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一、 主办单位:

二、 承办单位:

三、 组织代理单位:

四、 项目名称:

五、 项目编号:

六、 项目背景


七、 项目范围及工作要求

子项目二:项目基地位于广州市南沙区蕉门河中心区,设计范围东起环市大道,西至蕉门河西岸,北起进港大道,南至双山大道,设计区间南北长860 米,东西长660 米。设计总范围约0.56平方公里。

八、 咨询报名方式

1、 境内咨询机构须具有独立法人资格,具备建设部颁发的有效的城市规划设计乙级(或以上)资质及建筑设计甲级资质,自2008年1月1日至今具有类似项目的设计经验与相关业绩。同一法定代表人的不同机构(含全资子公司及其控股公司),不得同时报名参与本国际咨询项目中的同一子项目;
2、 境外咨询机构可单独报名,自2008年1月1日至今应具有类似项目的设计经验与相关业绩;
3、 本次咨询接受联合体报名,联合体报名时须提交《联合体协议书》并在协议里明确联合体的主体单位(详见附件三格式10)。以联合体的形式参与咨询的各联合体成员均应满足上述第1或第2点要求。

1、 有意参与的咨询机构应于报名截止时间3天前(即2013年6月21日前)将填好的《国际咨询报名申请表》(详见本公告《附件三》格式1,签字并加盖公章)传真并电邮到组织代理单位;
2、 所有报名文件必须在报名截止时间前以书面形式送达或邮寄至组织代理单位,以组织代理单位接收到报名文件时间为准,逾期抵达的报名文件概不受理。
1、 报名时间:2013年06月09日至06月23日(每天上午9:30时至下午5:00时止,北京时间,法定节假日除外)。
2、 报名地点:
3、 本咨询接受现场及邮寄的方式报名[通过邮寄方式报名的,以公告公布联系人签收时间(北京时间)为准],逾期抵达的报名文件概不受理。
1、 《国际咨询报名申请表》(正本,签字并加盖公章)。
2、 咨询机构名称及资质说明(提供资质证书复印件)。
3、 咨询机构简介(提供报名单位的营业执照副本复印件,境外咨询机构的官方的企业注册登记证明复印件)。
4、 法定代表人证明书(原件)、法定代表人授权委托书(原件)、被委托人有效身份证明复印件。
5、 咨询机构主要业绩。
6、 咨询机构的设计经验与相关业绩(自2008年1月1日至今)。
7、 拟投入本次咨询的项目主创设计师及各专业负责人的组成。
8、 咨询机构拟投入人员的专业经验。
9、 正式报名确认函。
10、 联合体协议书(仅适用于以联合体形式报名的咨询机构)。
11、 咨询机构认为有必要的其他资料。


九、 咨询方式

1、 咨询机构的选择
2、 咨询技术文件发布
3、 成果提交时间
4、 成果评审方式
5、 各子项目咨询成本补偿及奖金
子项目一、二: 3个优胜方案对应的咨询机构各获得¥1,000,000元(人民币壹百万元整)的设计成本费及奖金,其余咨询机构(含联合体)各获得¥500,000元(人民币伍拾万元整)的设计成本费作为工作补偿。设计成本费及奖金在评审结果确定后30日内一次性支付。




2、主办单位在按规定向咨询机构支付奖金及设计成本费后, 参加咨询的成果署名权归咨询机构所有,知识产权及版权归主办单位所有。


联 系 人:梁小姐 86-20-8765 1688-36
     李小姐 86-20-8765 1688-60
传  真:86-20-8765 1698 联系邮箱:CL87651698Y@163.com
联 系 人:吕工(86-20-83543314)
传  真:86-20-83548187 联系邮箱:moshangcao5@163.com
联 系 人:谢工(86-20-87768198-169)
传  真:86-20-37658150 联系邮箱:xieweili@cngmg.com
主办、承办单位联系方式(仅限技术咨询):曲白(86-20- 84986909)






The Urban Design & Architecture Program International Consultation
---Guangzhou Nansha New District Jiaomen River Center

1. Organizer: Guangzhou Nansha Development District Management Committee

2. Undertaker:
Guangzhou Nansha Development District Branch Planning Bureau,
Guangzhou Nansha Development District Planning and Research Centre

3. Organizational Agent:
Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agency,
Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation, GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd.

