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Notice for the International Schematic Design Competition of Rolansberg(Hanking Center)Project

1 项目背景
Background Review

Hanking Group is a modern enterprise that bases on real estate industry with multiple industries developed. Since 1998, most of its subsidiaries start to have extensive involvement in real estate development, international trade, steel and other fields, making it an international diversified group. More than a decade, the Group have accomplished a number of large-scale projects, with a total land area of 2,000,000㎡, such as the super Grade A office building Hanking International, the urban boutique duplex apartment Hanking Hill and etc.

在企业多元化发展的今天,汉京集团一直将企业文化理念贯穿于项目开发中,以“成就不同JUST HANKING”为企业使命;秉承着“渐进、协同、成就”的企业核心价值观,依循厚积薄发、循序渐进的发展模式,协同行业优秀合作伙伴共同发展,以达成“创意地产先行者”的企业愿景。
With today’s diversified development of all enterprises, Hanking Group never forgets to reveal the concept of its corporate culture throughout the project development, with the corporate mission \"MAKE A DIFFERRENCE, JUST HANKING\". Adhere to the core value of the corporate “progress, collaboration, achievement\", follow the develop mode of “fully prepare, gradually progress\", collaborate with the outstanding industry partners, in order to achieve the corporate wish of \"creative real estate pioneer”.

The project includes three strategic needs of the Group: 1. For the enterprise: with the development of the project, establish a brand value of the Hanking Group in the field of regional landmark of building complex, promote the corporate strategy reform, and achieve long-term value-added returns of the assets. 2. For the project: develop the project land, achieve rapid return on the development investment, and realize long-term profit on the high quality properties. 3. For the industry: establish an exclusive benchmark of Hanking.

The project is located in the northeast of the intersection between Shennan Boulevard and Kejizhong Yi Road, Hi-Tech Zone of Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Parcel NO. T304-0038, land coverage 11,016.9㎡, GFA110,169㎡.

2 竞赛内容
Competition Content
The competition will be a conceptual design of Hanking Center.

3 竞赛方式及规则
Competition Mode and Regulations

1) 竞赛采用全球公开报名的方式, 允许联合体报名, 报名的设计单位均须在国内具有超高层设计案例(包括在建及已建成),不要求有国内建筑工程设计甲级资质;但要求报名的设计单位至少与一家专业的节能公司或研究机构组成联合体,或聘请专业节能顾问参与此次方案设计。
The competiton is open for the world, allowing application of the consortium. All the applicants shall have experiences in high-rise buildings, including the one under construction or built. The applicants don’t need to hava China’s Grade A qualification. Thus, they shall at least work with one energy saving company or institue or hire energy saving consulting company to complete the design.

2) 在所有报名单位中进行资格预审, 选出 5 家设计单位或联合体作为邀请的参赛单位参加竞赛, 同时选出3家备选的设计单位,如邀请的参赛单位退出,则备选的设计单位依序替补。未被邀请的设计单位或联合体将不被允许参加本次竞赛。
In the qualification review, 5 invited joint teams will be selected as well as 3 alternative joint teams. If any invited team quit, the alternative ones will join in order. Uninvited companies or joint teams can’t participate in the competition.

3) 以联合体形式参加竞赛的,联合体各方应签订《联合体协议》,连同其他报名文件一并提交主办方。联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加此次竞赛。联合体获得设计合同的,联合体各方应签订《联合设计声明》,指定设计牵头人,明确各方工作权责和内容,以及各方分配的合同金额等,此声明将成为合同附件。
For participation as a design team with more than one company, every design firm in the team should sign a Joint Participation Agreement, and hand it over with other required sign-up documents. Design firm in any joint team CAN NOT participate the competition independently or be any other joint members. If a joint-designer wins the contract, members should sign a Joint Design Declaration, which includes the contents of who the lead architect is, what the work responsibilities and fees are for each member and the commission amount for each member. The declaration will be attached into the contract.

4) 最终的方案评审要求参赛单位现场汇报,将评选出优胜奖:第一、二、三名,并获得相应奖金,原则上第一名为中标单位,主办方与优胜第一名仍需进行商务谈判以确定中标价格。中标单位将获得本项目的《设计合同》。
The final review requires all the competitors give a presentation on the spot. The jury will select 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize and they will get certain amount of bonus. In principle, the 1st prize winner will be the successful bidder. Thus, the clients need to negotiate with the 1st prize winner on the bid quotation. The successful bidder will get the commission of the project.

5) 未获得优胜奖的受邀参赛单位在提交符合设计要求的成果文件后,将获得设计补偿费。
Those invited participants who haven’t won any prize but have submitted valid design results can get the compensation fee.

4 报名要求及报名文件
Eligibility and Sign-up Documents

1) 具有超高层设计经验的境内外设计机构均可报名,恕不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
Any institutes from home and abroad that have experience on the high-rise building design can sign up for the competition. No individual application or individual combination is accepted.

2) 报名文件应包括:
Sign-up documents include:

◆ 报名表(见附件)
Sign-up Form (see the attachment)
Brief introduction of the organization, related achievement and official reference
Photo copy of Business License/Qualification Certificate (or Business Registration Certificate) (stamped or signed)
Joint Participation Agreement (see the attachment)
Composing of the joint group shall include: what the work responsibilities are for each member and the commission amount for each member, how the team structure is for each joint group member and similar design experience.
Work Program: work schedule on the team member list, cooperation mode, design phases and etc.
◆ 设计收费报价表:设计各阶段报价范围及取费依据。
Quotation List: quotation scope and basis for each phase.

