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International Competition Announcement for Urban Design Optimization and Conceptual Architecture Plan Design of Liuxiandong Headquarters Base No.1 Housing Block Project

Liuxiandong headquarters base is one of the six headquarters bases built for stimulating economic development planning and construction of Shenzhen, and also one of the nine clusters of strategic emerging industries, which is positioned as the new carrier of urban economic development and the new platform of industrial transformation and upgrading. It’s a new generation of industrial park with the characteristic of gathering the strategic emerging industries and enterprises’ headquarters into one place, and the new platform to lead the high-end development of Shenzhen’s industry in the future. Liuxiandong headquarters base No.1 housing block is the landmark project of the innovative investment and construction mode, which plays an important part in boosting development of the whole Liuxiandong area and comprehensively promoting the urban construction quality of Xili.

在此背景下,深圳特区建设发展集团有限公司和深圳市规划和国土资源委员会联合组织开展深圳市留仙洞总部基地1街坊项目建筑方案设计国际咨询工作, 希望以国际视野和创新理念积极谋划留仙洞的发展蓝图,以此带动本片区的产业升级和功能转型乃至整个深圳市的持续繁荣。
Under this background, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Construction and Development Co., LTD and Urban Planning Land and Resources Commission of Shezhen Municipality jointly organize the international consultation work for the construction plan design of Liuxiandong headquarters base No.1 housing block project with the expectation of stimulating this area’s industrial upgrading and function transformation and even the continuous prosperity of Shenzhen by actively developing the layout plan of Liuxiandong with an international view and innovative ideas.

This time’s international consultation publicly invites design organizations from all over the world. If you have a mind to participate in this activity, please fill in the application form (see the attachment 1) , prepare all the related materials required for application and sign up within the announced registration time. We sincerely look forward to the participation of design organizations with powerful strength at home and abroad!

The announcement of the specific information of the international competition is as follows:

1. Project name: Liuxiandong headquarters base No.1 housing block project

2. Project site: Liuxiandong Area, Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

3.Project scale: The project covers an area of 137,284.04 square meters, and its overall floorage is about 100,235,000 square meters. The project’s construction is divided into two stages, and the total investment estimation is about RMB 14 billion yuan including about RMB 6 billion yuan of construction and installation investment. The design fee is tentatively fixed as RMB 0.11 billion yuan(not including the contents of landscape design, refined decoration, intelligence, green buildings and transportation etc.) Its main functions include industrial buildings, apartments and commercial buildings etc whose floorage is respectively about 0.7 million, 0.2 million and 0.1 million square meters.

4. Mode of competition: international open

5、 招标工作方案安排:留仙洞总部基地1街坊项目设计招标共为两阶段,第一阶段包含深圳市规划和国土资源委员会组织的城市设计优化及概念建筑方案设计国际竞赛和深圳市住房和建设局同步组织的工程设计资格预选(竞赛参与人或其联合体成员可同时参与深圳市住房和建设局的资格预选,具体查看深圳建设工程交易服务网)。第二阶段招标即本项目方案及工程设计阶段招标,初步分为四个设计标段。
5. Bidding work program: The design and bidding work of Liuxiandong headquarters base No.1 housing block project is divided into two stages:the first stage contains the International Competition for Urban Design Optimization and Conceptual Architecture Plan Design orgainzed by Urban Planning Land and Resources Commission of Shezhen Municipality and Engineering Design Qualifying Competition orgainzed simultaneously by Housing and Construction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality .(The participants or their joint venture’s members can participate in the Qualifying Competition organized by the Housing and Counstruction Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality at the same time. For details, please see www.szjsjy.com.cn. The second stage’s bidding, that is the bidding for the stage of this project’s plan and engineering design, is divided into four design sections.
After finishing the stage one competition, the bid inviter will entrust the related unit to integrate the urban design conceptual plan, and form the urban design achievements which can guide the
bidding for construction plan design in the second stage.
This time’s activity is the first stage competition, that is the International Competition for Urban Design Optimization and Conceptual Architecture Plan Design.

6. Requirements for the competition units
This competition has no limits on the units’ nationality, qualifications and whether it’s a joint venture. If it’s a joint venture, it needs to provide us with the agreement of forming the joint venture. The information about the members of the joint venture, their division of labour and the initiator etc shall be clearly stated in the agreement.

7. Design fee and compensation for losing the bidding
7.1 Design fee: The overall design fee is tentatively fixed as RMB 0.11 billion yuan. It includes all the contents of professional design in this project except for landscape design, refined decoration, intelligence, green buildings and transportation etc.
7.2 We will not pay compensation for the plans to the units which lose the bidding or which are nominated in the first stage’s competition.
7.3 The bidding documents which are selected for and qualified for the second-stage bidding can obtain the corresponding bidding compensation. Please see article 10.1 of the competition documents for the details of the relevant compensation standard.

8. Method of application
8.1 Place of application: the bidding agency of this project (please see the article 13 of this announcement for the specific contact information. Units in other places other than Shenzhen can firstly send us email or fax for application. )
8.2 Application documents (Details as per the competition documents)

9. Determining the nominees for the first-stage competition: The jury will select the top 20 plans from all the teams applied for the first-stage’s competition, and give them qualification to enter into the second stage (that is the bidding stage for plan and engineering design ).

10. You can come to the bidding agency to enter your name for the competition and obtain the relevant documents
请参赛的设计团队于报名截止日期(2013年9月17 日17:00)之前将报名文件提交至代理机构所在地(地址:深圳市福田区莲花支路公交大厦9层东,邮政编码:518036),以实际收到日期为准。(外地单位可先采用邮件或传真方式报名,最终公告截止前提交书面报名资料)Please submit your application documents to the bidding agency before the closing date for entries(at 17:00 on September 17,2013). (Address: 9th floor, Public Transit Building, Lianhuazhi Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, post code: 518036). We will take the received date as the criterion.(The units from other parts of the country can first apply by email or fax, and then submit the written application documents before the announced deadline.)
(The competition documents, competition assignment, application form and joint venture agreement can be downloaded at the following websites:
请点击下载附件 Please cick here to download(13M)

Bid inviter: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Construction and Development Co., LTD
Contact person: Yang Lang
Contact number: 0755-29033987
Bidding agent: Shenzhen Haidelun Engineering Consulting Co., LTD
Address: 9th floor, Public Transit Building, Lianhuazhi Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
联系人:黄小姐 电子邮箱:675953024@qq.com 邮编:518036
Contact person: MISS HUANG Email: 675953024@qq.com Post code: 518036
联系电话: 0086-755-83646088 13420974273
Contact number: 0086-755-83646088 13420974273
Fax: 0086-755-83642105
English contacts:MISS HUANG
TEL:0086-755-83646088 13420974273
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