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□ 本文发布于
2009-07-30 14:40:55

□ 阅读次数:15011
1、A+C:One question is related to historical residence, historical residence houses, the house in old dynasties of China, the condition is not good, those houses are regarded as monuments, also they are used in daily life, still be houses to be used. How can you make some connections, one hand to preserve them, one hand can be modernized and be comfortably used in daily life. Can or not?


Christian Renfer: I think we have all possibilities to obey on the structure to be convenient. When you know the structure of the house, residence houses of a public being, you make real underline. I think you will find any solutions to do what is necessary to help you to make some lobby, kitchen, offices. Office conforms to their need, the most important, the structure, what was the idea of (technique) vision to being so and so. In our country, we have to find solutions, because all these buildings are so ancient houses. We compare just as I know today ecological particular, the need is clear for arrange a basic scale, for the house we strike, need a square enter the mouth. It is just not possible to preserve a public house in the series, so they disguise 3 thousand or 2 thousand, just a square in the mouth. You have to find a solution to use it, and abiding with more than one or two points. You have many inventions in the house, so solution is not to leave it but to find the best solution, to take the most section from the structure of the house.

Christian Renfer:我们要尽一切可能去遵循建筑原有的结构,保持建筑原来的构架以方便后续工作的展开。当你了解房屋以及民居建筑形态的结构时,就已经掌握了要点。我相信会找到相应的解决方法,采取必要的措施营建一些休息室、厨房、办公区等。办公室要因需而设,最重要的是结构,它是视觉的引导思想(技艺的灵魂所在),决定了该怎样安置。

A+C:What’s your idea of good house? Because they are in this issue, what is good house, the definition of good house like fully kept house, ornamented houses, can you say something generally?

Christian Renfer: material, good being, good construction, be typical. Good or bad, objectively naturally.

A+C: How to make longer of the house, objectively good quality house?
A+C: 如何延长这些好房子的生命周期?

Christian Renfer: That’s difficult. Because I think to make better quality, to make some addition, I mean in material, to reform the construction, to do convenience, the classical use are interrelated. Then you have to find some convenience, the need in present or future time. But if this house is a monument, have to take some actions. You are a good architect, a good designer to find the solution to make high quality of the house. But not to destroy the historical house, now constitute another part, objectively to transform, to add to the ancient house and make their life longer obeying objective principle.


Christian Renfer 瑞士苏黎世州文物保护局前局长、瑞士联邦政府文物保护专家

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