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Announcement of International Architecture Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum

I. Employer: Administration of Culture, Press, Publication, Radio and Television of Guangzhou Municipality

II. Organizer: Bureau of Urban Planning of Guangzhou Municipality

III. Agent of Competition Organization: Guangzhou Cailian Procurement &Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.

IV. Project Background

The development of Four Cultural Projects (i.e. Guangzhou Museum, Guangzhou Art Gallery, Guangzhou Science Museum and Guangzhou Culture Center (Lingnan Grand View Garden)) in Guangzhou represents the city’s strategic move to fulfill the goal of enhancing the city’s public cultural undertaking and well-being of the people, making Guangzhou a national central city and renowned world-class cultural city, and responding to the policy of “Three Pilots and Two Leading Roles” (play leading role in building a well-off society in all around manner and basically realizing the modernization, pilot in developing socialism with Chinese characteristic, deepening the reform and opening up and exploring the scientific development). Further to the already completed international design competitions for Guangzhou Art Gallery and Guangzhou Culture Center (Lingnan Grand View Garden), the international architectural design competitions for Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum will be launched. Please see below for the announcement of International Architecture Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum.

V. Project Profile
Located in the southern part of Guangzhou’s new urban central axis, Guangzhou Museum stands in the west of Lingnan Square in proximity to Chigang Pagoda.
1. Title:
International Architectural Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum
2. Competition Contents (subject to the Competition Technical Documents):
International Architectural Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum
(1) Investment for Guangzhou Museum is about RMB 1.0 Billion Yuan (including cost for interior finishing and fit-out).
(2) Project location and site scope: west of Guangzhou’s new urban central axis, south of Chigang Pagoda with a total site scope of approx. 4.35ha (including area for Chigang Pagoda Park).
(3) Construction size: GFA is no more than 80,000sqm (including basement).
(4) The architecture design of Guangzhou Museum should be aesthetic, pragmatic, cost-effective and safe. It should fully reflect the new Lingnan architectural style and application of state-of-art green building technology.

VI. Competition Period
The Competition registration will be open from July 4 to July 25, 2014. The list of invited competitors will be announced on July 30, 2014. The Competition Technical Documents will be released and technical briefing and site visit be conducted in early August, 2014. The Organizer will offer interim service to the competitors halfway during the design process while the time is subject to separate notice. The design period for the Competition is about 3 months. The competitors shall complete their deliverables and have them delivered to the designated place in early November, 2014. Review and Evaluation Meeting will be held in November 2014 to decide 3 winning design proposals (the specific time is subject to the notice of the Organizer).

VII. Means of Competition
(i) Means of Competition
This Competition is open to invited competitors. The Competition is announced through website and registrations from local or international design firms or consortiums are accepted openly. The Competition Committee will select 8 registered design firms or consortiums as officially invited competitors through the prequalification process. Each competitor shall submit only one design proposal. Design proposals submitted by uninvited design firms shall not be considered.
(ii) Evaluation and Cost Compensation
Each competitor who officially accepts the invitation and submits valid deliverables in accordance with the Technical Documents (subject to the Technical Document issued by the Organizer) and whose deliverables are judged as valid in the technical examination shall be paid RMB600,000.- Yuan as cost compensation (Tax included). Competitor who fails the technical examination or whose deliverables are judged as invalid would not be compensated. Competitors of the three winning proposals will each be paid a winning compensation of RMB 300,000.- Yuan (Tax included) after detailing the winning proposal according to the requirements of the Employer and Project Construction Management Institution. The design detailing requirements shall be subject to further notice.
The cost compensation covers all the costs for completing the contents stipulated in the Technical Documents (including the agent fee for competition organization, the design fee, the cost for design documents production, the cost for design studies and researches, and the travel expenses incurred from attending relevant project meetings convened by the Employer). The winning compensation refers to the cost for the winning competitors to provide one-shot revision to the deliverables according to the evaluation comments (including the cost for 1 to 2 rounds of design revisions, the cost for design documents production, the cost for design studies and researches, and the travel expenses incurred from attending relevant project meetings convened by the Employer). The Employer shall not pay any other fee.
(iii) Subsequent Works
The Employers will select one competitor out of the 3 winning competitors as the bid winner for design proposal implementation, and the bid winner shall be awarded the design contract of architectural schematic design through construction design for Guangzhou Museum (including all the design contents covered by the construction/installation cost (except the move-in work), and relevant furniture and kitchen layout design covered in Category II expenses, which are both parts of the Project investment). The design fee should be estimated in accordance with Attached Table 1 of the Manual for Charging Standard of Engineering Survey and Design developed by the Department of Price of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Department of Construction Quality Safety Supervision and Industrial Development of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the P.R.C. (MOHURD); then the complexity coefficient and specialty adjustment coefficient will be calculated and determined in consideration of specialty, project category, and complexity level (fluctuating downward by 10% of the national charging standard in principle). The final design fee is subject to the Architectural Design Contract concluded with the Project Construction Management Institution (with cost compensation and winning compensation to be deducted from the design fee)

