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Announcement on Registration for International Urban Design Competition for Guangzhou Innovation Base for Privately-owned Science & Technology Enterprises

With a view to developing Taihe Sub-Area, Guangzhou Innovation Base for Privately-owned S&T Enterprises from a high starting point and at a high quality and standard, the Urban Design Competition for Guangzhou Innovation Base for Privately-owned S&T Enterprises is hereby held under the principles of "Openness, Equity and Justice", so as to reference the urban design and construction experiences of similar areas at home and abroad. See below for relevant information.

1 项目简介
1. Project Profile
1.1 项目名称:广州民营科技企业创新基地城市设计竞赛项目
1.1 Project name: Urban Design Competition for Guangzhou Innovation Base for Privately-owned S&T Enterprises
1.2 项目编号:PSGZ21002011D21B46
1.2 Project Ref No.: PSGZ21002011D21B46
1.3 规划范围:规划范围东至新广从快速路,北至大沥路及110kv高压走廊,西至流溪河畔南北向规划路,南至白云五线,规划总面积约1631公顷(见附图:规划范围示意图)。
1.3 Planning scope: The planning scope is defined by new Guangzhou-Conghua expressway on the east, Dali Road and 110kv HV corridor on the north, a north-south planned road along the Liuxi River on the west and Baiyun Wuxian on the south, totaling an area of 1,631 ha (See the attached figure: Planning Scope Map)
1.4 本次竞赛业主单位为广州高新技术产业开发区民营科技园管理委员会,承办单位为广州市规划局白云分局,竞赛组织机构为广州采联采购招标代理有限公司(以下简称“竞赛组织机构”)。
1.4 Administration Committee of Privately-owned S&T Park under Guangzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone acts as the Employer of the Competition, with Baiyun Branch of Bureau of Urban Planning of Guangzhou Municipality as the Organizer and Guangzhou Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agent Co., Ltd. as the Organizing Agent (Hereinafter referred to as Organizing Agent)

2 城市设计国际竞赛工作内容:
2 Contents of International Urban Design Competition
This Competition is the first stage of the urban design for Guangzhou Innovation Base for Privately-owned S&T Enterprises, while only the winner of the Competition is eligible to enter the second stage. See Technical Document for specific work contents.

3 竞赛报名的要求
3. Registration for Competition
3.1 报名条件
3.1 Qualifications for Registration
3.1.1 Possess Class A qualification certificate for urban planning and architectural design
3.1.2 Possess a well-established quality assurance system, urban design experience and portfolio for key area in recent 3 years, research experience on modern service industry and airport economic development zone.
3.1.3 设计单位可单独报名,也可以联合体形式报名,联合体形式仅限境内与境外设计单位之间的联合,不接受境内单位之间或境外单位之间的联合。
3.1.2 Design firm can register independently or form a consortium for registration. The consortium established by and between international and local design firms is acceptable, while that by and between mere local design firms or international design firms is not acceptable.
3.2 报名方法,有意参加竞赛的设计单位必须在报名截止时间前将填好的报名文件(签字并加盖公章)传真、送达或邮寄至竞赛组织机构。
3.2 Registration: Interested design firm must fax, deliver or mail the duly filled registration documents (with signature and official stamp) to the Organizing Agent before the registration deadline.
3.3 报名时间为:北京时间2010年1月28日9:00至2010年2月7日17:00(以竞赛组织机构接收书面报名时间为准)。逾期抵达的文件概不受理。
3.3 Registration time: from 9:00 am, Jan. 28, 2010 to 17:00pm, Feb, 7, 2010 (Beijing Time) (The time when the Organizing Agent receives the written registration shall prevail). Delayed documents will not be accepted.
3.4 Registration documents
3.4.1 报名文件以A4纸装订成册,一式一份。所有文件均须真实无误,并提供有效证明。
3.4.1 Registration documents shall be bound into A4 brochure in 1 copy. All the documents should be authentic and correct with valid certificates.
3.4.2 报名以收到报名参赛表格为准,包括报名参赛单位名称及资质说明、报名参赛单位简介、报名参赛单位的相关业绩、设计人员的组成、主要设计人员相关设计业绩、报名书等。
3.4.2 The registration is subject to receipt of registration documents, including company name, qualification description, company profile, project portfolio, design team, main designers and their reference projects, and Letter of Registration.
【Note】 Design firm’s project portfolio information shall include: project name, location, size, design contents, main designers, project status (under construction or completed), project images (design drawings or photos), as well as the employer’s tel number.
3.4.3 法人代表证明、联系人的法人代表授权委托书及身份证复印件。
3.4.3 Legal Representative Certificate, Power of Attorney issued by Legal Representative for contact person and the photocopy of the latter’s ID Card
3.4.4 报名参加本次竞赛的设计负责人及主要设计人员履历和专业资格证明复印件,以及近三年的同类业绩、获奖情况等相关材料。
3.4.4 CVs and photocopies of professional qualification certificates of the design principal and main designers, as well as relevant information like similar projects done in recent three years and awards received thereof.
3.4.5 Consortium should submit a Consortium Agreement jointly signed by all members of the consortium.
3.5 本次竞赛官方语言为中文,为保持参赛境外单位项目组能对地域背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目组中应至少有一名通晓中文的专业人士参加。
3.5 The official language of the Competition is Chinese. To ensure that the design team from international design firm could properly understand the local background and relevant requirements, at least one professional with good knowledge of Chinese language is required in the design team.

