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Announcement on International Architecture Design Competition for Baosteel Building(Guangdong)

Baosteel Group Corporation (hereinafter as Baosteel) is the most competitive iron and steel conglomerate in China, whose crude steel production ranks the 3rd among the global steelmakers. In 2011, Baosteel entered Fortune Global 500 for 8 years in a row, and ranked No. 212th. Guangdong Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Baosteel.

With a view to developing Baosteel Building (Guangdong) (tentative name) from a high starting point and at a high quality and standard, the International Architecture Design Competition for Baosteel Building (Guangdong) (hereinafter as the Competition) is hereby held by Guangdong Iron & Steel Group Co., Ltd. (the Employer) and organized & implemented by the Committee of International Architecture Design Competition for Baosteel Building (Guangdong) (hereinafter as the Competition Committee).

I. Competition Content

The project site is located at the central part of Pazhou Headquarter Commercial and Trade Area to the east of Guangzhou’s new urban central axis (south section), neighboring the Pearl River on the north, the Zhujiang Brewery Expo Park on the northwest corner, the Convention & Exhibition Center on the east and the planned Landscape Ave on the south, meanwhile enjoying a grand view of the Canton Tower on the west. The site boasts the lowest FAR, the highest greening ratio and the largest peripheral greening area within this area. It is also the only site with the first-tier river view resources with almost 180°open viewing angle, and also the only site that is prominently served by exits of two metro lines within this area. The project is planned with a constructible site area of about 28,111m2, a GFA (counted for FAR calculation) of no more than 84,333 m2, and a maximum building height of 140m. The total investment of the project is about RMB 2 Billion Yuan (excluding land cost). The project is planned as a super Grade A office building supported by commercial facilities and basement parking and to be rented to multinational companies and institutions. The construction objective is to, by giving full play to the superior intrinsic and geographical advantages and integrating with the peripheral natural and historical/cultural resources, create a leading high-quality super Grade A office building that is up to the top international standard and can showcase the corporate image, and eventually make the project rank among the top 5 super Grade A office buildings in Guangzhou and the most appealing business office space for employees of the multinationals; moreover, the project also aims to shape up a holistic urban space and create a new representative waterfront view by attaching importance to ecology and environmental protection and organically integrating with the surrounding landscape and facilities.

II. Competition Period:

The Competition period lasts from Feb.7, 2012 to Apr.20, 2012 (Beijing Time; the same below).

III. Registration for Competition

从本公告发布之日起至2012年1月6日17:00,竞赛委员会接受报名。有意参加本次竞赛的设计单位请在http:// www.abbs.com.cn(ABBS建筑论坛)网站招标公告板块下载报名表和报名要求,按照报名要求填写报名材料,将word格式的报名材料和PDF格式的纸质报名材料扫描文件(文件总量小于20M)通过电子邮件形式发送至竞赛组织单位指定的电子邮箱(Competition @gzupds.com)。同时,须将纸质报名材料加盖公章后于竞赛报名日期截止前寄达竞赛组织单位(报名材料以纸质材料为准)。如有其他与本项目相关业绩的补充资料,可与报名材料同时寄达。
The Competition Committee starts to accept registration from the date of this announcement until 17:00, Jan. 6, 2012. Interested design firms may download the Registration Form and requirements from the Bidding Announcement page of the ABBS website (http:// www.abbs.com.cn), fill in the registration package as required, and mail the registration documents in Word format as well as those scanned hardcopy documents in PDF format (the total file size should be less than 20M) to the email box specified by the Competition Organizer (Competition @gzupds.com); meanwhile, the applicants should deliver the duly stamped hardcopy of registration document to the Organizer by the registration deadline (the hardcopy of the registration package would be taken as final). The supplementary information of reference projects, if any, should also be enclosed together with the registration package for delivery.

IV. Evaluation and Cost Compensation

The Competition is an international architecture design competition. The Competition Committee, together with relevant experts, will conduct comprehensive assessment over the design qualification, reference projects, reputation and proposed design team of the registered design firms and shortlist 6 design firms with corresponding design qualification and experiences as the officially invited competitors. Design proposal provided by any uninvited design firm will not be accepted.