VIII. Registration for Competition
(I) Qualification for Registration
1. Local design firms should be independent legal entity holding effective Grade-A qualification for architectural engineering design issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; while the international designers must have experience in architectural design of equivalently-sized buildings or have representative works with significant international influence. Design consortiums should also meet the aforesaid requirements. Different institutions with the same legal representative (including wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding companies thereof) should not simultaneously register to participate in this international competition.
2. The registered design firms must have experience in directing the design of actually completed large-scale projects of similar sizes within the latest five years (after January 2009).
(II) Registration Process
1. Interested design firms must fax or e-mail (cl87651688y@163.com) to the Agent of Competition Organization the properly filled Registration Form and duly signed and sealed Documents before the deadline for registration.
2. Meanwhile, the hardcopies of all the registration documents must be delivered personally or by post to the Agent of Competition Organization by the deadline for registration.
(III) The deadline for registration is 10:00 AM July 25, 2014 Beijing Time (The time when the Agent of Competition Organization receives the written registration should prevail). All documents delivered later than the deadline shall be rejected.
(IV) Registration Form (See Appendix 1 for details) can be firstly faxed or e-mailed to the Agent of Competition Organization.
(V) Registration Documents (See Appendix 2 for details. Please bind the registration documents into one A4 brochure)
1. Registration is subject to the received hardcopy registration documents that include the company name, qualification, company profile, credit certification, certificates of awards, related project experiences, design team, related project experiences of the key design personnel and statement of the design firm, etc. (duly signed and sealed original copy).
[Notes] The documents of the project experiences should specify project title, location, size, design contents, key design personnel, status (completed or ongoing), pictures (design drawings or real photos) and employer’s telephone number.
2. Certification of legal representative, Power of Attorney from legal representative, and photocopy of attorney’s ID card, all of which should be sealed with company seal.
3. Curriculum vitaes and copies of professional qualification certificates of the design principal and key design personnel proposed for the Competition, as well as the duly sealed documents specifying the similar project experiences and awards received in the latest five years, etc.
4. Design firms registering for the Competition in the name of a consortium should submit the Consortium Agreement (duly signed and sealed original copy) jointly signed by all the members of the Consortium and indicating the leading member of the Consortium.
Note:Registered design firms must ensure the authenticity and reliability of the submitted registration information, and the Organizer is entitled to, during the registration, review/design process of the Competition and before finalization of the evaluation result, ask the registered design firms/consortiums to submit the originals or make verifications through other approaches, while the registered design firms should bear, by themselves, all the consequences arising out of the inauthenticity of the submitted information or other reasons.

IX. In case of any discrepancy in the Announcement and Technical Document, the later shall prevail.

X. Contact Details of Agent:

Agent: Guangzhou Cailian Procurement &Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.
Address: F18, Yuehai Building, 472, Huan Shi Dong Lu, Guangzhou
Postcode: 510075
Contact person: Liang Chan 020-87651688-142
Liang Liping 020-87651688-139
Fax: 020-87651698
E-mail: cl87651688y@163.com
Website: http://www.chinapsp.cn/

XI. Contact Details of Organizer (only for technical consultancy)
Address: 80, Ji Xiang Lu, Guangzhou
Postcode: 510030
Contact Person: Xu Lige
Fax: 020-83647079
E-mail: gz2014competition@qq.com

Site Map of Guangzhou Museum

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