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一、项目名称 / Project Name
Shenzhen Nanshan Hospital Extension Project

二、公告时间 / Time of Notice
July 15, 2010 to Augst 31, 2010

三、项目地点 / Project Location
Nanshan Hospital is located in Nantou Peninsula, with Nanshan Blvd to its east and Taoyuan Road to its north. The communication is convenient. Entrance of Taoyuan Station of Metro Line 1 is arranged to the northeast of the hospital.

四、建设规模 / Project Size
Land area of Nanshan Hospital is around 54,423m2 and total floor area is around 248,800 m2, including 72,750 m2 of retained buildings and 176,050 m2 of new buildings. Total of 1,300 beds (650 existing and 650 new). Outpatient: 8,000 persons per day.

五、投资规模及来源 / Investment and Source
Total investment of the project is about RMB1.3 billion, including RMB1 billion for building construction and installation. Funding is provided by the government.

六、竞赛目的 / Objective
Nanshan Hospital shall have following functions upon completion of the extension project, including regional emergency center, regional serious epidemic disease examination and transfer center, regional medical center during wartime, regional medical information center, regional academic center and regional disease treatment center. Design the functions and medical processes according to upper first-class hospital standard and JCI certification standard.

七、竞赛方式和规则 / Competition Rules
The competition will be announced for application globally and will be performed in two stages.

Stage 1 (conceptual proposal) – All applicants shall submit application materials and conceptual proposal according to the requirements stipulated in Competition Notice and Design Brief. A board of experts shall select six finalists based on the experience, size of the design firms and the merits/demerits of the conceptual proposal through review, as the invited firms to attend the schematic design competition in Stage 2. Design firms not invited(but had already registered) may also attend Stage 2 competition voluntarily.

Stage 2 (schematic design) – Invited and voluntary design firms shall submit design deliverables according to the requirements stipulated in competition documents and Design Brief which will be released at the begninning of Stage 2. Invited design firms/consortia other than the top three firms shall be reimbursed for the design cost of RMB350,000 if their submitted schemes meet the requiremnts of the specification. Voluntary participant will not be compensated. Design schemes submitted by both invited and voluntary participants will be treated in the same way during review process. The top three firms shall not be reimbursed for such cost in addition to the prize. Voluntary participant will receive corresponding prize if they are the top three. Top three firms will be given a prize of RMB800,000, RMB600,000 and RMB400,000 respectively, in order of the first place to the third place. Review result will be shown to the public and then submitted to district government meeting to determine the bid winner.

The bid winner will get the design contract, and carry on the works of schematic design, design development and construction documentation and follow-up construction work. The final fee rate will be floated downward in accordance with the National Standards for Constructions (2002 revised version).The comfirm rate will be announced in the second phase of the competition document.

八、报名条件及要求 / Requirements for Sign-up
8.1 本次竞赛面向全球公开接收报名,独立的设计单位以及设计联合体均可报名,但不接受个人报名。
8.1 This competition is open for sign-up globally. Individual design firm and consortium are both acceptable. Individual person is not accepted.
8.2 以设计联合体形式参加竞赛报名的,联合体各方应签订《联合竞赛声明》,连同其他报名文件一并提交主办单位。联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合体参加此次竞赛报名。
8.2 In case of consortium, each party shall sign a Consortium Agreement, and submit the same along with other sign-up documents to organizer. Party to the consortium may not participate in the competition in its own name or as a party to a consortium with other design firms.
8.3 报名文件应包括报名表(见附件)、机构简介、公司营业执照/资质证明(或商业登记证明)复印件(加盖公章或签字)、概念提案等内容。
8.3 Registration documents shall include Registration Form (see exhibit), introduction of the organization, copy of business certificate and qualification certificate (or business registration certificate) (with seal or signature),and conceptual proposal etc.

九、竞赛日程 / Timetable
Jul. 15, 2010:Publication of Competition Notice, Conceptual Design Brief;open for sign-up;
17:00pm,Aug. 31, 2010 - End of sign-up, conceptual proposal submission;
Sep. 02, 2010 - Review of conceptual proposal;
Sep. 10, 2010 - Announcement of invited design firms;
Sep. 13, 2010 - Release of competition documents, Design Brief and technical drawings;
Sep. 20, 2010 - Site visit and Q&A;
17:00pm,Nov. 24, 2010 - End of conceptual design submission;
Nov. 25~26, 2010 - Review of conceptual design;
Nov. 27~ Dec 3, 2010 - Exhibition of short list schemes;
Dec. 15, 2010 - Announcement of winning (tender awarded) design firm.

The abovementioned documents (affix corporate seal on copies and bind documents in A4 size into book) shall be posted to window No.9, 3rd floor, Shenzhen Construction Project Service Center, Sheji Building, 8 Zhenhua Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, and emailed to: competition@ehow.net.cn
(Date of receipt of sign-up documents shall be based on that of postmark and the time of email.)

十、资 料 索 取 / Information Request

Please visit the follow website for information and details related to this international competition.

Host: Shenzhen Nanshan Works Bureau
Contact: Chen Huawei
电话:0755-8624 1725
Tel: 0755-8624 1725

Co-hosts: Shenzhen Nanshan Health Bureau
     Shenzhen Nanshan Hospital

Organizer: Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center
联系人:孟 歆
Contact: Sherry Meng
电话:0755-2667 9787 13715204863
Tel: 0755-2667 9787 13715204863
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