Registration requirements: The competitor should have the capability and experience to render architecture design for over 150m-high super high-rises. The project director should have the experiences of directing the architecture design for over 150m-high super high-rises during the past three years and must be directly involved throughout the whole design process. The Competition only accepts independent design firm as competitor. Each competitor is required to submit only one design proposal.

The officially invited competitors should attend the Technical Documents briefing meeting and pay site visit on Feb. 7, 2012. During the briefing meeting, the Employer will offer accommodation and boarding for 3-4 main designers from each competitor. Each competitor, while obtaining the Technical Documents, should submit a valid document (duly signed by its legal representative) which approves its participation in the Competition, as well as a security deposit of RMB 50,000Yuan. The security deposit will be returned after the competition deliverables are verified and accepted as eligible one; in case the design deliverables are not submitted as stipulated, the security deposit will not be returned. Detailed rules shall be subject to the Technical Documents. All competitors are deemed to have acknowledged all the clauses of the Technical Documents and given consent to complete the design proposal as per the Technical Documents. After the Briefing meeting and site visit, the competitor may require the Competition Committee to organize an initial exchange meeting. Where any design concept of the competitor is involved therein, the Competition Committee promises to keep it strictly confidential; where any project construction condition is involved, the Competition Committee will summarize and distribute the information to all the competitors in written form.

One month after the Briefing meeting, the Competitor may choose to attend the interim exchange meeting hosted by the Employer, during which the Employer will exchange ideas with each competitor separately and offer accommodation to 3-4 main designers of each competitor. Where any design concept of the competitor is involved therein, the Competition Committee promises to keep it strictly confidential; where any project construction condition is involved, the Competition Committee will summarize and distribute the information to all the competitors in written form. The competitor is also allowed to not attend the interim exchange meeting.

The competitors must deliver the deliverables to the Competition Committee by 17:00, Apr. 20, 2012. Competitors who submit the deliverables as stipulated by the Technical Documents that are considered as eligible by the Technical Committee will receive the cost compensation; but who fail to submit the deliverables on time or submit ineligible deliverables as determined by the Technical Committee will not be compensated.

Competitors whose deliverables are considered as eligible by the Technical Committee shall present the deliverables to and exchange ideas with the Expert Evaluation Committee. The Expert Evaluation Committee will review and choose 3 winning proposals after the presentation. In case the majority of deliverables are considered as not meeting the required level by the Expert Evaluation Committee, the number of winning proposals may be reduced accordingly. Competitors whose deliverables are considered as basically eligible will receive a cost compensation of RMB 800,000 Yuan (including tax). Each winner will receive an additional bonus of RMB 400,000 Yuan (including tax).

Winners should further refine the proposal as per the comments of the Technical Committee and the Evaluation Committee. Each winner will receive a design refinement fee of RMB 800,000 Yuan (including tax, schematic design refinement fee and expenses of subsequent business activities).

The Employer will finally choose one proposal for implementation through competitive negotiation based on the expert review comments and design refinement in combination with comprehensive evaluation from the perspective of design detailing contents and fee proposal, the full-course design consultancy service contents and fee proposal as well as service commitment. The design firm of the chosen proposal will get the business of the subsequent design detailing and full design consultancy service. The cost compensation, bonus and design refinement fee obtained from this Competition will be deducted from the design detailing fee and full-course design consultancy fee that are payable by the Employer.

V. Contact Details

Address: 5/F of Annexe, 80 Jixiang Rd, Guangzhou, China
Post Code: 510030
电话:0086-20-83647077 0086-18200897929
Tel: 0086-20-83647077 0086-18200897929
Fax: +86.20.83647079
Contact Person: Mr. Wu

Any change with the aforesaid date and time shall be subject to the Competition Committee’s notice. The specifics shall be subject to the Technical Document.
The Announcement is in both Chinese and English versions. In case of any discrepancy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Committee of International Architecture Design Competition for Baosteel Building (Guangdong)

Dec. 8, 2011

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