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● 港口、物流、交通规划设计




 专业领域  名额
 城市规划与建筑设计  5名
 产业经济  2名
 旅游规划与景观设计  2名
 港口物流交通专家  2名
 总共  11名

● 基础资料的调查与现状情况的分析研究
● 滨海经济区整体开发战略及发展时序研究
● 总体理念和主要规划思想的阐述
● 滨海经济区产业布局论证
● 分系统专项研究
● 沿海产业基地概念性设计综合说明
● 沿海产业基地产业布局及管理运营模式
● 实施政策与步骤的相关建议,以及相应的技术经济指标

● 滨海经济区区位分析图
● 滨海经济区用地现状图
● 滨海经济区建设用地适宜性分析图
● 营口市域城镇空间结构分析图
● 营口市域综合交通体系分析图
● 滨海经济区空间结构分析图
● 滨海经济区空间布局规划图
● 滨海经济区综合交通规划图
● 滨海经济区产业布局规划图
● 滨海经济区绿地景观系统规划图
● 滨海经济区旅游发展规划图
● 滨海经济区岸线利用规划图
● 沿海产业基地用地布局规划图
● 沿海产业基地道路交通规划图
● 沿海产业基地发展时序规划图
● 沿海产业基地产业布局规划图
● 沿海产业基地绿地景观系统规划图
● 重点地区城市设计图(两湖地区及相应的沿海地带不小于15平方公里)


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手 机: 13904179992
地 址:中国·辽宁·营口市站前区建设大街1#,营口市规划建设委员会
电 话:86-417-2637939
传 真:86-417-2639992
E-mail: ykghy@263.net


附件二:资格预审申请表 点击下载

Strategic Planning Design for Yingkou Coastal Economic Development Zone and Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Industrial Base
International Competition Notice

Yingkou Municipal Government
November 2005

Yingkou, located near Bohai Sea, is the nearest sea entry in the middle city group of Liaoning Province. And it is the second biggest port city and the earliest one open to the outside.

In accordance with the strategy of the revitalization of northeast old industrial bases and the policy of further open-up issued by the State Council, Lioaning Communism Party Committee and Liaoning Provincial Government raise that “the construction of Yingkou Coastal Industrial Base will be an important support to the development and coastal economy and industries”, and “the construction of Yingkou Coastal Industrial Base must be incorporated with the development of Changxing Island in Dalian and Jinzhou Bay in the west of Liaoning in order to promote the overall economic development in the coastal area surrounding Bohai Sea”.

The construction of Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Economic Development Zone is one of the most important projects in Liaoning Province. It will provide a platform for the development of ports and coastal industries and play a very important role in the construction of new town for business and coastal tourism. So it faces a historical opportunity for development.

For the sustainable development of economy, society and environment in Yingkou, it is necessary to integrate the existing sources in the coastal region of Yingkou and make it become a new regional economic growth point. And it is really a must to identify the objective and functions from a macroscopical view and needs to provide scientifically strategic planning to guide and control the construction and development of Liaoning (Yingkou) Economic Development Zone.

In order to collect more distinctive and innovative planning designs analyze and discuss the important problems affecting the future development of Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Economic Development Zone, Yingkou Municipal Government organizes the international competition for the strategic planning of the economic development zone and invites the experienced international and domestic planning design institutes, companies and universities to join the competition. The issues related with the international competition are presented as following:

1. Project Introduction
1.1 Background

Yingkou, the only port city in the middle city group of Liaoning, has coastal, geological, land, environmental, and open-up advantages and it is the pole for the city group in the middle of Liaoning Province. With the implementation of the revitalization of Liaoning old industrial base and the construction of coastal economic zone, Yingkou is facing great challenges and opportunities for further development. In recent two months, the important leaders from Liaoning Communism Party Committee and Liaoning Provincial Government have visited Yingkou for many times and provided important guidance. The key issue for the strategic planning is to find a efficient way to incorporate all the coastal advantageous resources and to identify the development strategy of Yingkou Coastal Economic Zone in new thinking. So at this stage, it is necessary to study the thinking for development, developing model, functions and overall appearance of the coastal zone.

1.2 Introduction for the Planning Area

Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Economic Development Zone, covering Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Industrial Base, is located in the west of Yingkou. It faces Liaodong Bay to the west and connects Changda (Changchun to Dalian) Railway to the east; the coastal zone neighbors Liaohe sea entry to the north and Fuduhe sea entry to the south. It covers the built-up area of Yingkou, Bayuquan new town, Dashiqian area, Gaizhou area, and 14 towns with the total planning area of 1600km2 including 96 km coastal line.