4. Project name: The Urban Design & Architecture Program International Consultation ---Guangzhou Nansha New District Jiaomen River Center

5. Project code: GZNSJMH-2013-01

6. Project Background:
September 6, 2012 the State Council approved the “Guangzhou Nansha District Development Plan” clearly the Nansha New Area as a national position, becoming an important frontier to deepen cooperation between Guangdong cooperation zones. Nansha District of the city as a multi-service centers, by virtue of the central area of the river Jiaomen warm climate conditions, intact landscape ecological endowments, plenty of space resources reserves, convenient external transport system and developed a comprehensive information environment into practice the quality of city life the ideal location. 2010 through international competition , domestic and international top design agencies through planning and careful design effort , which lasted three years, the preparation of the “Guangzhou Nansha Coastal Ecology Jiaomen River Central Area Urban Design” results for the central area of the river Jiaomen development building foundation for the development of high quality and forward-looking development considerations.

The content of consultation center for river Jiaomen major projects in key areas and deepen the design work, and the affected areas will actively promote urbanization and urban construction quality improvement.

7. Project scope and job requirements:
(1) The International Advisory consists of the following three subprojects:

GZNSJMH-2013-01-01: Guangzhou Nansha District Jiaomen River waterfront south central area of urban design and architecture programs International Consulting (hereinafter referred to as “sub- one”);

GZNSJMH-2013-01-02: Guangzhou Nansha District Jiaomen River Central Business District urban design and architecture program International Consulting (hereinafter referred to as “sub- two”);

GZNSJMH-2013-01-03: Guangzhou Nansha District Jiaomen River Central District three Halls ( Planning Exhibition Hall , urban construction archives, real estate archives ) building program -cum- urban park design International Consulting ( hereinafter referred to as “sub- three” ).

(2) Each subproject scope and consultation requirements are as follows:

Sub- one:
Planning area is divided into two levels, and completes the overall design of the range of programming models. The overall design range 165.87 hectares, is located in the south of Humen highway, north of Jiaomen waterway, west of Jiaomen River. Design range north to south is 860 meters and east to west is 1,600 meters. Key Design Range 55.99 hectares, i.e. public stadium area (including the waterfront park 15 hectare), located in the south of Guangzhou Foreign Language School, east of the Phoenix Bridge, north of Jiaomen waterway and west of the Jiaomen river.

The main design consultation: 1, the overall urban design optimization; 2, the major public buildings ( Grand Theatre , Museum , the Science Museum , Museum Youth Palace ) program design; 3, improve the urban environment design; 4, comprehensive traffic organization; 5, stage construction arrangements; 6, low-carbon energy-saving design . And complete range of models and the overall planning and design of the major public buildings large theaters, art galleries , the Science Museum , Museum Youth Palace program model ( see sub one of the “advisory technical document” Draft ) .

Sub- two: Project base is located in Guangzhou Nansha New District Jiaomen River Center. The design range is from the east of Central City Road to the west of Jiaomen River West Bank; From north of Jingang Avenue to the south of Double Mountain Avenue. North to south is 860 meters, east to west is 660 meters. Design a total area of about 0.56 square kilometers.

The main design consultation : 1, reflect the “urban living room” concept ; 2 , the venue and the surrounding environment, a comprehensive analysis ; 3 , Conceptual Urban Design ; 4 , library building design ; 5 , double bridge design ; 6 , the urban environment perfect design ; 7 , low-carbon energy-saving design . And complete the planning and design models and model libraries and Bridging programs. (See sub- two of the “advisory technical document “Draft ).

Sub- three: Project base is located in Guangzhou Nansha New District Jiaomen River Center. The design range is from the east of Phoenix Avenue to the west of Jiaomen village; from the north of Linyin Avenue to the south of Fengze West Road, design zone area of 15 hectares.

The main design consulting Contents: 1 , the venue and the surrounding environment, a comprehensive analysis ; 2 , three museum architectural design ; 3 , improve the urban environment design ; 4 , low-carbon energy technology . And complete range of planning and design models and three museum building program model (see sub- three of the “advisory technical document “Draft ).

Description: Each subproject “advisory technical documents”,the official consultation draft technical paper published in the organization of conferences and answering announced.

8. Consulting Registration
(1) Conditions for participants

1) Domestic attendants shall have legal personality, with the Ministry of Construction issued effective urban planning design B (or above) qualification and architectural design qualification, since 1st January 2008 has design experience with similar projects and underlying results. The same legal representative of the different agencies (including wholly owned subsidiary of its holding company), shall also apply to participate in the international consulting projects in the same sub-projects;

2) Overseas attendants shall have similar project design experience and underlying results since 1st January 2008.

3) The Commonwealth Advisory accepted registration, Commonwealth Applicants should submit “consortium agreement” and clear in the agreement in principal unit of the Commonwealth (see annex III format 10). Consultation with the Commonwealth in the form of participation in each consortium members should meet in the first or second point demands.

Description: 1) participate in the Commonwealth and a member of the main unit can only establish a joint relationship and an integral member of the Commonwealth shall not be more than 2; 2) Such as consulting firms have signed up two or more sub-projects, as willing to participate in the Advisory Body the consultation enrollment in any one or more of the sub-project, the final number of participating subprojects and assessment determined by the Credentials Committee.

