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International Consultation Invitation on Urban Design of
The Coastal Zone of the Central District in Baoan.Shenzhen


The Qianhai center is one of the double city centers in Shenzhen city consisted of Nanshan Qianhai, Houhai and the center district of Baoan which includes Binhai area and Bihai area.The project, located in Binhai Area in the Center District of Baoan in Shenzhen, which has excellent landscape resources since it is on the south by the sea ,is one of the landmark areas in Binhai area.
With the approved planning of “The Overall Planning of Shenzhen City (2010-2020)”and “The Integrated Planning of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cooperation on Modern Service Industries in Qianhai Area”, Qianhai with its own advantages and national preferential policies,is gradually being approached to the goal of modem international coastal city. As the important node on the coastal leisure belt, the development of the coastal zone of the central District in Baoan is faced with the important history opportunity.
Due to a important role the coastal district construction plays in urban development, how to reshape the city image and improve urban vitality and charm by making full use of the resources and the location advantage, is the necessary issue of the planning and construction of the coastal zone in center district in Baoan. Shenzhen.
This invitation is made globally; we publicly invite excellent design companies, designer firms and designer bodies to engage in planning and urban design.

2.Project name and scope

(1)Project Name: The Urban Design of The Coastal Zone of the Central District in Baoan. Shenzhen.
(2)Design Scope: the scope is the coastal land, scaled of 230 hectares which is in the south of Yanjiang Highway and Hailan road, west to the western coast of Dachanwan port, east to western road of Hubin road.
The affected areas included:(1)the area is scale of 113 hectares, which is south to the planning area width at 300 meters, north to Jinke road, Haitian road, Xin’an west road and Haixiu road, west to the extension line of the sixth Xin’an road ,east to Hubin west road.(2)the land area is scale of 215 hectares, east by the port of Dachanwan;(3)the sea area which is south to the planning area, is scale of 324 hectares;(4)the coast zone east to the cooperation area of Qianhai modem service industry in Shenzhen and Honkong is scale of 188 hectares. (figure for details)
(3)Project Depth: urban design of Regulatory detailed planning level.

3. The organized way and flow path of the project bidding activities

The project bidding activities will be divided into four stages:
(1)registration period for design unit
The organizer will issue a tender announcement on Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center(www.bajsjy.com),and receive applications of the matched-condition design units.
The design units of interest should register and get the bidding related material from march 12 to 16, on Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center.
Registration qualification :
■ 国内外知名规划及城市设计类优秀设计机构。
Domestic and international excellent design agencies of famous planning and urban design.
①The bidder agencies at home shall have the “Compilation of urban and rural planning” with first-grade qualification.
②The urban planning and design agencies abroad must have “urban planning services qualification certificate of foreign investment enterprise”.
③The design units which have no “urban planning services qualification certificate of foreign investment enterprise” ,have to work with the design units with “Compilation of urban and rural planning” with first-grade qualification to form a consortium.
■ 具有参加同类国内外中心区、滨海地带城市设计项目设计经验和成功作品。
The design units should have the design experience and successful work such as the center district and coastal zone both at home and abroad.
■ 参与本次投标的设计人员应是竞标机构在册人员,设计负责人必须由竞标机构主持过多次大型城市设计项目的人员担任,设计负责人必须直接参与本项目设计全过程。为保证项目对中国区域背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目组中应至少有一名通晓汉语的华裔人士参加。
The designer engaged in the bid should be the personnel on the payroll in the bidding agencies, while the charge of the design should be the personnel who repeatedly takes charge of large urban design projects and must be directly involved in the project design process. To ensure that project team understands accurately about China regional background and relevant requirements, the team should have at least one ethnic Chinese who is good at Chinese engaging in.
Please pay attention to the tender announcement on the website www.bajsjy.com for the detailed materials needed for registration.
Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center will organize the experts to prequalify with the effective design institutions to vote for five design institutions to participate in this project bid design.(The result will be in a public announcement on the website www.bajsjy.com).
(2)competitive bidding period
The five design institutions through the prequalification should get the bidding information to the project bidding scheme according to the requirements, and Submit bidding scheme results according to a specified time, address.
The design unit who fails to submit in time shall be deemed as abstained, the results which is not submitted on time will be deemed as invalid and will not be allowed to enter final selection.
Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center will organize experts to appraisal the effective bidding scheme results when the design units submit the bidding scheme results, in order to vote for 3 shortlisted scheme.(evaluation results shall be publicly announced on a the website www.bajsjy.com).
(3)calibration period
Three finalists of the bidding scheme design institutes shall make the scheme optimization according to the commitment , and deepen the project bidding scheme after making model ,and then submit the deepening bidding scheme results according to the specified time, address .
The design unit who fails to submit in time shall be deemed as abstained, the results which is not submitted on time will be deemed as invalid and will not be allowed to enter final selection.
When bidding results deepen schemes are submitted ,the organizer will invite famous experts in urban planning and design area to appraisal and evaluate the schemes in Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center ,then they vote for the first bidding scheme as the winning bid scheme. (evaluation results shall be publicly announced on a the website www.bajsjy.com).
(4)period of making the scheme result
The winning design institution is the institution which designs for the project result.
Note :If the winning unit has no “enterprise information card” ,it must handle and fill “enterprise information card” after confirming if it wins the bidding.


The winner design institution authorized the project design rights can be paid for RMB 2 million yuan, and the other two design units that the bidding results is in conformity with the provisions through the review committee , will receive compensation design fees RMB 200000 yuan by each.
All charges or taxes incurred shall be paid by the design unit after the selection of the bid evaluation committee.
The design units chose by the bid evaluation committee shall sign an agreement with organizer, and relevant charges will be paid when the agreement is entry in force.


设计机构报名起止时间及成果编制时间请留意“深圳市建设工程交易服务中心宝安分中心” (www.bajsjy.com)上的相关公告,主办单位不另行通知。
Design agency registration and result of time please note “Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center Baoan branch” (www.bajsjy.com) of the related announcement, the organizer without notice.
The registration starting and finishing time is noted on the related announcement in Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center (on the website www.bajsjy.com),and the organizer will not notice to every unit.

6. legal issues

(1)The authorship of planning is owned by participant in this bid ,while the organizer has the right to free use of consultation results.
(2)Participation in the consultation is deemed as recognition of all the provisions of this document.
(3) The provisions in official bidding document shall prevail, the organizers has the final power of interpretation of this notice.
(4)If there is ambiguity between Chinese and English in the notice clause , the Chinese version shall be prevailed.


联 系 人: 李叶青
传  真:0755-29996976
Enrollment sites: Baoan branch of Shenzhen construction engineering trading service center(www.bajsjy.com): the 4th ,5th 6th floors Jianhua building in the second Xin’an road NO. 195 in Baoan . Shenzhen.
Organizer: Planning, construction and management office of the center district of Baoan .Shenzhen: Baoan district government buliding Room NO. 1017 in Baoan. Shenzhen.
Postal Code: 518101
Contact: Li Yeqing
Tel :0755-29996981
Fax :0755-29996976
E-mail: lijunmu_22@yahoo.com.cn


(1)Surroundings and locations
(2)Land scope
(3)Urban design spaces in Binhai Area
(4) Land using planning for statutory plan in Binhai Area
(5)Urban design for coastal recreation zone in Qianhai
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