The coastal economic zone has good regional and transportation advantages. Many motorways, roads and railways, such as Shenda (Shenyang-Dalian) Motorway, Panhaiying (Panjin-Haicheng-Yingkpou) Motorway, Heida Road (No.202 State-level road), Zhuanglin Road (No.305 State-level road), Shenying (Shenyang-Yingkou) Road, and Changda (Changchun-Dalian) Raiway, connect the coastal zone. The biggest port in the middle city group of Liaoning is located inside the coastal zone. The coastal economic zone is located between Shenyang Taoxian International Airport and Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport. It only takes two hours’ drive to each of the airports. A transportation network integrating railway, aviation, shipping, and road has been formed. And also there are many fundamental conditions for the development of port and logistics industries.

As the most important part of the coastal economic zone and the key point of the planning design competition, Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Industrial Base is located in the middle of Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Economic Development Zone. It neighbors the old built-up area of Yingkou. is near the port and against the city. The total area of the industrial base is 120km2 with 20km coastal line. In the Base, the land reserve is very rich, most of which are state-owned salt farms with low production. It is one of the regions with highest strategic value in Liaoning. It will be the internationally economic and technical communication platform. It is the important support for Bohai Economic Circle and will become an internationally competitive coastal industrial base and modernized coastal town.

The urban master planning for Yingkou (2005-2020) has been completed. It is in review and approval now. The environmental impact assessment report for the master planning has been approved by Lioaning Provincial Government.

1.3 Planning Objective

There are five objectives for this competition:

(1)Identify the orientation and target for the development of the coastal economic zone:
From global and regional views, it is going to study the developing conditions, analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by the coastal zone, excavate the local potential of the coastal zone, and identify its developing orientation, targets and ways.

(2)Raise the social and economic development strategy for the coastal economic zone:
Based on the identification of developing orientation and target, it is going to deeply study the industrial development environment, conditions, and main problems and raise rational development direction and strategy to promote the attractiveness and competitiveness for regional economy.

(3)Prepare the development strategy for the coastal economic development zone:

Firstly, it is going to analyze the focus and the difficulties for the space arrangement, identify the overall thinking of the space development, and raise the planning for the whole space structure and transportation system; secondly, based on the overall space structure, it is going to identify the functional sub-area and the development direction of the sub-areas, and prepare the plannings for land use, transportation, ecological environment and greening to determine the appropriate development and construction scale and timing arrangement; thirdly, aiming at the key points in the development of the Zone, it is going to perform some specific study and research including the evaluation and utilization of coastal lines, the distribution of ports and industries, and tourism planning; fourthly, it is going to illustrate and justify the interaction among the sub-areas.

(4)Overall appearance design for the Zone and landscaping design for important sub-areas:

Considering the international experience, it is going to provide overall description for the coastal economic zone and city appearance and raise the designing conception for the some important sub-areas, such as the coastal industrial base, Beihai area, and Xianren Island area.

(5)Define the distribution of the industries and the management model of the coastal industrial base:

The planning for the coastal industrial base is the key task in the planning design competition. On the basis of the overall arrangement, it is going to provide solutions and operational planning for the functional orientation, industrial distribution and management model for the Base.

2. Timing Requirements
Enrollment time is from 16th November 2005 to 25th November 2005. The related issues in detail could be consulted on the following websites: www.yingkou.net.cn, which is the website of Yingkou Municipal Government. The detailed time table will be provided to the design institutes, companies and universities, who join the competition formally, on the press conference of the competition organized in the late November.

3. Enrollment Arrangement and Qualification Requirements

3.1 Enrollment Arrangement

To the design institutes, companies and universities, who are willing to accept this invitation, please response to us by quick mail (such as EMS), fax or e-mail before 23rd November 2005. The response time will be the receiving time (Beijing Time) of the fax and e-mail, or the time shown on the postmark of the quick mail. The response must include the following items:

(1) The confirmation letter for accepting the invitation (when conflicts occur, the Chinese version will be adopted.)
(2) The completely filled pre-qualification application table (when conflicts occur, the Chinese version will be adopted.)
(3) Related design products and the introduction of the agency
(4) The introduction and related information of the chief specialist (project manager)

After the stop of the enrollment, Yingkou Municipal Government will organize a special qualification evaluation committee to pre-review the enrolled design agencies. Then the Government will select six agencies to join the competition formally and provide formal invitation letter to them. The agencies, which fail to be selected, will not be informed additionally.

3.2 Qualification Requirements

(1) The attending agencies must be well-known international and domestic planning design institutes, companies and universities.
(2) Tow or more than two agencies are allowed to attend the competition jointly.
(3) The main attending agency must be experienced in the following fields:
· Strategic planning and industrial planning
· Planning for coastal town and city design
· Planning, development, study and research for coastal tourism
· Planning and design for port, logistics, and transportation

3.3 Other Issues

If the attending agency wants to cooperate with other agencies, the cooperator must provide completely filled pre-qualification application table, the relative design products and the introduction for itself. The main attending agency must be pointed out in the confirmation letter. Considering the uniform arrangement, we will only contact the main attending agency in the process of competition.

