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Notice for the International Schematic Design Competition of
theHeadquarter Building for Small and MediumEnterprises

Background Review

The project is located in the west of the central greenland of the seashore areain Shenzhen Bao’an CBD, at the intersection of Baoxing Road and Haixiu Road. It will be an important project supported by the local government, which is composed by 2 buildings (one on each parcel). Parcel A002-0037 is 5,430.82 ㎡, and Parcel A002-0038 is 6,202.07 ㎡, 11,632.89㎡ in total. GFA is 71,030㎡ with investment of about RMB1,7billion.

Competition Objectives

The Competition is to pool collective wisdom. It requires the participants complete the project with the standard of Grade A office building. They shall base on the detailed study of the site statusand planning and design elements, borrow ideas from the excellent office buildings home and abroad, make the fullest of the site advantages, have an organic connection with the landscape and facilities in the neighborhood.The two buildings shall be cohesive with different characteristics.

Competition Content

The competition will be the scheme for the Headquarter Building for Small and MediumEnterprises. If the successful bidder meets the relevant requirements of the competition file, he will complete the relevant specialty design work, which includes but not limited to schematic design, preliminary design, designdevelopment, construction drawings, as-built drawingsand etc.

Registration Requirements

竞赛采用全球公开报名的方式, 允许联合体报名,但不接受个人及个人组合报名。报名的设计机构或联合体中,必须有一方具有中国国内建筑工程设计甲级资质,具有国内建筑工程设计甲级资质的设计机构在深圳市注册或设有分支机构的将优先考虑;如报名的设计机构或联合体中,具有建筑工程设计甲级资质的设计机构没有在深圳市注册或设立分支机构的,中标后,将需要联合经业主同意的在深圳市注册或设立分支机构的建筑工程设计甲级资质设计机构共同完成初步设计、施工图设计、施工配合及绘制竣工图等后续工作。
It will be an open competition. Joint groups will be accepted while individual or individual combination won’t be accepted. Any applicants or at least one member of the joint group shall have China’s Grade A building design certification. Those who have China’s Grade A building design certification that registered or have office in Shenzhen will have the priority. Once win the competition, the applicant or joint group who haven’t registered or have no office in Shenzhen shall work with the institute with China’s Grade A building design certificationregistered or having office in Shenzhen confirmed by the clients. They will together accomplish the preliminary design, construction drawings and as-built drawings and the other follow-up work.

Design Fee: no more than RMB17, 000,000

Competition Mode: the competition will be carried out in 2 stages.

1. 第一阶段(公开报名、概念提案及资格预审):专家评审委员会将根据报名设计机构的相关业绩、资格、规模、设计联合体构成情况以及概念提案的优劣进行评选,最终选出10家优秀提案设计机构,其中:前6名作为受邀参与第二阶段的方案设计竞标单位, 第7至10名为备选受邀竞标的设计机构。
At the 1st stage of the competition for open enrollment, concept proposal and qualification review, the jury will select 10 applicants basing on their related achievements, qualification, company size, joint group members and concept proposal. Thereinto, the top 6 applicants will be invited for the 2ndstage of competition, while Applicant NO. 7 to NO. 9 will be alternatives.

2. 第二阶段(方案设计竞标阶段):受邀6家设计机构和自愿参加方案设计竞赛的设计机构参与竞标,并在评审过程中采用一致的评审方式。
At the 2nd stage of the competition for scheme design, the 6 invited participants and other qualified voluntary participants can join the tender. All of them will be treated equally in the review.

Compensation and Encouragement Award

1. 第一阶段选出10家优秀概念提案设计机构,其中:受邀参与第二阶段竞标的6家设计机构,如按照竞赛文件深度要求完成方案设计,每家将获得设计补偿费40万元人民币,第一阶段评定为第7至第10名的设计机构,每家将给予鼓励奖5万元人民币。
At the 1st stage of the competition, 10 applicants with excellent concept proposal will be selected. Thereinto, the top 6 applicants will be invited to participate in the 2nd stage. Each will get RMB400,000 as compensation fee if their submissions meet the requirements in the competition brief. Applicant NO. 7 to NO. 9 will get RMB50,000 as encouragement.

2. 第二阶段评标中被专家评为前3名的设计机构,将分别获得奖金:第一名20万元人民币、第二名:15万元人民币、第三名:10万元人民币。获得第一名的设计机构或联合体为中标单位,如满足竞赛文件要求,将获得签订本项目《设计合同》资格。
At the 2nd stage, the jury will select the top 3 competitors. The 1st prize winner will get a bonus of RMB200,000, 2nd prize RMB150,000, and 3rd prize RMB100,000. The 1stprize winner will be the successful bidder and win the commission of the project if meeting the requirements of the competition file.

Competition Platform

Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality will be the platform for the competition. The official competition notice is planned to be publicized in July, 2012.

The objective of this notice is to encourage the intensive design institutes to get prepared for the bid. The official competition notice will prevail.

Websites for the notice:

Clients: Shenzhen Baoan Investment Holding CO., LTD
Shenzhen BinhaiEstate Co., Ltd.

Organizer: Ehow R&D Center

Supervisor: Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality
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