the competition. And the application must submit the sign-up document and concept proposal according to the competition file. Then the qualification review jury will select 6 competitors to enter Stage Ⅱ and 2 other alternatives in order. If any of the 6 competitors quit, the alternatives will enter by order.
Stage Ⅱ Conceptual Scheme Design
The 6 competitors should submit the design schemes for Stage Ⅱ according to the design brief. And the jury will select the top 3 prize winners and the 1st prize winner will be the bid winner in principle.

4 报名要求及资格预审文件,请见附件。
For the detailed application requirements and qualification review document, please see the attachments.

5 奖金/设计补偿费 Bonus/ Design Compensation
本次竞赛将设置前三名为优胜奖,分别获得以下奖金:第一名 100万元、第二名80万元、 第三名60万元。未获得优胜奖的其他入围设计单位,其提交的竞赛成果文件经审查为有效的,每家将获得RMB50万元的设计补偿费。
The competition will select the top three prize winners and each will get certain bonus as follows:RMB1, 000,000 for the 1st Prize Winner,RMB800, 000 for the 2nd Prize Winner,RMB600, 000 for the 3rd Prize Winner. Those invited competitors who fail to win any prize will get a compensation of RMB500, 000 as long as their submitted schemes meet the requirements of the Design Brief.

6 竞赛日程 Competition Schedule

The client reserves the rights to adjust the schedule. If there is any change, the organizer will inform the competitors in time.

7 资料索取 Inquiry of Information
For the Competition File, sign-up form and other related attachments, please visit the websites below:
Sign-up document and the final design schemes should be sent to: competition@ehow.net.cn

8 联系方式 Contacts
Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center
Contact: Miss Wen
电话/Tel: 86-13760133656
邮箱Email: competition@ehow.net.cn
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