For all the agencies, if you want to know more about this activity and then can decide whether to join the competition or not, please contact us timely. As soon as you provide the confirmation letter, we will understand that you are going to join the competition. But if you fail to join the competition when you are identified as one of the formal competitors, please inform us in three days when you receive the formal invitation letter.

4. Encouragement
All of the design agencies, which are invited to join the competition formally, will receive 60,000 USD as preparation cost. There will be one Championship with the prize of 90,000 USD and two Second-class winners each one with the prize of 50,000 USD in the competition. The preparation cost and prizes are the amounts pre-taxed. The taxes will be paid by the design agency itself.

5. Owner, Organizer and Evaluation Committee
5.1 Owners and Organizer

Owner: Yingkou Municipal Government
Organizer: The Leading Group for the International Competition of Strategic Planning Design for Yingkou Coastal Economic Development Zone and Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Industrial Base (the Planning Competition Leading Group)

5.2 The Members of Evaluation Committee

The evaluation committee for the formal competition will be formed by the specialists with international background in the various fields of planning. In order to ensure the impartiality and justness, the owner and organizer will not affect any member of the evaluation committee in the process of evaluation. The names of the committee members will not be publicized before the completion of the competition.

Table:Structure of the evaluation committee
 Professional Specialists  Number
 Specialists for urban planning and architecture design  5
 Specialists for industrial economy  2
 Specialists for tourism planning and landscaping design  2
 Specialists for port, logistics and transportation  2
 Total  11

6.Requirements for the Product
The product documents should include three parts:

6.1 Planning Description
· The survey of basic information and analysis of the existing situation
· Overall development strategy and timing arrangement study for the coastal economic development zone
· Illustration of general idea and thinking for the planning
· Justification for the industrial distribution of the coastal economic development zone
· Specific studies for each sub-system
· Integrated description of the concept design for the coastal industrial base
· Industrial distribution and management model for the coastal industrial base
· Recommendations for the implementation steps and policies, and relative economic indicators

6.2 Planning Drawings

· The Drawing for the geological location analysis of the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for existing land use in the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for land use analysis in the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing of space structure analysis for Yingkou city and township
· The drawing for the integrated urban transportation system of Yingkou
· The drawing for space structure analysis of the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for the space arrangement planning for the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for the integrated transportation planning of the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for greening and landscaping system planning of the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for tourism planning of the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for coastline utilization planning of the coastal economic development zone
· The drawing for land use planning of the coastal industrial base
· The drawing for road and transportation planning of the coastal industrial base
· The drawing for timing arrangement of the development of the coastal industrial base
· The drawing for the distribution of industries in the coastal industrial base
· The drawing for greening and landscaping system planning of the coastal industrial base
· The design drawing for the important urban areas (the area of the region near the two lakes and the coastal area should not be less than 15 km2.)

6.3 Video and Effect Expression

· Display board for strategic planning
· Space image video
· Bird’s-eye drawing for the design of important areas
· Design model for important areas

6.4Other Issues

· The attending agencies can add other planning items based on the above contents in accordance with your own needs and thinking.
· The description part and explanation for drawings must be in both English and Chinese (when conflicts occur, the Chinese version will be adopted). The international metric system for measurement will be adopted.
· The structure of study report could be decided by the design agency itself. And the required contents could be crossed and expanded.

If there are some changes occurred in the above items, please follow the design specification and rules of the competition.

7. Contacting Information
Contact person: Mr. Jiang Donghou
Mobile: 13904179992
Add: No.1 Jianshe Street Zhanqian District, Yingkou, Liaoning, P.R.China
Yingkou Municipal Planning and Construction Commission
Postcode: 115000
Tel: 86-417-2637939
Fax: 86-417-2639992
E-mail: ykghy@263.net

8. Appendix
Appendix One: Format of Confirmation Letter

To: Yingkou Municipal Government

It is confirmed that our agency proposes to actively response to the international competition organized by Yingkou and is willing to join the plan collection for the International Competition of Strategic Planning Design for Yingkou Coastal Economic Development Zone and Liaoning (Yingkou) Coastal Industrial Base. If our agency could be selected, we will provide our best service based on the requirements. And we ensure that the main planning designers listed in the Pre-qualification Application Table will join the press conference of the plan collection, site survey, planning design, and plan reporting at the appointed place on time. Our selected chief planner (the project manager) will lead the whole planning process.

Appendix Tow: Pre-Qualification Application Form Click here
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