(2) Registration method

1. To participate in the advisory body should be three days before the registration deadline (21 June 2013) will be completed“Application Form International Advisory ” ( please refer to the announcement, “Annex III” Format 1, the signature and add official seal ) fax and email to organize agent unit ;

2. All application documents before the registration deadline must be in writing and delivered or mailed to the organization agent, to organize agent, based on the time receiving the application documents , late arrival of application documents be accepted.

(3) Registration date and place

1. Date: From 9th June 2013 to 23rd June 2013. (9:30 am to 5:00 pm only, Beijing time, except legal holidays).

2. Place:
Sub- one: Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agency (18th floor, Yuehai Building, No. 472 Huan Shi Dong Road, Guangzhou)

Sub- two: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation (10th floor, Jinying Building, No.316 Huan Shi Zhong Road, Guangzhou)

Sub- three: GMG International Tendering Co., Ltd. (7th floor, No.726 Dong Feng Dong Road, Guangzhou)

3. The consulting accept on-site registration and registration by mail, by notice published contact sign Time (GMT Beijing) prevail, late arrival registration documents will not be accepted .

(4) Registration documents ( bound the following information in the order as A4 duplex printing book, one copy)
1. The International Advisory Application Form “(original signature and official stamp).
2. The name and qualifications of advisory bodies Description (provide the copy of quality certificate).
3. Advisory bodies Introduction (providing registration unit’s copy of business license, official advisory bodies outside the enterprise registration certificate copy).
4. The legal representative of the certificate (original), he legal representative power of attorney (original), a copy of valid identification by the client.
5. The main results of advisory
6. Consultancy experience in the design and related performance (since 1 January 2008)
7. To be invested in this project consulting creative designers and the professional person in charge of the composition.
8. Advisory to be put into the professional experience.
9. The official registration confirmation.
10. Commonwealth agreement (applies only to the Commonwealth Advisory Body enrollment form).
11. Other information deemed necessary.

Description: 1) Unless otherwise indicated, copies of the above information, each page stamped or required signature or seal, the format in Annex III “qualification registration file formats.” 2) Such as consulting firms have signed up two or more sub-projects, subprojects were required to submit registration documents, each subproject registration papers are one copy.

(5) “Advisory technical document (Draft)” ““merit assessment rules ”and “qualification Registration File Format” access method ( see this announcement website)

China Procurement and Bidding (www.chinabidding.com.cn)
Guangzhou Nansha District Government Network (www.gzns.gov.cn)
Architectural Forum (www.abbs.com.cn)
Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agency (www.chinapsp.cn)
Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation (www.chinaguangdongbidding.com)
GMG International Tendering Co.,Ltd. (http://www.gmgit.com)

9. Consultative method

1. The choice of advisory bodies
Media release by the International Advisory Notice openly accept the advisory bodies ( including the Commonwealth , the same below ) registration , organized by the organizer credentials committee , according to the enrollment advisory body design qualification , comprehensive strength , experience in similar projects and award-winning design situation , creative designers in the industry ‘s reputation , and other factors with the design team , and the necessary inspections, investigations, each subproject were preferentially selected six advisory bodies ( including the Commonwealth ) formally participate in this international consultation , the rest without formal invited to submit an advisory body to the advisory program will not be accepted ( “merit assessment rules ”please refer to the announcement,“Annex II”).

The project advisory selection results will be published before 1st July, 2013

2. Published technical documents
The project technical documents published formal consultation meeting will be held in Nansha District, Guangzhou City, and Time (provisional) for the July 1, 2013.

3. The results presented time
The deadline for submitting the results is 17:00 on 30th August, 2013. All units must be designed before the deadline for the final design will be submitted to the Outcome Document and Model Planning Bureau, Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone Branch, to the actual receipt date.

4. The results of evaluation methods
Results of this consultation, including program evaluation and program evaluation compliance review in two stages. Juries will firstly consultation documents for compliance review to determine the effectiveness of the consultation document. Program evaluation program shall not enter invalid.

Accreditation Committee will carry out an effective program evaluation design, research and consulting in the technical documentation carefully and fully discussed based on the comparison, a poll for each sub-project of the selected three winning program.

Project consulting assessment results will be published before 20th September 2013.

5. Each sub-project consulting costs of compensation and bonuses
Sub- one and two:
three winning program corresponding to the advisory body will get the ¥ 1,000,000 costs of design fees and bonuses, the remaining advisory bodies ( including the Commonwealth ) each won ¥ 500,000 Yuan of cost fees as compensation for the work . Cost fees and bonuses in the assessment results to determine a lump sum within 30 days.