4 竞赛活动期限:
4 Competition Period:
The Competition period lasts from Feb. 10, 2010 to Apr. 30, 2010 (Beijing Time; the same below). Briefing and clarification meeting of Technical Document, as well as the site visit are scheduled on Feb. 10,, 2010. Competitors shall accomplish the design works and send the deliverables to the place designated by the Organizer by 15:00pm, Apr. 30, 2010.

5 竞赛方式
5 Competition Organization
5.1 Competition organization: The Competition is an open urban design Competition. The Employer will establish a Prequalification Committee to review the qualifications of all the registered design firms by two phases, and select three design firms (consortium) through registered ballot to participate in the Competition. Each competitor (consortium) is allowed to submit one design proposal only. The design proposal provided by any party not passing the prequalification will be rejected.
5.2 竞赛评选方式及费用支付方法:接受邀请,按竞赛技术文件规定报送设计成果并经评审认定有效的设计文件的参赛单位(或联合体)可获成本补偿费,根据评审小组的评审排名,第一名奖金人民币60万元,第二名奖金45万元,第三名奖金35万元,上述奖金均含税。凡经技术审查委员会审查确定为无效的成果,不获成本补偿费。
5.2 Evaluation and Cost Compensation: Any competitor (or consortium) who accepts the invitation and submits deliverables as required by the Technical Documents, which is determined to be valid by Technical Committee, will receive cost compensation. According to the ranking determined by the Evaluation Committee, a bonus of RMB 600,000 yuan will be paid to competitor winning the 1st place, RMB 450,000 yuan to the 2nd place and RMB 350,000 yuan to the 3rd place (all aforesaid bonuses are tax inclusive). Those who submit invalid deliverables as determined by Technical Committee shall not be compensated.
5.3 后续工作:竞赛优胜方案的参赛单位自动获得方案深化及编制控规调整方案的资格,深化和控规调整费用共80万元人民币(含税费)。
5.3 Subsequent Design Assignments: The competitor submitting winning proposal is automatically awarded with the qualification to detail the design and work out the Regulatory Plan adjustment scheme at a total fee of RMB 800,000 yuan (including tax).

6 本项目的所有相关公告会在白云信息网、广州市规划在线、广州市规划局白云分局网站、广州高新技术产业开发区民营科技园管理委员会网站、ABBS建筑论坛及广州采联采购招标代理有限公司网站上公布,公布之日即视为有效送达,不再另行通知,有关此次竞赛活动事宜,也可按下列地址以书面或电话形式查询。
6 All relevant announcements of this project will be released at Baiyun Information Web (www.by.gov.cn), the Planning on-line (www.upo.gov.cn), website of Baiyun Branch of Bureau of Urban Planning of Guangzhou Municipality (http://guihua.by.gov.cn), website of Administration Committee of Privately-owned S&T Park under Guangzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, ABBS (http://www.abbs.com.cn) and the website of Guangzhou Cailian Procurement & Tendering Agent Co., Ltd. (http://www.chinapsp.cn). The announcements thereof will be deemed as having been effectively delivered as of the date of announcement, hence no further notice would be made. The Competition can be inquired via the following address or telephone number.

7 采购人联系方式:
7 Purchaser’s Contact Details
Purchaser: Administration Committee of Privately-owned S&T Park under Guangzhou Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone
联系人:赖先生      联系电话:020-86590627
Contact person: Mr. Lai  Tel: 020-86590627
Fax: 86598162

8 竞赛组织机构及联系方式:
8 Organizing Agent and Contact Details
竞赛组织机构:广州采联采购招标代理有限公司 地址:广州市环市东路472号粤海大厦23楼
Organizing Agent: Guangzhou Cailian Purchasing &Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.
Address: F23, Yuehai Building, 472, Huan Shi Dong Lu, Guangzhou
联系人:魏小姐       联系电话:020-8766 9573
邮政编码:510075      电邮:KNWAWA@163.com
传真:020-8765 9323     网址:www.chinapsp.cn
Contact person: Ms. Wei   Tel: 020-8766 9573
Postcode: 510075      E-mail: KNWAWA@163.com
Fax: 020-8765 9323     Website: www.chinapsp.cn

the attached figure: Planning Scope Map

Guangzhou Cailian Procurement &Tendering Agent Co., Ltd.
Jan 28, 2010

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