3) 请报名单位根据竞赛文件要求提交以上报名文件(电子光碟1份,纸制文件1份),并于报名截止日期前提交至主办方。
The applicants shall submit the sign-up documents (1 CD and 1 physical document included) according to the Competition File to the client before the deadline.

4) 参与本次竞赛活动的设计人员应为设计单位总部的在册人员,首席设计师必须由设计单位主持
As each signed up organization, architects for this project should be registered in its HEADQUATER; the chaired architect should be the one who has been chaired in similar projects, and he/she must be working for the whole process of this project.

5) 获邀请的设计单位在收到《参赛邀请函》后 7 日内;向主办方提交正式的《参赛确认函》, 以
Invited groups MUST hand in Participation Confirmation Letter within 7 days from the day when it is received.

5 竞赛奖金及设计补偿费
Bonus and Related Fees
1) 奖金:
第一名: RMB100万元
1st Prize: RMB1, 000,000
第二名: RMB80万元
2nd Prize: RMB800, 000
第三名: RMB60万元
3rd Prize: RMB600, 000

2) 设计补偿费:未获得优胜奖的受邀设计单位,其提交的竞赛成果文件经审查为有效的,每家将
Compensation: those invited participants who fail to win any prize will get a compensation of RMB600, 000 as long as their submitted schemes meet the requirements in the Design Brief.

3) 奖金及设计补偿费在最终竞赛评审结果公示结束后即开始办理支付手续。主办方将与受邀的设
Bonus and compensations will be paid after the result announcement being issued. The Host will sign agreements with invited organizations and winning organizations for the payment of compensations and bonuses.

4) 以上奖金和设计补偿费的税金由设计单位承担。
Institutes getting bonus or compensations will have to deal with taxes by themselves.

5) 设计单位参加竞赛的所有费用均由其自行承担。
All participants should deal with all their expenses by themselves.

6 确定的中标单位将获得本项目的《设计合同》,其所获得的奖金将作为设计合同金额的一部分,在首付款中予以扣除。
The successful bidder will gain the Design Contract and its bonus will be part of the design fee that will be deducted in the first payment.

7 合同范围及投标报价
Contract Scope and Tender Quotation

1) 本次竞赛的中标合同范围及具体内容如下:建筑方案设计及建筑专业的扩初设计。
Contract scope and specifications for the successful bidder: schematic and structural development design.

2) 本次中标合同的投标报价范围包括但不限于上述1.8.1的工作内容。
The quotation of the successful bidder includes but not limited to the content of Item 1.8.1.

3) 投标报价文件格式见附件。设计单位或联合体成员盖章并签字,与竞赛成果文件(要求详见PART 2竞赛任务书)一并于提交截止日期前提交至指定地点。
For the quotation format, see the file attached. The file shall be signed and stamped by the participants and sent to the appointed place together with the other submission (specific requirements, see Part 2 of the design brief within the deadline.

8 日程安排

All dates and time listed below are Beijing time.

★ 竞赛报名日期:2012年 6月18 日--- 7月9 日17:00时
Time of signing up: June 18, 2012 ---17:00 pm of July 9

Please deliver all signed-up documents to the client before the deadline. (address: 21st Floor of Hanking Mansion, 23 Dengliang Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, postcode: 518067), time will be measured by receiving the documents.

★ 资格预审会:初定于2012年 7 月12 日。
Qualification review: temporarily July 12th, 2012.
★ 公布资格预审评审结果:2012年 7 月13 日17:00时之前。
Qualification result announcement: before17:00, July 13th, 2012.

★ 咨询答疑与现场踏勘:
Q&A and site visit:

主办方将于2012年 7月19 日,在深圳市汉京国际大厦举行现场答疑会,要求参赛单位的主创人员到场;具体日程安排届时另行通知。
There will be a Q&A meeting in Shenzhen Hanking Mansion on July 19th, 2012. The chaired architect of each competition group shall participate. The detailed arrangement will be noticed later.

第一次答疑:2012年 7月20 日—2012年8 月20 日
1st Period for Q&A: July 20, 2012 to August 20, 2012

第二次答疑:2012年8 月25 日—2012年9 月25 日
2nd Period for Q&A: August 25, 2012 to September 25, 2012

Raise questions via fax or email. The client will get unified feedback to all the questions after 3 workdays.

★ 竞赛成果文件提交截止时间:2012年10 月12 日15:00 时
Submission deadline: 15:00 pm, October 12, 2012

Please submit all deliverables to the client to the appointed place (will be noticed later) before the deadline. Overdue submissions will be treated as giving up and they cannot participate in the following process of the competition.

★ 最终方案评审会:初定于2012年10 月18-19 日。会议地点待定。
Final review: temporarily 18-19 October, 2012. (Location is to be confirmed)

★ 公布评审结果:初定于2012年10 月25 日
Announcement for the jury result: temporarily October 25th, 2012.

9 资料索取

For the competition file, design brief and application form, please visit the websites below:


Summit the application document and final submission to:


10 主办单位及联系人
Client and Contact

Client: Shenzhen Rolansberg Property Development Co., Ltd.

Organizer: Ehow R&D Center


主办单位(Client): 蒋华
Address:21st Floor of Hanking Mansion, 23 Dengliang Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Daisy 86-13760133656(Mobile)
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