Sub- three:
Three winning program advisory bodies each receive ¥ 600,000 Yuan design costs fees and bonuses, the remaining advisory bodies (including the Commonwealth) each won ¥ 300,000 Yuan design fee as compensation for the cost of the work. Cost fees and bonuses after the announcement of results in a lump sum within 30 days.

Description: 1) Advisory Committee on the results of accredited programs rated as ineffective advisory bodies (including the Commonwealth), consulting costs will not be awarded compensation. All rights reserved consultation results and all the organizers. If the program has failed to meet the corresponding requirements, winning program can be reduced or vacancy. 2) the cost of an advisory body to obtain compensation and bonuses paid in Renminbi in the territory of the advisory body, if the unit can not be used outside the design of the unit account will be charged RMB, may authorize the collection of funds within the other units, the organizers do not pay related fees and formalities taxes and other expenses, the Commonwealth of the Commonwealth of the main unit to be issued with the design cost compensation and bonuses.

10. Consulting Margin
To ensure the successful conduct international consultation, each subproject, was officially invited to participate in advisory bodies (including the Commonwealth) have confirmed their participation, the agency shall pay advisory bodies should consult deposit ¥ 50,000.

Consulting deposit will review the program after the end of two weeks of the original amount of refund payment account (without interest). If not send consultation results advisory body shall not be refunded.

Submit margin did not seek an advisory body will be deemed a waiver of participation in advisory qualifications.

11. Others

1. advisory bodies, these provisions shall be provided for all materials Simplified Chinese , English version of the material must have control of the Chinese translation of the Chinese when the same content and foreign language discrepancies, in Chinese.

2. The organizers advisory body in accordance with the regulations to pay bonuses and design costs fee to participate in the consultation results authorship owned by all advisory bodies, intellectual property and belongs to all the organizers.

3. The results should participate in counseling programs advisory body originality. If for programs involving third-party intellectual property rights give rise to legal disputes, advisory bodies have to bear all responsibilities and consequences.

4. Due to infringement of intellectual property advisory body to the organizer or losses caused by third parties, advisory bodies shall bear all the damages and legal liability.

5. The organizers do not know the advisory body to infringe intellectual property rights, the use of the results of their lodgment losses caused to third parties by the advisory body to bear all the damages and legal liability.

6. Advisory bodies obtained from the organization agent, documentation should be properly kept, shall not disclose, and shall not be used outside of this consultation activity for any occasion. Advisory Body shall be borne by the leaked documents, etc. caused by the loss of liability and legal responsibility.

7. This consultation and all documents related to the law applicable to PRC laws. The registration and counseling will be in a fair, just and open manner. Any disputes will be Chinese laws and regulations, through friendly negotiation or arbitration procedure.

8. This consultation with the official registration bulletin released “advisory technical documents”. There were discrepancies in the official release of the “advisory technical documents” shall prevail.
9. In the event of any discrepancies between Chinese and English, the Chinese version shall govern.

10.All registration documents are not refundable.

12. Contact

Sub- one:
Organizational Agent: Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agency
Office Address: 18th floor, Yuehai Building, No. 472 Huan Shi Dong Road, Guangzhou
Postal Code : 510075
Contact: Miss Liang ( 86-20-8765 1688-36 )
     Miss Li ( 86-20-8765 1688-60 )
Fax :86 -20-87651698 Contact E-mail : CL87651698Y@163.com
Organized organizer contact details (only technical advice): Wang Ling ( 86-20-84986920 )

Sub- two:
Organizational Agent: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation
Office Address: 10th floor, Jinying Building, No.316 Huan Shi Zhong Road, Guangzhou)
Postal Code: 510060
Contact: Lu (86-20-83543314)
     Lai (86-20-83542057)
Fax: 86 -20-83548187 Contact E-mail: moshangcao5@163.com
Organized organizer contact details (only technical advice): Wang Binbin (86-20-84986922)

Sub- three:
Organizational Agent: GMG International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Office Address: 7th floor, No.726 Dong Feng Dong Road, Guangzhou
Postal Code: 510080
Contact: Xie (86-20-87768198-169)
Fax: 86 -20-37658150 Contact E-mail: xieweili@cngmg.com
Organized organizer contact details (only technical advice): Qu Bai (86-20 - 84986909)

Note: fax and e-mail to receive only “international advisory Application Form” (limited to 4 or less, *. Doc format), other text files and graphics files will not be accepted.

Annex I: “Consultation technical document (Draft)”
Annex II: merit-based assessment rules
Annex III: Qualification Examination Application File Format

Guangzhou Nansha Development District Management Committee
Guangzhou Nansha Development District Branch Planning Bureau,
Guangzhou Nansha Development District Planning and Research Centre
Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agency
Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Corporation
GMG International Tendering Co., Ltd.


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