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The Proclaim of International Consultation OnPingshan Central District Conceptual Planning And Global Invitation
For Design Institutes


With a proposed planning area of about 4.3 square kilometers, the Pingshan central district is located in northeast of Shenzhen City. As one of the five future sub-centers of Shenzhen, Pingshan is not only a service center of high-tech industry in eastern Shenzhen, but also an important base to promote the coordinated development of regional industry and a bridgehead of eastern Guangdong area.

为了高标准、高水平地做好中心区的规划,带动整个新区跨越式发展,深圳市规划和国土资源委员会和深圳市坪山新区管理委员会联合组织开展本次深圳市坪山中心区概念规划国际咨询活动。本次国际咨询拟在全球范围公开邀请设计机构,有意向参与本次活动的设计机构,请填写参与回执(详见附件2,附件下载网址: www. szpl.gov.cn)于北京时间2009年12月25日17:00前,以E-mail或传真方式告知我们。

In order to make a high -standard plan of this central area to lead a jumping development for the whole new district, Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee and Shenzhen Pingshan New District Management Committee jointly organize the International Consultation on Pingshan Central District Conceptual Planning. This international competition is open to all design institutes over the world. The design institutes who are interested to participate this competition please fill out the attached Appendix 2 Attendance Response Form (Appendix download URL: www. szpl.gov.cn) and return to us by E-mail or fax before 17:00 on December 25th, 2009 (Beijing time).





This international consultation would be divided into 2 phases.

Phase 1 Working Tour (January to February, 2010)

Phase 2 Planning Consultation (February to May, 2010)

Kindly check detailed information in Appendix1.

Welcome to join us if you are willing to participate in Pingshan central district planning and construction.

Appendix1: Guidance Notes of International Consultation On Pingshan Central District Conceptual Planning

Appendix 2: Attendance Response Form of International Consultation On Pingshan Central District Conceptual Planning


Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee
Shenzhen Pingshan New District Management Committee
英文联系人: 陈洋彬 电 话: +86 755 83160605
手 机:+86 15889664560
中文联系人: 张元海 电 话: +86 755 83173307
手 机:+86 13631600111
传 真:+86 755 83172295
地 址:深圳市红荔西路8009号规划大厦108室
English Contact: Cathy Chen Tel: +86 755 83160605
Mobile: +86 15889664560
Chinese Contact: Zhang Yuanhai Tel: +86 755 83173307
Mobile: +86 13631600111
Fax: +86 755 83172295
E-mail: dqgh@szpl.gov.cn
Address: Room 108, Municipal Planning Building, No. 8009 Hongli West Road, Shenzhen, China.
Post Code: 518034
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